All Chapters of Captive Slave Of The Ruthless Lycan King: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
162 Chapters
101: Trapped in a Nightmare
Kai’s POVI awoke in a bath of my own sweat from a monstrous dream, my entire bed was soaked and I could hear every vein on my body pulsing as I tried to register the environment I’d woken up in like anyone would after an awful nightmare.First off, I realized how dumb it’d been to allow myself been drawn to bed for a nap that wasn't orchestrated by Leila’s spells. I’d never enjoyed a peaceful night’s rest or afternoon nap without it being induced by the spell since I’d been cursed, so whenever I felt the urge to sleep naturally, it was usually a bad idea to give into it.Secondly, my head was thudding like a stampede was on a loop within it and I could barely recall the contents oft dream that’d gotten me in such a frenzy. I knew that I’d seen things that must’ve shocked me into sweating profusely just to draw myself back to reality, but I couldn't figure out what it was.Lastly and most importantly, I knew that my nightmares were the only way I got crucial messages about my curse fr
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102: Deoendent on Her
Kai’s POV“Those fucking bastards!” I was on my feet in seconds, running my hands through my hair angrily as I took in the news of their return.I struck a deal with those assholes, paid them thousands of pure gold as well, and they still dishonored our agreement. Oh, the balls of those assholes, to think that they were just mere humans with supernatural weapons and the backings of powerful witches.“Are yo— what's happeni— Is everything o–okay?” I rose my head to face Levi with angry slitted eyes as he questioned my soaked clothes and the potion kit with Leila.“We did a dream retrieval ritual and it didn't end very well” Leila summarized things just as she threw me a set of fresh clothes.Of course, my sharp reflexes allowed me to catch them just in time even though I had no idea that she was rummaging through my closet to find me clothes, but I still shot her a sharp glare.“Is there something you need me to do sir? Anything” Levi offered with a tone of urgency, his unwavering loya
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103: War
Kai’s POVMy hands ran through my head for the millionth time since I’d awoken— considering my resting in bed for the last thirty minutes could pass as sleep— and I tried to think of anything I might’ve missed out on, any loose ends, any loop holes that would put me at the mercy of my enemies.“The carriage is ready, Alpha Kai” Levi pushed my door open and let himself in as he shared the news with me.“Is everything else ready?” I asked him as I took in the battle gear he had on, something I found unnecessary because we’d all shift and render it useless afterward, but Levi took pleasure in following battle traditions by ensuring that all the men were geared up anyways.“Yes sir, everyone is downstairs and battle ready” He assured me with a sturdy nod and I found myself walking toward the window to confirm.“I’ll be down in ten, go and ensure that everything is in place” I told him while still looking out of the window, secretly impressed at the army of werewolves and spell casters tha
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104: Ogling Him
I felt so alive, so energized, so powerful.Maybe that was an expected wave of emotions that came with taking lives, it made you feel like a god because you were sending people to their end, ultimately taking away their freewill and their ability to breath in life.The battle had come to an end and the other wolves were already shifting back to their human form, but I remained put where I was, looking over the ripped body parts and feeling electric sparks fly everywhere it could hit within me. Had Kai’s darkness rubbed off on me so much that the sight of blood no longer made my head spin with disgust? Or did I always have this dark & twisted edge within me that could be appeased by it?Surprisingly, I didn't care if the answers to those questions were negative or positive— whatever meaning would be attached to it— as long as I could hold on to the exhilarating feeling coursing through my body as blood dripped from my jaws.But of course, my moment was cut short when I noticed a wolf l
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105: Bizarre changes
Kai’s POVI felt refreshed as Levi escorted me to the dining hall after I’d taken a bath, and the faint smell of mint coming off him made me realize that he’d taken one as well.“I assumed the battle would be much longer and much bloodier than it was,” He let out a sigh of relief as he spoke.“That’d have only been the case if we didn't wipe out the witches in time, good thing I’ve had a winning streak for battles since I could throw a punch, so we’d have won either ways” I responded as we walked into the unnecessarily over decorated dining room, how did they focus on food with so many chandeliers hanging above their heads?“It’s always an honor fighting by your side” Levi smiled as he drew out two seats for us and I nodded in his direction as we both sat down.The Alpha of the village we’d rescued didn't notice my presence because he was too busy being swept off his feet by Leila’s beauty. She was leaning in and touching a pure gold bracelet on his arm, her lashes lowered seductively
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106: Another failed attempt
Cora’s POVI felt something on me, lightly resting on my waist and it drew me out of the wholesome sleep I was enjoying. I’d have ignored it and slept anyways but after what’d transpired on the morning that those demonic snakes snuck up on me, it wasn't an option.As I lazily opened my eyes, I looked at my waist first and found strong fingers gently resting on my waist which caused my eyes to fly open and the sleep in them to subside into alertness almost immediately.Slowly, while holding still in place like the fingers would disappear if I moved an inch, my eyes traveled up the arm until they landed on Kai’s face— or the face of a person that could undoubtedly pass as his clone because of how awfully alike they looked— and my breathing picked up wickedly, my heart thumping in my throat as I tried to make sense of everything.Kai was in bed with me? We’d fallen asleep together?He looked even more handso— no, beautiful, he was beautiful while he slept with such an innocent look on hi
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107: Jealous Bitch
Leila’s POVKai’s hard, beautiful muscled chest was what I’d bumped into as I turned away from the spell casters under my command that I was addressing and for a while I forgot to breath. I just stared at the his muscles that were visible under his silk white shirt as the spell casters bowed before walking off into the field were our horses were being fed for the journey ahead.I was still in awe of the man before me when he cleared his throat loudly and I regained my senses in a flash.“Greetings, Kai” I stretched to my full height but I still looked like a midget compared to him.“You did well, yesterday, I’ll extend my gratitude further with a generous compensation” He told me and I knew exactly what it meant.As usual, he’d complement my monthly gold payments with assorted gifts in the form of expensive jewelry, the finest silk, rare magic herbs from kingdoms far and wide, and probably a raise if he’d been thoroughly impressed.“It’s my duty and utmost pleasure to serve you in any
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108: Odd!
Kai’s POVI tried to steady myself as I found my troubled ass dozing where I laid lazily at my study table and I was infuriated at myself because I knew exactly what’d triggered it, or who to be more specific, the same scene that’d been playing in my head and putting me easily to sleep for the past two days since we’d returned my place kick starting from he very scratch to torment me again.“No!” I jolted to my feet and wiped it away before I stormed out of my room like a ghost was tailing me dangerously.My footsteps thundered to reflect my frustration as I walked down the staircase that led out of the palace and let myself into the field on an eerily cold evening, and yet the heat that seared through me toward Cora was enough to warm my shivering sides.The insignificant occurrence of falling asleep in Cora’s bed had been haunting me for endless painful hours, I’d never fallen that soundly asleep with Leila’s powerful spells since I was cursed but she’d somehow managed to lure me in
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109: His Peace
Leila’s POVThere were a million thoughts running through my head as I flipped through the thick fraying pages of the dark spell book I’d stolen in battle, but the second Kai’s scent hit my nose as he fast approached my room I was dragged back to reality and I immediately hid the book in my drawer.I barely had any spare second to readjust myself and look normal before he pushed the door open and slammed my door shut behind him.He halted.Looked me over like he was trying to ascertain why I looked so nervous but he decided against it that second, choosing instead to deep his hands in his pockets and pull out the crystal necklace I’d spelled to subdue the cursed bloodthirsty beast raging within him.I rose from my dresser with my mouth agape and looked at the spot where it should've been resting only to see that it was empty, yet there was a fading scar right beneath its usual position. I didn't want to believe that his beast had overpowered him and was now standing before me to take
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110: A Suggestion
eila’s POVIt's been three days since I placed a deadly curse on Cora, but there were absolutely no signs that it’d worked. After twenty four hours she was supposed to have been suffering from dizzy spells that would cause her to lose her consciousness and overall perception of reality, when the forty eighth hour mark reached she was meant to have been in severe psychological pain that would tear her up from inside out as though it was physical.And on the third day— which is today— she was meant to have woken up in a pool of her own blood because she’d have been scratching herself violently all night long without knowing it, and then just before the clock hits 12 midnight to signify the start of a new day and the end of one, she’d drop dead mysteriously.However, I’d been watching her for days to see if she was manifesting any signs that she’d been cursed, but nothing of the sort had happened, instead she’d sunk her claws even deeper into Kai’s skin.I mean, why else would he be skep
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