All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 2161 - Chapter 2170
2345 Chapters
Chapter 2162
Wilbur took a deep breath and put the map away. Despite the fact that Adam had undoubtedly deserved his death, that liquid woman was Adam's mother and Wilbur did not think she would be nice enough to help him out like this. Thus, Wilbur did not think that this map would be a good sign. However, it did help to have a map around for reference. Wilbur came out of Anderson Town and took a taxi back to Sacrie, the capital of Mosarto. That afternoon, he got on a flight to Eweyn. Mosarto and Eweyn were pretty close to each other, and taking a flight was the fastest way to get to either place. The flight had only taken a little over an hour for Wilbur to arrive at Swili National Airport, Eweyn's capital. Eweyn was yet to be a part of the Allied States, and thus all visitors were required to apply for a special pass before entering the country. Wilbur had not applied for his pass and was able to get one on the plane in Mosarto. However, he was promptly stopped by the policemen at the ai
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Chapter 2163
Wilbur felt like he was being watched, and it made him rather uncomfortable. Although, he had looked Eweyn up before coming here, and knew that Eweyn was a rather aggressive country with a natural disdain for people coming from other nations. The people of Dasha and Cherrytopia had been enslaved by Eweyn long ago, and thus Eweyn saw them as inferior races. Wilbur had not expected this to still be the case hundreds of years after the enslavement. Prejudice like this would only result in further ostracizing themselves from the rest of the world. Wilbur thought of the buildings and architecture he had seen on the way here and could not help but chuckle to himself. It was no wonder Eweyn was so underdeveloped. It definitely had something to do with their inability to accept the fact that other countries were actually doing better than them. Wilbur had planned to backpack his way through Bruille Town to see what the place and people were like, then find out what happened with Tuttle
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Chapter 2164
"Hang on!" Wilbur was about to leave when a deep voice rang from inside. He turned to see a huge, overweight man walking out of a room with a mocking air in his eyes as if he hardly thought anything of Wilbur. "So, you're the Dashan worker trying to get a first-tier room here?" "Yes, I am. What does that have to do with you, though?" Just then, the receptionist bowed to the fat man respectfully. "Hello, boss." The fat man pointed at the receptionist smugly. "Did you hear that? I'm the owner of this hotel. Now, let me ask you this again: Do you want a first-tier room here?" Wilbur's expression turned cold as he sensed the fat man's mocking tone. "I'm not interested in repeating myself." "Wow, a man of courage. Fine, I'll give you a chance." The fat man put his right elbow down on the counter. "Let's have an arm wrestling match. I'll let her give you a first-tier room if you beat me." Rage was bubbling in Wilbur's chest. "I hope you keep your promise." "Don't worry, I'm
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Chapter 2165
Wilbur smirked. "It's a pity I don't care. Bring it on." He turned to head upstairs without looking back after that, entering his room. The receptionist sighed, returning to the front desk. Back in his room, Wilbur gathered his thoughts. From the arm wrestle just now, he could see that the people of Eweyn were not entirely unreasonable, or the fat man would not have given him a first-tier room. He had won over the boss here and gained his respect to some extent. That meant that if Wilbur was able to defeat more people through the fat man, more people would respect him. That should be able to somewhat shatter the prejudice these people had towards Dashan. Wilbur was certain that pretty much all the people in this little town had it out for him, and this vendetta stemmed from their knowledge of Dashan workers. If Wilbur could smash that prejudice and let Bruille Town see that Dashans were actually powerful and strong, their attitude and treatment toward his people might chang
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Chapter 2166
The people of Bruille Town had always discriminated against Dashans and were absolutely flabbergasted to find out that a Dashan was here arm-wrestling a hundred of their men and winning too. When had someone so powerful emerged from a race they had always seen as nothing but frail and weak? In no time, Wilbur became known as a man of great power and strength in the town. Since then, the townsfolk actually did change their impression of him slightly. However, everyone was curious as to why Wilbur had come all this way to Eweyn just to visit such a small town. That question was quickly answered the next morning when two blokes brought Wilbur to visit Tuttle Mine. Tuttle Mine looked similar enough to Ezekiel Mine, as both mines contained copper ore. Aside from that, mining here had been going on for many centuries, and most of the workers at both mines were Dashan. Dashan workers had put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into Tuttle Mine, just like they had for Ezekiel Mine.
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Chapter 2167
"He's right here." Punter pointed at Wilbur, introducing him to Wynn. "Him? How could it be?" Wynn stared hard at Wilbur. Wilbur had muscles, but the muscles of a cultivator were far from those of a bodybuilder who worked out most of the time. Although Wilbur's build was lean, he was definitely strong. However, in Wynn's perspective, Wilbur looked nothing but scrawny and weak. The thought of him beating almost a hundred of Bruille Town's strongest men was nearly impossible in Wynn's head. "Don't joke with me, Mister Punter. I came all this way because you promised ten thousand dollars. Don't pull a prank on me like this." Punter frowned at Wynn, confused. "Who said I was pranking you? I'm serious, Wynn. He's your opponent." Punter took out a stack of bills, tossing them at Wynn. "Take this, Wynn. You know I'm a man of my word, and I'm telling you now that if you can beat him, this money's all yours." "Thank you, Mister Punter." Wynn put the money away, and a smile app
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Chapter 2168
Wilbur asked, "Will you treat my people much, much better when they come here?" Punter narrowed his eyes. "Ha, we'll talk when you win! Wynn's not just any regular guy. Don't you underestimate him." As he spoke, Punter glanced at Wynn, who nodded in acknowledgment. Following that, a powerful aura surged out of Wynn. Wilbur's chest lurched. Wynn was a cultivator too and had been hiding his aura all along! Were Aura level cultivators able to hide their aura too? Wilbur was certain that Wynn was much more powerful than that and was at least at the Sanctuary level. There were many people watching this match, and this would affect Dasha's reputation. Thus, Wilbur could not afford to lose, nor could he win too quickly. Wilbur wanted Wynn to slowly reveal his full strength, and then take him down so that Wynn would admit defeat completely. Wynn's arm rose, and he smirked at the sight. After all, the strength of a cultivator was far from what regular people could hold up against.
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Chapter 2169
Punter's expression was ashen. "What the hell was that? How could you have lost?" Wynn glanced at Wilbur as his chest heaved. "I'm sorry, Mister Punter. Mister Penn here is a true elite, and I'm no match for him. Here's your money, you can have it back." Wilbur could have actually beaten Wynn with ease but dragged things out on purpose to prove a point. Wynn knew that Wilbur was a man of honor, and thus did not expose the fact that Wilbur was a cultivator either. However, Punter knew Wynn well enough. He knew that Wynn was an Ambience level cultivator, but Wynn had just lost to Wilbur. Punter watched as Wynn left, the rage in his chest growing by the second. It was important to note that a regular human being could never compare to a cultivator regardless of how strong they were. Wynn had lost, which must mean that Wilbur was also a cultivator and one that was more powerful than Wynn, too. This made Punter extremely uncomfortable. There were cultivators in Dasha now, and one
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Chapter 2170
"The thing is, no one has ever gotten grade ten rating since the owner of the mine set such a rule. It's rare for people to get anything higher than grade six. Most people just get grade one or two." Wilbur was a little speechless to hear this. Tuttle Mine was supposed to be sealed off, and mining here was supposed to be banned. How could such a rule still exist? Punter could see the gears turning in Wilbur's mind and smiled. "I guess you haven't figured it out yet, young man. Some things have varying factors, you know. Tuttle Mine might be announced as sealed off, but Mister Buck has his own rules for cultivators." Wilbur was confused. "What special purpose does this mine have? Do cultivators actually come all the way here to challenge Mister Buck just to mine here?" "Of course. It's been said that the copper mined from Tuttle Mine has the ability to absorb one's aura, and wearing an accessory made of this copper ore can hide one's aura. Aside from that, a bronze chest made ou
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Chapter 2171
Buck seemed rather eager as he led the two men further into the mansion. They reached the middle of the house, which Wilbur noticed was much wider than it looked on the outside. An arena almost a thousand meters wide appeared in front of him, the ground covered with rocks as if to minimize heavy pressure of some sort. Buck entered the arena, explaining as he walked. "I'm so sorry, but all these duels over the past few decades have really made me… intolerable to weaklings. You see, I only wish to deal with people who deserve my time. I hope my enthusiasm doesn't thwart you." "No, of course not. In fact, I think it's great that neither of us are wasting each other's time." Wilbur stood across from Buck. He blinked and saw that Buck was already standing ten meters away from him. Buck saw Wilbur looking at him and waved. "Best of luck, Mister Penn." "Thank you." Just then, Buck flashed a smile. "Let's begin, young man. Oh, I forgot to mention just now that I've changed the rul
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