All Chapters of Marked by Moonlight: A Rejected Mate's Redemption: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
191 Chapters
Lucius and Rey exchanged a concerned look, their minds racing to comprehend the implications of the Alpha King's words. The corruption spreading in the realm was a grave threat, and the emergence of the Lycans only heightened the urgency of the situation."What do we know about this corruption, Your Majesty?" Lucius asked, his voice filled with determination. "And how do the Lycans fit into the equation?"The Alpha King sighed heavily, weariness evident in his eyes. "The corruption appears to be emanating from a dark force, an ancient magic that feeds on chaos and despair. It's infecting both humans and supernatural beings, spreading like a plague. As for the Lycans, they are being manipulated by this force, their instincts distorted and turned into a destructive force."Rey's brows furrowed as she processed the information. "We need to find the source of this corruption and put an end to it. We can't allow innocent lives to suffer."Rey and Lucius quickly exchanged glances, they knew
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Leina, Asher, and Luna stood outside the gates of the abandoned Blackthorn estate, their breath visible in the chilly air. They had been summoned by Lucius, who believed that exploring the estate might yield crucial information about the Lycans and their connection to the corruption.As they cautiously entered the overgrown grounds, the atmosphere seemed to thicken with an eerie stillness. Shadows danced through the decaying hallways as they made their way deeper into the estate, their footsteps echoing in the silence.Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness, causing the trio to tense in anticipation. It was Hyperion, the enigmatic Lycan they had encountered before. He stood before them, his piercing eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity. Leina, ever vigilant, spoke up. "Hyperion, we meet again. What brings you here?"Hyperion's voice was low and measured. "You have stumbled upon something much greater than you can fathom. You are vital to the plan, and I have been instruct
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"What just happened?", Leina asked as she looked at Luna and Asher."I think you just got yourself a new admirer", Luna replied."Nooo... that's ridiculous ", Asher replied obviously trying to hide her shyness. "Sounds about right ", Asher said as he looked at Luna. In that moment, Leina noticed the way that the two looked at each other but she decided keep quiet about it."Well what do we do about these texts?", Leina asked as she tried to gather the attention of her comrades. Leina's question hung in the air, momentarily diverting their thoughts from the subtle undercurrents between Asher and Luna. They refocused their attention on the texts laid out before them, recognizing the significance of their findings.Luna leaned closer, her eyes scanning the ancient script. "According to this text, the Blackthorn family has a deep connection to the Black Beast. It says here that they are descendants of the very creature we seek to understand."Asher's gaze narrowed, his voice tinged with
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Hyperion's voice was laced with a hint of satisfaction. "the plan is proceeding as intended. The trio of Leina, Asher, and Luna has stumbled upon the ancient texts, unearthing fragments of the truth we carefully planted. They are on the path we want them to tread."Deucalion's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Excellent. The pieces are falling into place. Soon the great beast will walk amongst us again"A low growl rumbled through the gathered Lycans, their eyes blazing with a mix of anticipation and bloodlust. They were united in their desire to see their Alpha return."It has been ages easing up this", Baratheon said as the others nodded in agreement.Hyperion stepped forward, his voice filled with conviction. "But we must proceed with caution, Deucalion. Leina, Asher, and Luna are not to be underestimated, the Crimson pack can not be underestimated. They possess a determination and resilience that can pose a threat to our plans. Also, Lucius may not yet be a Lycan but he matched
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"I am almost scared of what answers might await us", Rey said to Luna as she tested on her."We still need to try", Luna insisted as she begun to pat and stroke Rey's hair. She partly felt the same way that Rey felt and she knew that the answers to the questions they were asking were going to uncover a history of pain. "Do you know what Damnatio Memoriae is?", Luna asked Rey."I have heard of it; it is some sort of punishment where offenders are forgotten and any trace of them is totally abandoned and erased", Rey replied while trying to recollect any detail she may have missed out."It is more like a ritual. A binding vow, it even erases memories", Luna replied.Rey looked at Luna as she sat up, she was obviously trying to understand Luna's point. Luna returned her gaze and sighed."It is almost like someone did it to the events and people that were involved in this story. Someone really didn't want anyone digging into the past", Luna said."That might be true", Rey said. " We may b
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The Elder Seeker's words hung in the air, sending a shiver down the spines of Lucius and his pack. It was clear that the Seekers would not easily divulge their knowledge to just anyone. They demanded a test, a challenge that would prove the worthiness of those seeking their wisdom.Lucius, impulsively stepped forward, he wasted no time to deliberate. "We accept your challenge," he declared, his voice steady. "We will do whatever it takes, we have come this far and we won't back down now, we can't back down now. I have no plans of letting anyone in my pack get hurt or die"The Elder Seeker studied Lucius, his eyes glanced around Lucius as if his gaze pierced into Lucius. "Very well," he said, his voice carrying a mixture of wonder and anticipation. "There is a sacred artifact, lost to time, hidden deep within the Forbidden Catacombs. It is said to hold the key to unlocking the darkest secrets of our realm."The Betas exchanged wary glances, aware of the treacherous reputation of the Fo
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The being, realizing that Rey had recognized its true nature, chuckled softly. "Indeed, I am the artifact you seek," it admitted, its voice resonating within the chamber. "I am known as Astorion, the Keeper of Wisdom and Guardian of the Eternal Light."Lucius and Rey exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued by Astorion's revelation. They had anticipated encountering challenges and adversaries within the catacombs, but they never expected to encounter a sentient artifact that held the knowledge they sought."We have come seeking the wisdom and knowledge that lies within you, Astorion," Lucius spoke, his voice filled with a mix of reverence and determination. "We aim to bring light to the darkness that plagues our realm and restore balance. We are willing to prove ourselves worthy of your guidance."Astorion's ethereal form glowed brighter, seemingly acknowledging Lucius's words. "The path you have chosen is fraught with peril," it warned. "The challenges you will face are not only phy
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Rey nodded, her eyes reflecting her unwavering support. "Of course, Lucius. We will face this together, just as we always have," she affirmed, her voice filled with determination.Astorion sensed their resolve and nodded in approval. "Very well, prepare yourselves," it said, its ethereal form pulsating with energy. "Close your eyes, clear your minds, and let the memories of your past selves wash over you."As Lucius and Rey followed Astorion's instructions, a wave of vivid images and emotions began to flood their consciousness. They felt the sensation of fur against their skin, the rush of the wind as they sprinted through moonlit forests, and the raw power surging through their veins.The memories revealed a tale of two souls destined to bring balance to their realm but bound by a tragic flaw. Lucian, a valiant and noble Lycan, and his beta, a Moon Alpha named Elara, had joined forces in their quest to vanquish the black beast that threatened their land. However, their true bond had
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Asher and Luna waited outside the Catacombs for Lucius and Rey. It was well past midnight and the pair has yet to re emerge. Asher could see that Luna was getting worried and he begun trying to calm her down, "They'll be back. They've probably just ran into something that caught their attention.""But it's been hours." Luna said. "If I wasn't a Catalyst I'd go looking for them, they could have gotten hurt or worse!""I'm sure Lucius is fine. He's had his fair share of adventures back in the day. I'm sure Rey will have a good reason for taking so long.", replied Asher. "Besides, their medals are still glowing which means that they are fine ""True", Luna sighed. She felt a sense of relief flood her. "Thanks Asher""Come here", Asher said as he pulled Luna to himself. They both smiled briefly and remained mute for a moment, Luna suddenly looked at Asher and they begun to kiss.Luna quickly placed her hands inside Asher's Trousers as his hardness intensified.Asher groaned as Luna's war
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Rey and Lucius looked at each other as they tried to make sense of all they had discovered. It made little sense to Rey; Past Lives, prophecies and mages of dark magic. It all sounded like a dream to Rey, one that she really wanted to wake up from. She had not signed up for any of this and she felt overwhelmed. But she somehow felt that she was where she needed to be."What if I can't do this", Rey asked.Lucius turned to her as he very quickly sensed her self doubt. He walked up to her and smiled. "I am sure that you can, you are strong and powerful and you have me""I know, but sometimes all this feels so weird like I am in a dream", Rey replied with a sigh."You have to hang in there for me, for Luna and for all who have no choice", Lucius said as he reassured her."Okay", Rey said as she nodded. Lucius always has a strong influence on her and it was proving to be important.Rey couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more, something deeper connecting her to this journe
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