Semua Bab The vanished family a memory of murder : Bab 121 - Bab 130
167 Bab
Chapter 120
Vihaan enters Kinza's room with a gentle knock on the door. Kinza is resting on the bed, her face pale and weary. She manages a faint smile as she sees her son enter.VIHAAN(softly)Hey, Mom. How are you feeling?KINZA(weakly)I'm feeling better now, Vihaan. Don't worry about me too much.Vihaan walks over to his mother's bedside and takes a seat next to her, concern evident in his eyes.VIHAAN(tearfully)I can't help but worry, Mom. You mean the world to me, and I hate to see you like this.KINZA(reaching out to touch his hand)I know, my dear. But the doctor said it was just a minor attack, and I'm going to be fine. You've always been such a caring son, and I'm grateful for that.VIHAAN(voice cracking)I love you so much, Mom. I don't know what I'd do without you.KINZA(smiling)And I love you too, Vihaan. You're the reason my heart is so full.They share a tender moment, their love and bond as mother and son shining through. Kinza reaches out and strokes Vihaan's cheek, her t
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Chapter 121
Vihaan drives his car through the dark and deserted streets, unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows. Suddenly, a group of masked goons appears out of nowhere, surrounding his car, and forces him to stop.GOON 1(raising a weapon)Get out of the car, now!VIHAAN(staying calm)Alright, alright. No need to get violent.Vihaan steps out of the car, his senses on high alert. He knows he needs to defend himself and protect his family.GOON 2(smirking)You're in the wrong place at the wrong time, buddy.GOON 3(laughing)Yeah, we're going to have some fun with you.Vihaan remains composed, sizing up the situation and calculating his moves. As the goons approach him, he springs into action, using his martial arts skills to take them down with precision and speed.His fists fly, and his legs deliver powerful kicks, incapacitating the goons one by one. Despite being outnumbered, Vihaan's determination and skill give him the upper hand.GOON 1(grunting in pain)This guy is tough!GOON 2
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Chapter 122
The night grows darker, and Kinza's worry increases as her daughter Khushi hasn't returned home yet. She anxiously paces back and forth in the living room, while Sukoon stands beside her, trying to comfort her.KINZA(concerned)Sukoon, it's getting late, and Khushi still isn't home. I'm really worried about her.SUKOON(caringly)I understand, mom. Let me go out and see if I can find her. Maybe she lost track of time or got caught up with something.Kinza nods, grateful for Sukoon's support, and watches as Sukoon heads towards the door.KINZA(teary-eyed)Please, Sukoon, find her and make sure she's safe.SUKOON(assuringly)I will, mom. Don't worry. I'll do everything I can to find her and bring her back safely.With a determined expression, Sukoon steps out into the night, determined to find Khushi and ease Kinza's worries.IN THE STREETSSukoon walks through the quiet streets, her heart pounding with concern for Khushi. She calls khushi again and again but it was switch off SUKOO
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Chapter 123
Sukoon wakes up feeling unwell. She rubs her forehead, her face slightly pale, and her body aching. She glances at the clock and realizes it's time for her to get up. However, she tries to push through, not wanting to worry Vihaan.Sukoon slowly gets out of bed, but her steps are hesitant as she moves towards the bathroom. She splashes some water on her face, hoping it will make her feel better. She takes a deep breath and tries to summon her energy.IN KITCHEN Sukoon is in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for Vihaan and herself. She tries to act as if everything is normal, but the exhaustion is evident on her face. She coughs softly, attempting to hide it.VIHAAN(walking in, concerned)Good morning, Sukoon. How are you feeling?Sukoon smiles weakly, not wanting to reveal her discomfort.SUKOON(softly)I'm fine, Vihaan. Just a little tired, that's all.Vihaan narrows his eyes, not entirely convinced by Sukoon's response. He approaches her and places a hand on her forehead.VIHAAN(
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Chapter 124
Vihaan and Sukoon sit side by side on their bed, the room illuminated by a soft, warm glow. An air of intimacy surrounds them as they prepare for an important conversation.Sukoon takes a deep breath, her eyes fixed on Vihaan's face. She searches his eyes for reassurance before she speaks.SUKOON(sincerely)Vihaan, there's something I need to talk to you about. But before I do, I want you to promise me that you'll listen without getting angry.Vihaan raises an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.VIHAAN(raising an eyebrow)Well, that's an interesting request. Alright, I promise I'll listen before deciding whether anger is warranted.Sukoon nods, appreciating his willingness to hear her out.SUKOON(grateful)Thank you. It's just that... I've been carrying something on my mind, something that I haven't shared with you.Vihaan's expression shifts to one of concern, and he places a reassuring hand on Sukoon's shoulder.VIHAAN(softly)Sukoon, you know you can talk to me about anything. What'
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Chapter 125
IN LIVING ROOM Khushi sits nervously on the couch, her family members gathered around her. She takes a deep breath, her hands fidgeting in her lap, as she begins to recount the story of her relationship with Sameer.KHUSHI(voice trembling)I met Sameer a while ago... and we became close. We fell in love.Armaan's stern expression softens as he listens to his daughter's words. Kinza and Vihaan exchange a knowing look, and Sukoon's eyes convey empathy and understanding.ARMAAN(softly)Khushi...Tears well up in Khushi's eyes as she continues to share her feelings and experiences with Sameer. She talks about the moments they shared, the conversations, and the depth of their connection.KHUSHI(teary-eyed)He makes me happy, Dad. He cares about me like no one else ever has.Armaan's heart softens further, and he stands up from his seat. He walks over to Khushi and envelops her in a warm, reassuring hug.ARMAAN(whispering)We're here for you, Khushi. Your happiness matters to us.Khush
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Chapter 126
Vihaan and Sukoon share a lingering gaze they were making love to each other, Armaan stands outside the room, a knowing smile playing on his lips.ARMAAN(from outside)Vihaan, are you ready? We should head to the office soon.Startled, Vihaan and Sukoon quickly break their gaze and exchange sheepish smiles.VIHAAN(raising an eyebrow)Uh, yes, Dad.l'll be there in a few minutes.Sukoon giggles softly, playfully nudging Vihaan as they both share a private moment of shared embarrassment.Armaan chuckles from outside the door, his tone fond and understanding.ARMAAN(lighthearted)Take your time, you two. We have a bit of a delay at the office as well.Vihaan and Sukoon share a relieved glance before Armaan's footsteps recede down the hallway.VIHAAN(grinning)Looks like we have a little more time before heading to the office.Sukoon smirks playfully and steps closer to Vihaan.SUKOON(teasing)Oh, I see. Is that why you were giving me that look just now?Vihaan wraps his arms around S
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Chapter 127
Sukoon's eyes flutter open, her vision adjusting to the soft, sterile light of the hospital room. Memories of the accident rush back, and her heart races. She quickly sits up in bed, her breath ragged, and scans her surroundings.SUKOON(frantically)Vihaan! Where's Vihaan?A NURSE enters the room, her expression gentle but concerned.NURSE(calmly)Please, ma'am, you need to lie back down and rest. Your husband is okay, but he's currently under observation.Sukoon's eyes well up with tears, a mix of relief and lingering fear.SUKOON(teary-eyed)I need to see him. I need to make sure he's really okay.The Nurse approaches and gently guides Sukoon back onto the bed, adjusting the pillows for her comfort.NURSE(sympathetic)I understand your concern, but it's important for both of you to rest right now. Your husband is in good hands, and we'll let you know as soon as you can visit him.Sukoon's grip on the bedsheet tightens as she fights to keep her emotions in check. The Nurse places
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Chapter 128
Vihaan lies in the hospital bed, his brow furrowed in confusion. "mom" he whispered weakly, "how did this accident happen? I can't seem to remember anything."Kinza gently approached his bedside, concern etched on her face. She took a deep breath before softly replying, "Vihaan, you were in a car accident. It happened suddenly, and you were injured. The doctors are taking care of you now."Vihaan's eyes widened slightly, his memory struggling to piece together the fragments of the event. "A car accident? I... I can't recall anything about it. Was anyone else hurt?"Kinza nodded solemnly, "You were the only one injured, Vihaan. We're all here for you, and we're hoping for a speedy recovery."Vihaan sighed, his gaze distant as he tried to grasp the reality of the situation. "I see. Thank you for letting me know, mom. It's just so strange not remembering anything."Kinza reached out and gently squeezed his hand, offering him a reassuring smile. "Take your time, Vihaan. Your memory might
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Chapter 129
IN HOSPITAL ROOM - MORNINGVihaan's voice quivers with a mix of disbelief and frustration as he struggles to come to terms with the reality of his situation.VIHAAN:(murmuring to himself)I slept for a whole year... My time... wasted.His gaze shifts to the room's ceiling, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions.VIHAAN'S THOUGHTS:(irritated)A year has gone by... and what have I accomplished? What have I missed?Vihaan clenches his fists in a mixture of anger and helplessness. He feels a sense of loss for the time he can't reclaim, the moments he can't revisit.VIHAAN'S THOUGHTS:(resigned)All that time... just... gone.He exhales heavily, his mind racing as he contemplates the implications of this lost year. Vihaan knows he needs answers, but he also understands that his recovery and well-being should take precedence.Just then, the door to his room opens, and Kinza enters with a soft smile. She senses the turmoil in Vihaan's expression and approaches him with empathy.KINZA:(sitti
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