All Chapters of Captive Slave Of The Ruthless Lycan King: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
162 Chapters
Cora’s POVI knew that serving Leila for a day would be hell but I had no idea that it’d be a number of degrees hotter than hell itself.“Scrub it again” Leila ordered me to scrub a flimsy glass statue of hers again for what felt like the hundredth time.I huffed angrily and bent over to scrub it again, she’d explained earlier that she wanted it to glisten until it was blinding and she could see her reflection through it. However, we both knew that it was impossible and she was simply trying to push me over the edge, but I’d already been punished enough by Kai to last me a while so I decided to keep my anger under wraps.When I was done scrubbing the sculpture, I held it up toward her so she could check if her reflection was visible.“Eww, what's this spot?” She scrunched her nose in disgust and glared at me while I searched for the invisible spot she was referring to.“Again!” She rolled her eyes and pushed it back towards me and I genuinely wished that her eyes would get stuck in th
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62: A nightmare
Cora’s POVLiving in the maids’ quarters was a nightmare.Everyone glared at me as I walked and gossiped in whispers as though I was the most abominable creature they’d ever come across. Luckily, I wasn't one to care about their hushed whispers as long as none of them had to balls to walk up to me and say any of that bullshit to my face.On the bright side, I was in the same room as Nina even though there were two other maids there since each room had four bed spaces and four people. That at least meant that she wouldn't have to sneak around and risk her life by coming into my room every now and then.“You look like shit, C” Was what Nina deduced would be an amazing greeting as soon as I walked into the room.“I feel like it too, fucking Leila and her childish tantrums” I kicked off my shoes angrily and blew a heavy raspberry for emphasis.On hearing Leila’s name, Nina sat up straighter in her bed and her eyes bulged out as she realized what must’ve ensued between us.“Shit, you fough
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Cora’s POVA hand pushed my shoulder violently in my sleep and I woke up with an angry scowl on my face while I tried to make sense of why I was being woken up so early.“Wear this and meet me at the palace gates in ten minutes, we have a long journey ahead of us” Kai spoke in an emotionless tone and threw a black outfit at me before walking out of the room.The moment he left, I pushed my head into my pillow and screamed into it, a voiceless scream, the type that hangs in your throat from how utterly frustrated you're feeling, the type that's meant to be soothing but only gets your blood boiling faster. I picked up the outfit he'd dropped and it appeared to be a sort of gear fit, it had a bunch of buckles on the sides and the pants were tightly fitted, and when I got off my bed I noticed that he’d also left a pair of knee high boots for me to wear and it made me seriously wonder where he planned to take me and what horrible things lay ahead.Sluggishly, I pulled on the outfit and th
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Kai’s POVIn one swift motion, I pulled the arrow out of my arm like it was a mere prickly stick and broke it into two halves before turning around slowly. I had an idea who the idiot was that must’ve thrown the arrow at me but I wanted to believe that she wasn’t dumb enough to act out when I’d specifically ordered her to not interfere with what was going on.Just then she confirmed my suspicions by marching toward me angrily with a bow in her hand like she intended to overstep her boundaries even further.“You fucking beast, how can you wipe out an entire pack for the sins of one man?!” She yelled with her bloodshot eyes glaring into mine.“What I do is none of your fucking business, you hear me?” I hovered over her baring my blooding fangs that I’d been using to kill to her.“What sort of twisted asshole brings a woman whose pack he unjustly killed to a similarly triggering scene and expects her to stay out of it?” I’d never seen her as angry as she looked but I’d be lying if I said
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65: Vodoo Dolls
Leila’s POVMy spell hadn't worked on Cora.I’d chanted the call of a puppeteer to the puppet under his/her command and she wasn’t affected by it in the slightest way. I’d used the most potent spell in the books and I even had a piece of her essence and mine in the mix, so it greatly bothered me that it had proven to be ineffective.My chant was intended to make her kneel at my feet against her will and do as I’d wished but she was completely unaffected, the only thing I’d seen her do was rub her neck and twitch it like something was wrong, but nothing other than that.Hundreds of whores had contended against me for Kai’s attention but none of them had been as daring and bold as Cora to hit me and push my buttons so easily, because of that I didn't care about why my potions didn't affect her, I just knew that I needed a stronger control spell.With determination coursing through my veins, I stepped out of my bathtub with the milk I’d bathed in dripping down my legs and as I walked out
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66: Stupid Maid
Cora’s POVI knew it was a dream, but I never wanted it to end.That's because it was the closest I’d ever come to seeing my patents since I lost them so I didn't want it to end, I wanted to sleep forever as long as I’d get to see them. My mother’s hands were stretched out to me and she beckoned me into her arms with a comforting smile.I wanted to leap into her arms and cry, to let out all the feelings of frustration I’d been burdened with, but at the same time I just wanted to salvage the moment of her calling to me so tenderly before I drenched her with my tears.However, I soon regretted not taking the opportunity the second it had presented itself because I started to feel a strange pain pulling me back to reality. I wanted to scream at my mother and beg her to draw me back and keep me in whatever state of limbo I’d come into, but the words were lost in my throat as the pain I was feeling intensified.Slowly, I woke up and my hand instinctively flew to the position of the tattoo
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67: Do not question me
Kai’s POVMy hands were skimming lazily over the burnt edges of an old book when I heard a knock on the door.“Who’s there?” I called out in a bored yet authoritative tone.“Levi, sir” His familiar voice rang through the door and I slammed the book before me shut knowing that he’d come with work files.“Come in,” I adjusted in my seat, slumping further down instead of sitting up as working would require.Levi walked in with brisk steps and bowed subtly as he reached me as a salutation and I nodded toward the chair at the opposite end of the table for him to sit in. He had just sat down and stretched out his hands to open the file before him, there was another knock on the door and both out heads snapped toward it simultaneously.“Who is it?” I asked even though I’d picked up Leila’s scent from the first knock.“It's me, Leila” She answered promptly and waited to be called in.“Come in,” I said and she pushed the door open immediately and made her way towards us with an unusually high
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68: A Repeat of what happened
Cora’s POVIt was odd waking up to Nina’s empty bed when I usually woke up before her, however only a few minutes passed before I saw her strolling into the room looking like she’d just completed a hardcore marathon.“Are you good?” I asked her as she sat on her bed, her chest heaving unusually as she looked around like a guilty person.“Y—yeah. Why?” She patted her dress unusually as though the answer to her question wasn't the weird manner in which she was acting.“Isn't it obvious? You're acting like you did something fishy, so out with it” I sat up in my bed and stretched, seconds into my stretch the last scent I’d have ever imagined to pick up on Nina suddenly hit me.I sniffed loudly this time eager to find out if I’d mistakenly picked up the wrong scent but it hit me even harder this time around.Nina was aroused? Had been aroused? I couldn't figure out which it was but she was doing a horrible job at concealing it with her nervous acting.“What are you doing?” She asked me whe
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69: Hell
Cora’s POVMy ears had to be hurting, he couldn't have implied what I thought he was, there was no fucking way I’d heard right. What happened at the ball could never repeat itself, never.“I doubt I heard you right,” I shifted uncomfortably on the bed as I hoped to the heavens that I’d not heard right, that my ears were deceiving me and he would soon clarify things.“Oh, but you did” His tone was blank as he walked into that bathroom and my head began to feel woozy, and not because I was getting a dizzy spell, but because I was fighting off the memories of that humiliating yet sensual night.It was an abomination, to have been roughly fucked by the man who was my sworn enemy in front of a crowd and ended up enjoying it enough to get an orgasm. It’d taken me way too much time to push down the horrible guilt that ate me up afterwards, how would I even live through a repeat of that? No.“No!” I voiced it out this time and I took a bold tone knowing that Kai wouldn't take no for an answ
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70: Mine to fuck
Cora’s POVMy eyes opened slowly, my head was pounding violently like I’d been knocked unconscious with the force of a thousand blows and my jaw where he’d hit felt numb. However, from the familiar marble floors my eyes landed on, I knew that I’d woken up in Kai’s dreadful torture dungeon.I wanted to leave, seeing as the room was dead quiet and no one seemed to be in sight, maybe it wasn't too late to sneak out and escape from the palace instead of suffering a fate where I would be subjected to humiliation.Determined, I tried to move but it was in that very moment that I realized I’d been bound by chains on both sides of my wrists. “No!” I screamed violently and pulled the chains as though my anger would cause them to break and I’d be set free.Was I crazy to hope that I was right? That if I pulled angrily enough I’d be lucky enough to escape this horrific dungeon? Again, I pulled on the chains, my effort was more violent this time and I used all the strength I could muster but it
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