All Chapters of Captive Slave Of The Ruthless Lycan King: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
162 Chapters
71: The Worst is yet to come
Cora’s POVI knew exactly what he was doing.He’d kept me in the dungeon after the night of my escape so I wouldn't attempt to leave again, and instead of starving me like he usually did, I was served three square meals for the past two days like a pig that was being intentionally fattened for the slaughter.Alas, the day I dreaded had come and the first thing I set eyes on when I woke up in my awful chains was a maid getting a bath ready right in the dungeon. There was a huge bath bowl filled with oils and she was soaking a towel into it.“Let me guess, he sent you to get me ready for the feast” I said in a menacing tone and she looked at me blankly for a few seconds but didn't respond.“Of course he picked a deaf maid” I snorted and rolled my eyes and I saw her shoulders tense for the slightest moment before it disappeared.“He said to stuff this down your throat if you didn't cooperate” She showed me a familiar jar and I swallowed hard as I recalled the immeasurable pain it had cau
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72: How Lethal He Could Be
Cora’s POVThe guard nodded in Kai’s direction upon getting my approval and the Alphas and men I’d come to identify as rogue wolves in attendance cheered him on. However, I was barely surprised that there were rogues in the audience since they loved barbaric sexual shows such as these much more than anyone else.My eyes suddenly bulged out as I saw Kai whisper something to the man beside him and the man passed on the message in whispers to the others until it seemed like they were all in sync, the entire time it was happening, I knew that whatever was being whispered couldn't be good, nowhere near it.My thoughts were confirmed when a host of the men in the audience those from their seats and came much closet to the glass cubicle so they could get a better view of me, and as they stared at my exposed body, their mouths seemed to be watering with anticipation.Pleased with the crowd that had gathered, the guard lifted me off the floor with an arm and held me tightly against himself suc
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73: In Danger
Leila’s POVAgain, I’d failed.As though it wasn't enough that Cora had all the men in the land hooked by their balls, she also seemed to be untouchable no matter what potions or spells I spun to deal with her. There was no one that had ever contended with the potency of my spells and survived, but she always seemed to come out unscathed.I’d just come from Kai’s chambers after our usual morning work sessions and on the way back to my room all I heard from the guards were whispers about Cora’s alluring body and how they’d been lucky to be chosen for guard duties on the day of the feast.Some of them even wished that there were the ones that had been chosen to touch her even if it meant that they would be killed afterward because it seemed liked a befitting way to die. I was so damn infuriated that I yelled at them to shut their traps before I stormed off to my room.What pissed me off the most was that I was the one whose body they ogled and wished that they’d be granted access to bef
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74: Glistening Tattoo
Cora’s POVImmediately after the completion of my chores, I gathered my towel and bath oils and made my way toward the stream for a through bath since I no longer had a room of my own with a bathtub where I could do my usual ritual of scrubbing the filth off my body for days after a shameful sexual encounter with Kai.I was humming a meaningless tune as I walked toward the stream and just before I reached, I heard a whisper from three maids by a tree that made me halt and snap my neck in their direction with fiery eyes.“What the fuck did I just hear you say?” I was ready to pull out every strand of hair out of their decorative heads so that it would look as empty on the outside as it was on the inside.“That every guard won't shut up about how they want to shove their cocks in your whorish holes for the last few days” A red haired she-wolf looked me over with disgust as she spoke and I was indeed shocked that she’d had the balls to talk back at me that easily.I felt a mix of rage an
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75: Tame The Beast
Kai’s POVMy heart was thumping violently, not beating, thumping wickedly.I knew that feeling all to well, but I didn't want to believe that it had returned so soon so I tried my best to tame it by letting my thoughts wander to anything but what it truly desired from me which was blood.The blood of innocents or criminals, children or men, women or slaves— it didn't care and it didn't discriminate as long as they’d all bleed out the same.Still restless, I cracked my neck and took deep breaths in a bid to stabilize my heart rate but nothing worked, in fact it had picked up and I started to feel like I was running mad, no matter how many times I’d felt the curse eating up from inside out to trigger to to go on a rampage, each time still felt just as aggravating and painful as the last.“You can fight it, you can fight off anything” I was trying to reach out to my whimpering wolf who always let the curse overpower him.From the way his whimpers increased significantly on hearing that,
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76: She’s a witch
Kai’s POV I woke up with a slight headache at exactly 5am and the first thought that hit my mind was that of what I’d discussed with Leila before I was put to sleep. It annoyed me that I’d just woken up and I still couldn't catch a fucking break before my problems returned to torment me.Still, I knew that if I didn't find a new reliable source of humanity to keep the curse from overpowering my entire being within the next four months, my problem’s status will switch from temporary to permanent and I’d be a mindless beast roaming in the wilderness whose only purpose is to kill you his fill.While I loved the fear I stirred in people’s hearts because of the bloodlust the curse came with, I didn't want that to be essence for my living so I got off the bed and as I dressed up for my training session, I already began to brainstorm for a new source of humanity to preserve the balance within me.A child? A pet? A charity project? A new pack? A generous donation? A wife? Every single thing
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77: The Witch Hunt
Cora’s POVThe oddest sound made me jolt awake.The sound of heavily beating drums seemed to be going off in my head and I couldn't for the life of me figure out where it was coming from. It was equally bothersome that Nina and the other maids were sleeping soundly and snoring peacefully like they couldn't hear anything, the drums were rowdy, irregular and unrhythmic and it slowly became annoying.My head was banging with every sound the drums and I soon sat up in bed to try and stabilize myself. I reached out for the jar of water that Nina always placed in between out beds and as I tried to pour some water into a glass my hands began to shake and the jar slipped and broke.It felt like I was losing control of my reflexes and I couldn't even pick up the cup and drink the little water I’d managed to pour before I started to feel weird shivers all over my body like ice had been injected into my veins. My hands flew around my sides and I wrapped myself tightly to shelf myself from the ch
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78: She’s not One
Cora’s POVBurn me? I can’t die at the stake because of a lousy allegation, and in such a shameful way to say the least.No.“Alpha Kai, kindly give me a little more time to ascertain if she's truly a witch because the moon goddess hasn't given me a clear indication just yet” The witch hunter pleaded with him on my behalf for some reason.“And why would I wait for that when you clearly implied that she was a witch because she heard the drums that even we who were present while you were chanting for in preparation for the trials didn't hear?” Kai was talking to him but his angry eyes were directed at me as they radiated his ruthless nature.“Because the moon goddess oversees this process and if an innocent is killed as a witch, she will lay an irreversible curse on me and the land upon which the blood of the innocent was shed” He told him in a somber voice and I could literally see the wheels turning in his head.“You have ten minutes to prove whether she's a witch or not or I’ll burn
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79: Done For
Cora’s POV I couldn't hear shit, just harsh whispers and angry breathing.However, I had a feeling that it was a conversation that I desperately needed to tune into because my guts indicated that it’d have something to do with the witch trial that I’d just suffered through so I tuned into my wolf’s hearing and I slowly began to make sense of their conversation.“I had a gut feeling that you were dead wrong but I chose to trust you anyways and look how things turned out” Kai hissed angrily through his teeth as he pinned Leila against the wall.“I'm so sorry, I could've sworn that I was right” Her words came out like whimpers as she looked anywhere but at him.“Well you weren't! Do you even have any idea what you cost me with this little rouse of yours? Do you!?” He barked at her and she shook her head fearfully in response.Can they speak in clearer words? Was this conversation about the witch trial or not because I needed to get back to bed.“You wasted a shitload of my resources and
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80: Angry Fuck
Kai’s POV I started to stir in my sleep, over and over.It seemed like something was drawing me out of my sleep, like someone was trying to mind-link me for some reason repeatedly but the link was extremely weak. I kept stirring and trying to ignore it because I really just wanted to sleep until I heard the call for help.“H—help, I'm dy—ing…” It was Leila’s voice and I’d never heard her in so much pain before.Immediately, I jumped out of bed and ran out of the room to search for her but apparently I didn't need to go too far because I spotted her under Cora just a few inches away from my room being punched to an unrecognizable pulp.It didn't look like Leila had any fight left in her and she barely had any life either from what I could see, so I sped over to Cora’s side and flung her across the hallway until her back slammed on the wall just across my room.“Leila, Leila, are you alive?” I shook her as I took in the horrible sight that she’d become and I couldn't help but wonder ho
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