All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 2141 - Chapter 2150
2339 Chapters
Chapter 2142
The dragon let out a roar, and the black liquid clinging to Wilbur instantly hardened and exploded, shattering like ice around his body. The pieces fell to the ground, softened again, and merged back with its main body. "Roar!" "Roar!" With each roar, the dragon shattered the black liquid on Wilbur's body, scattering them into the black sticky liquid below. However, despite the dragon's efforts, it could not dispel the black goo below. At that moment, four columns of black liquid swiftly emerged around Wilbur. The liquid columns solidified into four figures, each wielding a long sword. They rushed towards Wilbur, simultaneously thrusting their swords at him. "Roar!" The dragon roared angrily, using its body to shield Wilbur. The four swords struck the dragon, causing it to explode into dragon aura. Yet, the four figures seemed unaffected and swung their swords at Wilbur again. At that critical moment, Wilbur recited a spell and activated Dragon's Safehaven. Instantly, a m
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Chapter 2143
Silence returned to the large mine, with only Wilbur remaining there. Besides a puddle of water on the ground, nothing else remained. Wilbur frowned and said, "What kind of creature was that?" The black liquid creature clearly was not a Shadow Man. The power of the Shadow Men could not transform themselves into liquid water. When the creature was cut into two parts, both segments continued to have vitality. One extended deeper into the mine, while the other one disappeared. At that moment, Wilbur felt like there seemed to be an unknown secret hidden with the Ezekiel Mine. Out of curiosity, he continued deeper into the mine. Since he had already ventured quite far in, he did not have to go much further to reach the end of the mine. There, he found nothing but three messy rock walls. Wilbur picked up a handful of soil from the ground and found it to be very dry. If he had not experienced the recent events himself, he would not have believed that such a strange creature existed in t
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Chapter 2144
Wilbur casually summoned up a ball of light in his hand. The old police officer nodded and said, "Alright. It looks like you really are a cultivator. Honestly, we shouldn't be interfering with matters between cultivators. But as you saw earlier, things are a bit complicated right now. Could you wait here until it's dark out before you leave?" "No problem. Thank you for your help." "It's no trouble. We haven't had such incidents in the last twenty years, so the younger folks aren't as familiar with these things. But twenty years ago, I dealt with quite a few incidents like this, so I know how to handle this." The old policeman walked over to the water dispenser and poured a cup of hot water. he handed it to Wilbur, "Have some water and rest for a bit. I'll drive you out of town tonight." "Thank you." Wilbur took a sip of water before he put down the glass and asked, "You mentioned you've encountered many such incidents before. Is that true?" "Of course it's true. Why would I
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Chapter 2145
Later, the public suggested searching the sealed Ezekiel Mine, so the police entered the mine and indeed found some of the missing persons inside. These bodies were already decomposed and displayed strange postures. After further investigation, it was determined that these individuals had drowned under unusual circumstances as if they were forcibly held underwater. Initially, the police theorized that the mine might have a unique magnetic field causing hallucinations. The victims might have believed they had fallen into a river, leading to frantic struggles and mutual choking, resulting in asphyxiation. To validate this hypothesis, the police checked for fingerprints on the bodies but found none. The lack of fingerprints and the unnatural drowning in a waterless mine turned the case into a mysterious unsolved incident. Some speculated that cultivators might have been involved, given the world’s many cultivators. However, it seemed unlikely that a cultivator would harm ordina
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Chapter 2146
Raymond covered his face and said in terror, "Sorry, sir, I never thought he would be able to survive. The Dark Tree can devour everything, even the souls of cultivators, but I didn't expect that guy to walk out of the mine alive." After taking a few deep breaths, Raymon continued, "Don't worry, Master Barker. As far as I know, the guy named Wilbur has agreed to help the town's residents. Today, he's planning to enter the Ezekiel Mine and kill the Dark Tree on their behalf. Heh, does he think he can kill the Dark Tree by himself? That's a death wish. I believe that we don't need to worry about him at all. We just need to wait quietly, and we'll have results soon." "Let's hope so. Alright, Raymond, you may leave." "Yes, Master Barker." As Raymond left the basement and the door closed behind him, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a being made entirely of black liquid. The being spoke calmly, "Raymond is becoming more and more useless. Why don't I just kill him." Barker
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Chapter 2147
Therefore, Barker would rather die than let Adam devour his soul, becoming merely an appendage of Adam's body. Before his death, there was one crucial task Barker needed to complete: to cleanse his shame. Wilbur's arrival was undoubtedly an opportunity. If Wilbur died, Fremont would certainly come. At that time, Barker could join forces with Adam to kill Fremont. Once Fremont was dead and Adam was gravely injured, Barker would then destroy the soul contract. Upon destruction of the soul contract, the soul fire would surely annihilate both Barker and Adam. Barker believed that achieving this would not only wash away his past humiliation but also prevent him from losing to Adam. In Barker's view, this was a man's choice. Moreover, Adam's earlier words had provoked him. If given another twenty years, Adam would be able to control this dimension entirely. When that time came, Adam would no longer need Barker and would certainly try to kill him. Thus, all grievances had to be sett
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Chapter 2148
"Those who were once sinners will inevitably face punishment and be condemned throughout history, leaving behind infamy for millennia. However, others are innocent, so they should not be implicated." On the cliff face, the enormous woman's face gazed kindly at Wilbur. After a moment, she said, "You are indeed a kind person. It seems the choice of the Child of Light was not wrong. You may go. I promise you, from now on, I will no longer harm the residents of Anderson Town." "I hope you keep your word." "Of course." "One more thing, do you know anything about the legend of the dragon clan?" "The dragon clan? Are you searching for the secrets of the dragon clan? I'm sorry, but I don't know anything about it." "Then what about the dragon aura in this mine?" "Dragon aura? I don't know what you're talking about." Wilbur suddenly realized that the dragon aura was elusive. When Fremont used the copper ore from Ezekiel Mine to forge the Nine Dragon Cauldrons, he intended to tran
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Chapter 2149
"Punishment? Hahaha!" Adam laughed loudly, raising his head and saying, "Mother, you are too cautious. We could have had the greatest power in this dimension, but why do we have to hide underground all the time? It's because you are too cowardly." "Enough, child. You know too little. Our mission here is to complete our own task. We cannot interfere with the progress of the human world." "I don't care!" Adam's eyes suddenly turned red. He stared at Wilbur and said, "Mother, no matter what you say, I am definitely going to kill him today!" "You, prepare to die!" Liquid in Adam's hand condensed into a long sword. He swung it toward Wilbur, who quickly dodged to avoid the attack. Black liquid flowed and formed walls, trapping Wilbur from all sides. Four Adams appeared in different directions, each holding a long sword, thrusting them at Wilbur. "Let's see where you can hide this time!" Seeing the dangerous situation, Wilbur hurriedly chanted a spell to activate the Dragon's
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Chapter 2150
Back in his hotel room, Wilbur dialed Beverly's number. "Hello, Deacon Penn. How can I assist you?" "Beverly, I'm facing some trouble and need to know if there's any information about a black liquid creature living in caves that hasn't been made public. What are its characteristics?" "Alright, sir, please hold. We'll have someone check the relevant records immediately." There was silence on the other end of the line for about half a minute before Beverly spoke again. "Deacon Penn, according to the current information from the Ministry of Defense, we haven't found any records of black liquid cave creatures. This suggests it might not be a terrestrial organism." "I understand." Hanging up, Wilbur sighed. Even with the resources of the Ministry of Defense, they were unaware of these black liquid cave creatures, indicating they were extraordinarily rare and unknown entities. However, on second thought, this was not surprising. Mosarto was a small country, and the Ezekiel Mine
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Chapter 2151
Wait a minute! That voice! Wilbur widened his eyes as realization hit him. "Do you remember me now?" The middle-aged man glared at Wilbur, striking him viciously in the chest and sending him a dozen meters backward before walking into the room calmly and shutting the door. Wilbur rubbed his chest as he caught his balance, watching the man walk into the room and sit down on the sofa before asking, "Are you Adam?" "Precisely." The middle-aged man put a leg up. "I'm Adam. You should consider yourself lucky to get my mother's approval, but you must be dreaming if you think getting my approval is going to be that easy." The ache in Wilbur's chest slowly faded as he looked at the middle-aged man. "I don't need your approval, nor do you need mine. Everyone has different personalities. It's normal for everyone to do things differently." The middle-aged man snapped his fingers. "You nearly convinced me, Wilbur Penn. How about you become my pupil?" "What?" Wilbur frowned at the
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