All Chapters of The vanished family a memory of murder : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
167 Chapters
chapter 130
Vihaan sat quietly in the back seat of the car, his gaze drifting out of the window as his parents, Kinza and Armaan, occupied the front seats. The cityscape passed by in a blur, the familiar streets leading them toward their home."Vihaan," Kinza said softly, her voice filled with warmth, "we're so glad you're finally out of the hospital. It's been a tough year, but now we're all together again."Armaan glanced at his son through the rearview mirror, a proud smile on his face. "You've shown incredible strength, son. We're here for you, always."Vihaan managed a faint smile, his thoughts still lingering on the events of the past year. "Yeah, everything's different now. It's strange how much can change in just one year."As they pulled into the driveway of their home, Vihaan's heart raced with a mix of emotions. The house stood just as he remembered, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was entering a new chapter of his life.Entering the house, Vihaan took a deep breath, the scen
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chapter 131
IN BEDROOM - NIGHTThe room is dimly lit by a soft, warm glow from the bedside lamp. KINZA with concern, sits on the bed, her back against the headboard. ARMAAN, sits beside her, his arm gently wrapped around her shoulders. There's a sense of quiet comfort between them.KINZA (teary-eyed) Armaan, what's happening to our family? It feels like everything is slipping away from us. Our daughter-in-law, Sukoon, she's not with us anymore. And our son... he doesn't even remember us.Armaan looks at Kinza with tender understanding, his eyes reflecting her pain.ARMAAN (squeezing Kinza's hand) I know, Kinza. It's been so tough for all of us. But we're a strong family, and we'll get through this together.Kinza lets out a heavy sigh, her tears flowing freely now. Armaan gently wipes them away with his thumb.KINZA (choked up) Sukoon was like a daughter to me, Armaan. And now she's gone... and our son... he's like a stranger. Will things ever be the same again?Armaan pulls Kinza closer, wrappin
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Chapter 132
The breakfast table is set, and Vihaan walks downstairs, freshly showered and with a sense of curiosity. He finds his family gathered around the table, engaged in conversation.VIHAAN:(smiling)Good morning, everyone!Kinza, Armaan, and Khushi turn their attention to Vihaan. Kinza beams at him, her eyes filled with motherly affection. Armaan nods with a small smile, and Khushi's face lights up with joy at the sight of her brother.KHUSHI:(excitedly)Vihaan bhai, you're up early today!VIHAAN:(chuckles)Well, I suppose I've had a lot of rest lately.Armaan gestures for Vihaan to take a seat, and Vihaan joins them at the table. The atmosphere is warm and familial.KINZA:We're so glad to see you up and about, Vihaan.VIHAAN:Thank you, Mom. It's good to be home.Khushi serves Vihaan his breakfast, and they engage in light-hearted banter. Vihaan's presence brings a sense of normalcy and comfort to the room, a stark contrast to the recent challenges they've faced.As they share a meal
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Chapter 133
The grand foyer of the Khan Mansion is adorned with exquisite chandeliers that cast a warm, golden glow across the marble floors. A sense of opulence and history fills the air. VIHAAN, stands near the entrance, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a mixture of awe and curiosity.SUKOON, enters the mansion with an air of quiet grace. Her presence seems to shimmer, capturing the light in a way that's almost otherworldly. She wears a flowing dress that seems to dance with every step she takes.Vihaan's gaze is drawn to Sukoon as if by an invisible force. He watches her every move, his heart starting to race as if he's experiencing something he can't quite explain. A STRANGE SENSATION washes over him, a mixture of fascination and intrigue that he's never felt before.Sukoon looks up, her eyes meeting Vihaan's. Time seems to slow down as they lock eyes. It's as if the world around them fades into the background, leaving only the two of them in a mesmerizing connection.SUKOON (smirking
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Chapter 134
The guest room is softly illuminated by a bedside lamp, casting a gentle glow on Sukoon as she lies down on the bed. Her thoughts are consumed by Vihaan, his presence and the interactions of the evening lingering in her mind.SUKOON:(whispering to herself)Could it be? Is there a possibility that he's starting to feel something for me too?Sukoon's fingers trace the edges of her pillow as she replays the moments shared with Vihaan in her thoughts.SUKOON:(continuing)He looked at me differently tonight, didn't he? The way his eyes held mine, the way he engaged in conversation...A faint smile tugs at the corners of Sukoon's lips, a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.SUKOON:(murmuring)Maybe, just maybe, there's something more here. Maybe he's starting to see me as more than just a guest, more than just a friend.She turns onto her side, her gaze fixed on a distant point in the room as her mind races with possibilities.SUKOON:(softly)But I shouldn't get ahead of myself. It's still earl
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Chapter 135
The living room is dimly lit, casting a soft glow over the furniture. Sukoon is sitting on the couch, her fingers nervously tapping on her phone as she anxiously glances at the clock on the wall. The door creaks open, and Vihaan enters, his steps heavy and tired.Sukoon looks up, her expression a mix of relief and concern. Vihaan's eyes meet hers, and a moment of awkward silence hangs in the air.SUKOON: (forcing a smile) Welcome back. How was your day?VIHAAN: (rubbing his temples) Long and tiring. The office work seems never-ending.Sukoon's smile wavers slightly, but she nods understandingly.SUKOON: Well, dinner is ready. Let's eat.They both move to the dining table, and Sukoon serves the food. They eat in silence, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken words.After dinner, Sukoon starts clearing the table, but Vihaan's phone buzzes, distracting him. He picks it up and reads a message.VIHAAN: (sighs) I need to reply to this. It's an important work matter.Sukoon's shoulders slump sl
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Chapter 136
Vihaan stirs in his sleep, his mind transitioning from the dream world to reality. As he opens his eyes, he finds himself in the room, surrounded by the sleeping forms of his family members. His gaze falls on Sukoon, who is peacefully resting beside his mother, Kinza.Vihaan's heart races as he watches Sukoon sleep. He can't deny the strong pull he feels towards her, a connection that seems to defy his lost memories and logical understanding. He watches her serene face, her gentle breathing, and a wave of emotions washes over him.VIHAAN: (whispering to himself) Why do I feel this way? It's like I've known you for so long, yet I can't place it. Why am I drawn to you?He continues to observe her, his thoughts tangled in a web of confusion. Despite his internal struggle, he can't deny the growing attraction he feels, an unexplainable bond that seems to transcend time and circumstance.As the first rays of morning light filter through the window, Vihaan's gaze remains fixed on Sukoon. He
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Chapter 137
The garden is tranquil, with dew-kissed flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. Sukoon walks along the garden path, lost in her thoughts, when suddenly Vihaan appears before her, a small smile playing on his lips.SUKOON: (surprised) You're up too?VIHAAN: (nodding) Couldn't sleep much. Thought a walk might help clear my mind.They share a quiet moment, the early morning serenity wrapping around them like a comforting embrace.SUKOON: (curious) Is something bothering you, Vihaan?VIHAAN: (sighs) I don't know, Sukoon. There's just... something. I can't put my finger on it. It's like there's a puzzle piece missing in my mind.SUKOON: (softly) Memories can be like that sometimes. They come and go, but we can't force them.VIHAAN: (reflective) You're right. It's just frustrating, feeling like there's a part of me I can't access.Sukoon places a reassuring hand on Vihaan's arm.SUKOON: (gentle) It's okay, Vihaan. Time has its own way of healing and revealing things to us. Ma
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The morning sun gently streamed through the curtains, casting a warm and inviting glow across the dining table. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and toasted bread filled the air, creating an atmosphere of comfort and togetherness. The khan family had gathered for breakfast At the head of the table sat Armaan. Vihaan was sitting near Armaan. He absentmindedly buttered his toast, his gaze fixed on the plate in front of him, seemingly lost in thought. , Armaan, engrossed in the morning paper. Kinza sat across from Vihaan, arranging a plate of scrambled eggs with a loving touch.khushi, Vihaan's entered the room with a smile that was infectious. She greeted everyone with her usual enthusiasm and took her seat beside Vihaan. However, her smile faded as she noticed Vihaan's unusual behavior. He hadn't looked up at khushi or acknowledged her presence, which was quite unlike him.Khushi exchanged a puzzled glance with her mother, who shared her concern.kinza cleared her throat, trying to
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chapter 139
Vihaan the next morning went downstairs .Vihaan's gaze sweeps the table, and his brows furrowed in confusion when he doesn't see Sukoon. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, his restlessness growing apparent.VIHAAN: (concerned) Where's Sukoon?Armaan, who had been watching his son closely, speaks up with a reassuring smile.ARMAAN: (calmly) Vihaan, don't worry. She's not joining us for breakfast today.Vihaan's restlessness turns into a mixture of curiosity and anxiety.VIHAAN: (curious) Why? Is she not feeling well?Armaan leans back in his chair, his expression thoughtful.ARMAAN: (casually) Kinza, let's make rajma rice for dinner tonight.Kinza, who was serving breakfast, pauses for a moment, exchanging a knowing glance with Armaan.KINZA: (nodding) Sure, Armaan.Vihaan's confusion deepens as he watches this exchange between his father and Kinza. He can't help but feel that there's something he's missing.VIHAAN: (more persistent) But why isn't Sukoon having breakfast with us?Arm
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