All Chapters of The vanished family a memory of murder : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
167 Chapters
Chapter 140
DINING AREA AT NIGHTThe dining table is set with a warm spread of food. Kinza is focused on making sure Sukoon is comfortable, arranging her plate and ensuring she has everything she needs. Vihaan and Armaan share a glance, both noticing Kinza's extra care towards Sukoon.VIHAAN: (whispering to Armaan) Mom seems to be really attentive to Sukoon.ARMAAN: (whispering back) Yes, I've noticed that too.IN. KINZA AND ARMAAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHTKinza and Armaan sit on the edge of their bed, the room bathed in a soft, comforting glow.ARMAAN: (curious) Kinza, I've observed you've been showing a lot of concern for Sukoon lately. Is something bothering you?Tears well up in Kinza's eyes as she looks at Armaan, her heart heavy with emotions.KINZA: (voice trembling) Armaan, there's something I haven't told you... about Sukoon.Armaan's brows furrow in concern, and he reaches out to gently hold Kinza's hand.ARMAAN: (softly) You can tell me anything, Kinza.KINZA: (teary-eyed) After Sukoon's acci
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Chapter 141
Next morning Vihaan walks into the kitchen, his steps purposeful. He looks around and notices that Sukoon is not at the breakfast table. A subtle sigh of relief escapes his lips, and he mutters to himself.VIHAAN: (whispering) Thank God she's not here.He moves to the counter, pours himself a cup of coffee, and takes a sip. As he sips his coffee, his thoughts seem to drift for a moment. His mind is a whirlwind of emotions and confusion.VIHAAN: (to himself) What's happening to me? Why am I so affected by her presence?He shakes his head slightly, as if trying to dispel his thoughts, and finishes his coffee. Determinedly, he places the cup in the sink and heads towards the door.IN. VIHAAN'S CAR - MORNINGVihaan sits behind the steering wheel of his car, his expression contemplative. He starts the engine and begins his drive to work. The road ahead is open, but his mind is far from focused on the journey.VIHAAN: (thinking) I need to get a grip on my emotions. This isn't like me.His g
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Chapter 142
Vihaan stands in his room, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He gazes around, taking in the familiar surroundings that suddenly feel both foreign and intimate. He sinks onto the edge of his bed, his brow furrowed as he grapples with his newfound understanding.VIHAAN: (whispering to himself) I've lost my memory... and Sukoon is my wife. Married... to me?As he says the words aloud, they echo in the room, carrying a weight of realization that he can't ignore. Vihaan's thoughts become a torrent, and his mind races with questions that demand answers.VIHAAN: (to himself) What happened to me during that time? Did we... Did we sleep together? Did we share moments I can't even remember?He clenches his fists, frustration and confusion coursing through him. The uncertainty of his past relationships, the depth of his connection with Sukoon, and the intimacy they may have shared all swirl within him, overwhelming and consuming.He reaches for his temple, his eyes closing as he tri
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Chapter 143
After dinner when came back into her room Sukoon's phone rang in the quiet of her room, its chimes breaking the stillness. She picked it up to see Vihaan's name on the screen, and a mix of curiosity and anticipation fluttered in her chest. She quickly answered the call.SUKOON: Hello, Vihaan?VIHAAN: (over the phone) Hey, Sukoon. Can you come to my room for a moment? I have something to talk to you about.Sukoon's eyebrows furrowed slightly, wondering what might have prompted this request. She sensed a hint of seriousness in Vihaan's voice.SUKOON: Of course, Vihaan. I'll be right there.Ending the call, Sukoon got up from her bed and made her way to Vihaan's room. She knocked gently on the door.VIHAAN: Come in.Sukoon entered the room, finding Vihaan seated of his bed. The room was softly lit, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere.SUKOON: You wanted to talk?VIHAAN: (nodding) Yes. Please, have a seat.Sukoon took a seat on a nearby chair, her gaze meeting Vihaan's. There was a se
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Chapter 144
Vihaan's heart ached as he saw the pain etched across Sukoon's face. He wanted to reach out to her, to hold her close and offer comfort, but he still felt a barrier between them—a barrier of lost memories and shattered trust.VIHAAN: (gently) I'm so sorry, Sukoon. I'm sorry for everything you've been through… for the pain I've caused you.Sukoon nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. She took a step towards Vihaan, her hand tentatively reaching out to touch his.SUKOON: (softly) It wasn't just your fault, Vihaan. We both have our share of pain to bear.Vihaan looked down at her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers. It was a small gesture, a connection that held the promise of healing and forgiveness.VIHAAN: (whispering) Can we… try to heal together, Sukoon? Can we start over, rebuild what was lost?Sukoon nodded, a glimmer of hope shining through her tears.SUKOON: Yes, Vihaan. I want to try… for us, for our future.As Vihaan and Sukoon stood there, hand in hand, the weight of
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Chapter 145
The warm light of a bedside lamp painting a comforting ambiance. Sukoon had begun to rise from the bed, her intentions clear, but before she could take another step, Vihaan's voice cut through the quiet air.VIHAAN: (softly) Where are you going?Sukoon paused, turning to face him with a hint of surprise in her eyes. His question seemed to hang in the air for a moment, a simple inquiry that carried deeper meaning.SUKOON: (hesitating) I was just going to sleep on the couch, so you can rest better.Vihaan's gaze was unwavering, and he shook his head slightly.VIHAAN: No, lie down in bed with me.His words held a tenderness that reached deep into Sukoon's heart. She hesitated for a moment, her thoughts flickering like candlelight in the wind. The invitation was clear, an unspoken offer to share the space and warmth of the bed, to bridge the distance that sometimes existed between them.With a soft smile, Sukoon acquiesced. She moved back to the bed, slipping under the covers on her side.
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Chapter 146
The soft glow of the evening sun painted the room in warm hues as Kinza stepped into Sukoon's room. The air was filled with a sense of unease, and Kinza's brows furrowed when she noticed that the room was empty. Her heart skipped a beat as she glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Sukoon."Sukoon?" Kinza called out, her voice tinged with concern. There was no response, only the echo of her own words.She moved through the room, checking every corner and space, her footsteps growing more urgent. With each passing second, her worry deepened. Sukoon's absence was unusual, and Kinza's mind raced through various scenarios, trying to understand where she could be.Leaving Sukoon's room, Kinza began a thorough search of the entire house. She opened doors, peeked into rooms, and checked every possible hiding place. Yet, there was no sign of Sukoon. The silence within the house felt heavier with each empty room she entered.Growing more anxious, Kinza reached for her phone and dialed Su
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Chapter 147
Vihaan and Kinza stepped out of the police station, the weight of worry still heavy on their shoulders. The interaction with the senior inspector had provided a glimmer of hope, but the uncertainty surrounding Sukoon's whereabouts continued to gnaw at them.As they made their way to the car, Kinza took out her phone and dialed Adeel's number. She paced a bit, her expression anxious, as the call connected."Hello?" Adeel's voice sounded through the phone.Kinza's voice was tense as she replied, "Adeel, it's Kinza."There was a moment of silence, and then Adeel's tone became concerned. "Kinza, is everything okay? Why do you sound worried?"Kinza took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "Adeel, have you seen or heard from Sukoon recently? She hasn't returned home, and we're really worried about her."Adeel's voice held surprise and concern. "What? No, I haven't seen her. Is she okay?"Kinza's worry deepened as she replied, "We don't know. She's been missing since today morning , an
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chapter 148
The operating theater was a realm of sterile white, punctuated by the gleam of stainless steel instruments. Soft, sterile light bathed the room, creating an aura of focused calmness. Dr. Emily Dawson, a skilled and experienced surgeon, stood at the head of the operating table. Beside her was Nurse Sarah, her steady and efficient assistant.On the table lies Sukoon, contrasted with the turmoil hidden beneath. Sukoon's face was masked, only her closed eyelids visible, giving her an almost ethereal appearance. Monitors beeped rhythmically, measuring her vital signs and the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.Dr. Dawson's gloved hands hovered above Sukoon's abdomen. She glanced at the monitors, confirming the readiness of the patient and the surgical team. Then, with a focused expression, she extended her hands and made the first incision. The surgical light gleamed off her sharp instruments as the room seemed to hold its breath.Nurse Sarah stood ready with instruments, her eyes locked onto
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chapter 149
Tubes and monitors surrounded the hospital bed, indicating that this was a place of healing. A sense of anticipation hung in the air as Vihaan, Kinza, Armaan, and Khushi quietly entered the room, their steps muffled by the plush hospital carpet.Vihaan, , entered first, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and relief. Kinza followed, her eyes red-rimmed from recent tears, clutching a bouquet of colorful flowers. Armaan walked beside Kinza, his thoughtful gaze scanning the room, while Khushi, the youngest, brought up the rear, her face a blend of innocence and apprehension.Sukoon, lying in the hospital bed, turned her head as they entered, her pale face breaking into a weak smile upon seeing her friends. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she spoke, "Hey, guys..."Vihaan, his voice laced with a gentle concern, moved closer to her bedside. "Hey, Sukoon. How are you feeling?"Sukoon's lips curled into a faint smile. "A little bit better, I think. The pain is easing up."Kinza appr
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