All Chapters of His poor little wife: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
250 Chapters
Girls time 1
Damien followed her and hugged her from behind kissing her neck making Arrya sigh before a beautiful smile appeared on her face. " How did you do that?"... " do you want to know how this bad wolf did it huh?" Damien slowly turns his wife to face him as he gently kisses her earlobe to her neck. "I won't mind if this bad wolf shows me ahh" Arrya mourned as her voice became low because of her husband's touch. "Don't be naughty, come let me freshen you up so you can have a nice sleep," Damien said as he kissed her forehead. "You are just a wicked husband.. why did you do that now?" Arrya asked as she was already red from his touch, " Do you want me?"Damien asks putting his mouth so close to her ear as he slowly pulls every one of her clothes down. " out of my sight," Arrya pushed and hit his chest as she walked away to the bathroom with her bare butt making Damien chuckle as he watch his wife's beautiful curvy body. “My love, let me bath you, you know you can't wash your feet," Da
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Girls time 2
“Can Cindy come along with us?"… There was a few seconds of silence before Amaya cleared her throat. “Arrya.I don't think I can stay in the same space with Cindy for now, I hold no grudges against her but since everything happens, we've not seen each other or talked so it will be awkward. This is girls' time and I want to have fun" Amaya said sadly. “no Amaya it's okay, I just wanted to know if she could “Hahahaha...Don't be silly Arrya, why not. Let her come and join us. I know it will be awkward for her but it's Girls time and I hold no grudges against her. " Amaya cut Arrya laughing. " WoW... Maya are you sure, it's OK if you don't want her to be. “Arrya please let her come.…. we'll talk later" Amaya cut in and hung up. "Wow... I'm quite surprised " Arrya said as she turned to her husband who just came out of the bathroom. " Surprise about?"Damien asked as he brought out his golf wear. “Uhhmm... Amaya, she said she doesn't mind if Cindy comes along" Arrya said looking at h
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Girls time 3
“Mrs Willington" Arrya turned to look at who called her when she saw the last person she wanted to see. “Charlotte?"Arrya called surprised, "You look surprised Mrs. Willington.…. didn't expect to see the OFFICE SEDUCTRESS right?" Charlotte sarcastically said smiling. " Well, I must say I'm quite...... “Charlotte!" Samira rushed towards Charlotte hugging her. “Sam !" Charlotte hugged her friend back. "Welcome.. when did you get here you? Why didn't you call me?" Samira released the hug. "I just got here, I was talking to Mrs. Willington, "Charlotte said smiling. "Oh you know my cousin's wife," Samira said smiling. “Wow… who is your cousin?" Charlotte asks confused "Damien...Damien Willington and this is his wife Arrya Willington" Samira said for Charlotte to scoff. “Wait... Sam Damien Willington was your cousin and you didn't tell me," Charlotte said looking at Samira. " common Charlotte I didn't tell you because everyone likes getting close to me because I'm related to Dami
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Why is he here?
Damien and his friends were having a special time at the bar across MJ's penthouse. "You've not taken Arrya to your penthouse?" MJ asked for Damien to nod. "I haven't shown are who I am,l only show her the glass house in Florida. I want her to give birth before I explore her." Damien said hitting his finger on the table. “Nervous...what's wrong?" Edward asked as he saw Damien hitting his fingers which it's a sign of nervousness for him. “Nothing really, I just miss my wife and I'm waiting for her call but she hasn't called me and it's 6:30 pm already.. I can't wait any longer" Damien stood up as he left his friends who looked at each other in surprise. Edward and MJ stood up and followed Damien who took his sports car and drove off to MJ's penthouse. At the penthouse, the girls are already preparing to leave when the elevator opens. “ding dong" The door sounds and three handsome men walk out to the ladies who are surprised to see them. “Hey, honey. you didn't say you were comi
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Yes it worth more
“He's your son but your nephew to my father. Why is he here?"Damien asks again to hear a voice behind his mother. “To taste what only you have been enjoying," Theo said with a sly smile. “eh eh.. and what's that I've been enjoying that you don't have double of it?" Damien asked sarcastically. "he's asking Mother, should I tell him?" Theo said smiling. "You boys should stop, please. you both are brothers please don't ar... “He's not my brother dear mother." Damien cut in angrily. " Should I say I'm your uncle or nephew little bro?" Theo said laughing. Damien walks closer to his mother, "You underestimate William Willington, he's wiser and braver than you and I think. Don't forget nothing is hidden underneath the sun because when you stand under it, it shows your shadow which is your darkest part." Damien said as he turned to leave. "You are leaving already. Please say hi to your wife, her lips look kissable today" Theo said chuckling. immediately Damien stopped. “be careful Th
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Get out of my face
“That's the Governor's wife," Damien said for Arrya to widen her eyes. "what., wow, she's kind you know, "Arrya said smiling “Yeah, kind of baby. come" Damien held his wife as he gently took her towards his friends. "Stella, please be around my wife, all these business people are already walking towards us," Damien said as they all looked at the men walking toward them. Edward, Damien, and MJ walk away from Stella and Arrya because the last thing they want is all these big belle men gauging over their women “You seriously look beautiful on this qipao Arrya, like your pregnancy is making you look more beautiful " Stella said smiling for Arrya to blush. “Arrya, grandma wants your presence" Amaya walks towards the ladies. “Where have you been Maya?" Stella asks for Amaya to smile. "I'm around, you were with Eddy that's why I didn't come closer," Amaya said as they walked towards where Vivian was talking to older ladies. “You know you can't get mad at the love of your life forever M
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Save her please
A/N: Please drop your comment and let us know what you think…thank you… :) Damien tried to open the door but it was locked. That moment he knew his wife was inside there and she was in Danger... " Maya go call the butler to bring in the mansion spear key," Damien said for Amaya to rush down carrying her gown up. immediately she reached the floor, she began to walk gently not to attract attention. "Baby open up...shit!" Damien couldn't wait for the butler anymore as he began to hit the door. This is the Willington family villa, the doors are no ordinary doors and Damien knows he won't be able to bugle it but it feels like the more he's waiting the more his wife is dying. Inside Damien's room, Theo knows that any moment from now the door will be open so he quickly begins to zip up. They aimed to make it look like he was sleeping with Arrya and she willingly accepted him but she was too stubborn. He knew it either he left here alive or Damien would try his best to kill him. Theo le
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Good and bad news
Everyone stood looking at the man in white removing his nose masks. “Please who is the husband of the pat.... "I am" Damien responded without giving the doctor a chance to complete his question. "Come with me sir," The doctor said for Damien to follow him without questions. Damien has tried his best to calm down but still, he was scared to know the faith of his family. After the doctor asks Damien to sit, he sighs and looks at the grown-up man whose eyes are swollen from excess crying. “How are my family?" Damien asked calmly. "There is good and bad news sir," the doctor said for Damien to bow his head a little. "Spill everything," Damien said after he raised his head. "The babies survived, they are now put into the incubator to restore their growth and complete their month. congratulations sir it's a boy and a girl." The doctor said for Damien to whisper. "Alex and Alexia "Damien whispered as a drop of tears came down from his eyes. Since he was born, he has never shed tears a
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He’s on the loose
“All your wife and her son's faults," Damien said for William to turn more confused. " Excuse me?" William said questionably... At Harvey's estate, Alicia wrote a little note and pasted it on the coffee maker machine before sneaking out so as not to wake Joshua and Cindy who were sleeping. An ash-colored Benz stopped at their house as she slowly entered before it reversed and left. After an hour's ride, they reached the hospital where Amaya was waiting for her. " Mrs Adam this way please" Amaya held Alicia who was so cold and quiet as they walked to Arrya's ward room. immediately they got there, Stella, MJ, and Edward greeted her before Edward opened the door for Alicia to gasp. "oh my goodness!! Who did this to my baby?" Alicia walked over to her daughter who was on a life-supporting machine and a drip crying as she shook her head. "No... she was ok two days ago when we spoke Amaya she was ok, what did she... Alicia immediately cleaned her tears after remembering the threat Van
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Tragedy for the willington.
As Damien drove out at high speed into the cold night of New York City, a black Range Rover followed him. "He's on the loose boss, "A man in black said inside the Range Rover. "Do it Now!" A man amid naked ladies said smiling. If not for the deal with Charlotte, he would have just sent Damien Willington to his grave, but a woman can do anything when they become selfish. To date, he doesn't know her main reason why she doesn't want him dead but he's going to do his part of the deal to his satisfaction and if he doesn't survive then he's to be blamed for having weak immune. Greg Jonas smile as he use his left hand to squeeze and pinch the nipple of one of the naked ladies. "Aw., that's hurt Daddy" the girl moaned for Greg to turn her over making the others giggle. Damien didn't expect any obstructions as he was fully focused on laying his hands on Theo, that bastard touching his wife. The red Bentley drove fast In the cold night of New York City, “Get set, boss has given his order
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