All Chapters of Captive Slave Of The Ruthless Lycan King: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
162 Chapters
81: Fucked like a dirty slut
Kai’s POV I and Levi were going over the expenses of the palace for the last month carefully and he was writing off some extra expenses as per my request.“We had more liquor than we needed shipped in so we had to spend extra for the cases we weren't expecting, because I never turn away liquor, especially one of such great quality” I explained after Levi pointed out an elaborate expense that didn't add up.“Ah, of course” His eyes lit up in understanding and he nodded before he wrote it off.Just then, we heard a knock on the door, I turned toward it but Levi’s eyes remained focused on the file before him.“Yes? Come on in” I called out when I picked up Leila’s scent from behind the door.She walked in and I noticed that her scars from the unfortunate night with Cora still hadn't fully healed, the physician had explained that Leila would heal really slowly because her wolf had also been badly injured so it couldn't speed up her healing and she might even end up with a scar after the
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82: Defiance
Cora’s POVKai’s hand flew to his cheek but judging from his strength which I knew of, I knew that he hadn't done so because the slap had stung but because he was still shocked that I’d slapped him in a room filled with men that feared him.I held the shreds of my dress tightly against my chest as his blazing eyes met mine, he looked like he was unsure what to do with me, and as much as that scared me, I kept up appearances by glaring back at him angrily as well.The men in the audience who were rowdy like the bastards they’d proven to be earlier were still dead silent and if a tear dropped on the floor at that moment, I could swear that we’d all hear it. Soon enough, Levi walked into the hall with heavy silver chains in his hands and I realized that I’d indeed made Kai so furious and speechless that he’d preferred to mind-link Levi to do his bidding. As quiet as an obedient puppet, Levi walked toward me and began to bind me in the chains like he must've been asked to.“Of course he'
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83: Kai’s Whore
Cora’s POVI woke up to an unusual jangling of keys in the lock of my cell and I knew that it couldn't be a good thing, and I immediately confirmed that when I looked up to see Kai, Levi and some guards walking into the cell like men ready for battle.Bit of course, with me, everything was war.The guard on Kai’s left was holding a weird looking iron, the one on his right as well as Levi we're holding fire torches to illuminate the dungeon and another guard was holding a can that was steaming hot and my mind began to wander to a million things he must have planned for me. I wondered what in the twisted name of the gods was about to go down, and involuntarily my heart started beating like crazy.“What is it you want from me this time?” I asked him boldly as though my nerves weren't all over the place.Kai didn't even spare me a glance, he didn't even act like anyone had spoken, he just kept looking around the cell like he was trying to find the perfect spot to rain his terror on me. I’
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84: Jealous
Leila’s POVI woke up bright an early with a mission, to drag Cora’s ass through an ocean of pain that would barely compare to what she’d put me through on the night of the witch trial. Even though she’d gotten off the hook because she wasn't a witch, at least I didn't lose on all sides that night because I found out that she had a magical heirloom that had been protecting her from my spells all this while.Luckily for me, Kai had asked her to get rid of it and that meant that I could now cast spells on her at will and it’d work without any interruptions. On cue, the puppet I needed to carry out the most important part of my plan against Cora knocked on my door to resume her morning duties.“Yes? Come in” I called out and she pushed the door open cautiously, probably trying to gauge my mood because in the past week when I was recovering from the injuries Cora inflicted on me, I’d taken out all my anger on her in various inhumane ways.“Good morning, miss, I'll get your bath ready now”
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85: Possesive
Kai’s POVI’d gone on a two day trip to receive an honorary title as the greatest protector for all the lands that contracted me to do so because they’d never been under an attack by their enemies and lost. After the ceremony was concluded, the Alphas who had benefited from my protection decided to celebrate with me and I invited them to return to my palace with me.Before we arrived, I sent a guard ahead of me to inform Levi to prepare the palace bar with liquor and various delicacies for the celebration. As soon as we reached the palace, I was told by a guard that the preparations had been concluded and I led the men to the palace bar with me as the chattered amongst themselves.The palace bar was purposely located close to the maids’ quarters because men in my company always loved to feast their eyes on the various beautiful woman that I gathered as spoils of war and turned into maids, in fact on some occasions, I ended up selling whichever maids they took interest in at outrageous
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86: Can’t stop thinking about Her
Kai’s POVAs much as I didn't want to admit it, I’d been thinking about Cora an awful lot since the last feast and her behavior at the palace bar the day before just made my thoughts even more focused on her and I fucking hated it.Before now, the only time she crossed my mind was when I was thinking up a punishment for her or how best to milk her body for riches, because all she was to me was a plaything, a mouthy whore that dared to defy me countless times and nothing more.After how she’d slapped me angrily after I fucked her at the feast, all I could think about was how displeased she was with me to have gotten physical. Normally, she’d stick to raining abusive words at me despite knowing how much that pissed me off especially in public, but she’d refused to care about the consequences of slapping me and went for it.The days that followed, it’d bothered me so much that I couldn't bring myself to go the dungeon to see her, my feelings were heavily conflicted and I was constantly t
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87: Auctioned like a Whore
Cora’s POV“Leave her to me, but wait outside in case she puts up a fight and needs to be restrained” The head matron told them and they nodded before they let go of me.As I stood at the door and stared at her, my chest heaved angrily as I wondered what bullshit she had in store for me this time around. She communicated with her eyes to the guards behind me as I was stalling getting into the room and the pushed in so I staggered and almost fell to the floor before they shut the door behind me.“In the bathroom, now” She ordered me and I looked her over with disgust before I walked in through the open door and she followed after me.As much as I desperately hated taking orders from anyone, what I hated the most was being restrained and treated like a animal and I knew that's what would happen if I disobeyed her and she had to call the guards in for assistance.I stepped into the bath tub without being told and she started to wash me clean with expensive bath oils and fragrances that I
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88: Territorial Master
Kai’s POVThe Alpha that had just had the pleasure of touching Cora was being given handshakes and claps on the back by the men in the audience as he made his way back to his seat and it was glaring that they were impressed at what he’d done and so was he from the huge grin that graced his features as he finally settled into his seat.I didn't know why I followed him with my eyes all the way to his seat but I didn't care enough to figure it out before I turned and made my way back into the glass cubicle to meet Cora.“How’d that feel? You look like you can barely stand” My eyes wandered to her legs that were visibly shaking even as she tried to stabilize herself by holding on to the walls of the cubicle.“Are you done? Can I fucking leave already?” She glared at me but based on the million other times that she had, I was pretty immune to it so it didn't bother me.“We're nowhere near started, or are we gentlemen?” The last part of my statement was raised to the crowd and the men whole
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89: Came Undone
Kai’s POVMy hand remained tightly latched around her neck as I dragged her away from the hall, I could hear confused whispers among the men but none of the dared to speak up against me because they knew I’d have their heads on pikes in seconds for daring to question my decision.As soon as I walked out of the hall, I could hear Levi trying to diffuse the situation and dismiss them but I was more focused on how furious Cora had managed to make me once again, and in front of all those men like she’d done a couple of times.“You don’t know when to keep your fucking mouth shut, do you!?” I asked her angrily knowing that with how tightly I was grabbing unto her neck she couldn't respond.“You just do as you please and assume that you can take the consequences, don’t you?” I kicked the door of my room open and pushed her into it violently before I shut the door behind me.She’d landed on her ass painfully but she put on her usual tough act by refusing to make a single sound that would sugg
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90: thinking about her again
Kai’s POVI was thinking about Cora again.At this point, it’d become a fucking plague—No, another curse that I was doomed to bear when I was still actively struggling with another. I’d tried to shove it deep down within me, down in the darkest parts of my being that strangely held an appeal for her, one that I’d deny until my grave, one that I’d never let her be right about even it it kills me.Hell, it's killing me already.The wildest part was that the one thing that was in a loop in my head was how she’d handled me when she took control, how she’d given me the sort of a pleasure that a man couldn't forget no matter how hard he tried, how I’d been the helpless party in out dynamic for the first time because of how experts she’d handled my cock.I wanted to end that loop of thoughts and take back the control from her, I’d never been the submissive party and I’d rather roam like an animal and live on grass than let Cora assume that she could take the reigns like she had without being
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