All Chapters of His poor little wife: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
250 Chapters
I know my husband
"go ask your mistress?" Maria said for William to ignore her as he frowned at the lady standing close to his son. "Who are you?... “Good morning Mr Willington" Charlotte greeted shyly for William to look at her. " Have I seen you around here?" William asks Charlotte who smiles. " No really sir, I do stop by to visit your son and Mrs Maria," Charlotte said for William to smirk. " And why are you cleaning my son's face, there are nurses for that miss," William said for Charlotte to nod. "Her name is Charlotte McNair William," Maria said for William to smirk. "You don't have to do that again miss, he has a personal nurse for it," William said and walked out. In Arrya's room, Amaya hugged her as she tried to calm her down. " look at me girl, he's so far away that's why we can't reach him, "Amaya said raising Arrya's face "No.. no, Damien won't just go so far that no one can reach him. Damien is not a man who will just back out on us, his babies, and me Amaya. I miss him so much,"
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Six months later
"Baby. I'm here wake up please" Arrya looked at her husband's pale face as she cried so hard shaking her head in pain... Arrya kissed every part of Damien's face whispering for him to please wake up but still her husband was lying there like a body kept for autopsy, "I'm so sorry baby...I'm so sorry, it's all because of me, if I allowed Amaya to see me off to the bathroom, all these wouldn't have happened. I'm so sorry. Please don't sleep on me, I can't take it please "Arrya said as she buried her head in her husband's chest, "ma'am please we need to clean the patient up" A nurse came and held Arrya who kept shaking her head as she didn't want to believe Damien was in a coma. "Arrya my dear, give the nurses time to clean your husband up," Vivian said softly for Arrya to raise her head. "Grandma " Arrya called like a baby they took her sweet away as her eyes were already swollen from too much crying, "Yes, my dear." Vivian hugged Arrya calming her down as a nurse brought in a whe
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Six months later 2
What's going on Ar?" Amaya asked after seeing Arrya's change of expression. "Cindy just gave birth to a baby girl”….. " oh my!! That's great news" Amaya said smiling. "Maya will you call Eddy or I should inform him because Mom said he needs to know" Arrya said for Amaya to smile. "Leave that to me, I will call him, " Amaya said for Arrya to hug her from behind. "I love you so much. you just keep amazing me" Arrya said smiling. " She's just a carefree person and nice," Stella said smiling for Amaya to nod. She does fight it every time not to feel jealous because there's nothing she can do. She's already engaged to Edward but they want Damien to wake up before they talk about marriage. Things haven't been okay in their family since Damien's accident. Her grandmother has not been strong lately because she fears Damien will wake up and forget her. Her father is trying so hard to keep the family business at its top heights like when Damien was still awake. And here is her brother's f
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Four days
That hurts " Damien whisper for Arrya to gasp. “Huh"……. Arrya thought her ears were playing tricks on her so she moved her head and looked at her husband's face but his eyes were still closed so she bit him on the same spot that was already bleeding and this time he used his left fingers to flick her forehead since he's on drip on the right hand. “Awch.... Baby, oh my Goodness baby!!" Arrya couldn't believe it as she happily hugged Damien who finally opened his weak eyelid but Arrya stopped when he didn't smile at her like he always did, “Baby. it's me " Arrya said for Damien to squeeze his brows. “Who are you?" Damien's weak voice asked for Arrya to start tearing up. " Please don't do this…, I'm your wife, Arrya and those little humans sleeping on the couch are our babies," Arrya said scared as she didn't want to believe she was not in Damien's memory anymore. "I'm sorry I can't remember having a wife and kids," Damien said for Arrya to continue shaking her head in disbelief. Arr
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The marriage is over
At Damien's father's mansion, William and his wife sat down staring at each other. “I gave you six months to think and tell me the truth Maria but you play the ignorant role. Is Theo the son of Steven Monroe?" William asks with slight disappointment….. “I don't know what you're talking about William, I've told you times without number that Theo is my nephew. Steven and I were just friends, best friends at that." Maria said for William to smirk and bring out his iPad. He opened a folder and gave it to her. "what's that?" Maria asked for William to push the phone to her. Maria picked up the iPad and went through the folder. Immediately her expression changed. “What's this William.. who gave you all this information? This is rubbish. I have nothing to do with Steven. We were just best friends " Maria said as she angrily pushed the iPad back to her husband. “Are you saying Damien was lying? He told me but I didn't want to believe him, he told me Theo was your first son which you bore
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I can’t forget you kiddo
Tina rushed and cleaned Alexia's baby bottle with the baby sterilize water as she gave Arrya to press breast milk in it while Alex continue to suck. Damien just sat and watched as he couldn't wait to heal fast so he could help his wife. they were all doing their stuff, trying to satisfy the twins when Amaya and Edward walked in and froze....... "Demmy " Amaya called her brother but he didn't look at her, he was so concentrated on his wife that Alex was holding her hand as he keeps sucking on her. " Seems like he's enjoying his meal, "Damien said for Arrya to nod. " he didn't drink some last night," Arrya said as she looked at Amaya and Edward who hadn't moved from where they were standing. "Damien " Edward called this time Damien raised his head and looked at them with this kind of “who are you?” expression. "Excuse me?" Damien said looking at them before his wife..." wifey who are there?" Damien asked for Amaya to look at Edward and then Arrya who opened her mouth but words were
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What happened to your face?
"Oh, my goodness. I'm so sorry, I was carried. Kpa.. Maria gave her a sound slap making Arrya immediately hold her cheeks as Edward rushed towards them........... “I….I didn't know you were coming, I was carried away with thought. I.. “next time whenever you are walking you won't be carried away with thoughts... Nuisance" Maria said with disgust. “excuse me, madam. please this is a hospital we don't welcome... "Don't you dare? some people need to be corrected. Did you see how she hit me?" Maria said cutting off a doctor who rushed towards them. "Aunty..." Edward called as he reached the women. Immediately he saw Arrya's face he knew Maria had slapped her. "so you were with her, don't let her out of your grip, she has started to have symptoms of madness in her," Maria said and walked away. "Are you alright?" The doctor asked Arrya who nodded her head before he left. "Arrya are you alright?" Edward asked for Arrya to drop her hand down from her face. “I didn't see her I swear.
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Always lost
It's nothing baby... forget it” Arrya said smiling for Damien to become furious because he already knew what happened but he wanted her to say it herself. He doesn't like her covering up for wickedness. “I said what happened to your face?" Damien asked coldly this time making everyone to be tense…. “Nothing baby. forget it” Arrya said again making Damien stare at her. "Everyone leaves," Damien said firmly as he continued to stare at his wife not breaking his eye contact but Arrya couldn't look at him. She was looking everywhere in the room except for her husband's angry face. Everyone stood up even Maria who had this sarcastic smile on her face. She felt an inner joy seeing the couples not happy with each other but she didn't know one was trying to save her from the trouble she was looking for. Amaya took Alexia with her covering the little princess with showel leaving Alex with his parent, Everyone left the room as silence fell between the two people facing each other. “How do yo
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My father isn’t that stupid
“excuse me Mom what did you say?" Damien asked for Maria to smirk. “Ask your father who he has been fucking that wants him to divorce me," Maria said with a pitiful face..... "Stop Mom.. you can go the extra mile just to satisfy your hate and Am not falling for it. If Dad has been fucking Mrs. Adam, then you made him do it beside my father isn't that stupid "Damien said before he press his bedside button and a few minutes a nurse came in. " Let everyone in, I want to leave this place as soon as possible, "Damien said for the nurse to go call all his family waiting outside. Maria looks at her son with this surprised look, he doesn't act angry that his dad is cheating on her instead he still blames her if his dad cheats. When things at the Willington slip through her fingers. she was the queen of this family, she had everything under her control, her husband, her kids, and even her in-laws were all respecting her until this girl came in and her life just changed. Will she just allow
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It’s a shame
Charlotte walks in with a seductive smile on her face wearing a short mini red office skirt and white office top with a red blazer as she walks majestically to Maria's side... “Charlotte " Maria called like she was surprised about her visit. "Mrs Willington.." Charlotte hugged Maria back. "Mother I don't welcome strangers into my home, so you should know what to do," Damien said as he dropped his spoon. “Sorry Mr Willington I didn't mean to intrude in your home. Welcome back" Charlotte said smiling for Damien to smirk. "It's a shame," Damien said as he signaled Aaron to help him up. Immediately Aaron did as his boss said as he helped him sit in his wheelchair before riding him to his study room making All of the men leave and join him at the study. inside the study, Damien stares at Aaron who bowed his head. "Is the deal with the McNair enterprise still going on?" Damien asks for Aaron to nod. "what are the.. “Son, don't talk business now, you should heal... "Dad, I can't walk
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