All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 2151 - Chapter 2160
2345 Chapters
Chapter 2152
"Dark Trees?" Wilbur fell silent. He had never heard of the Dark Trees before and had no idea what kind of being they were. Adam seemed to grow increasingly desperate, sitting back down on the couch. "Come on, tell me why you aren't willing to be my pupil. I'm telling you that you've only got one chance, you know. You won't get another if you miss it." "I'm sorry, I won't be your pupil." Adam smirked. "Why not? Do you think I'm not more powerful than Fremont Skye?" "You might not even be more powerful than me," said Wilbur. "How could you even compare to Senior Fremont then?" "You!" Adam let out a furious laugh, then said, "Alright, then. I won't force it on you. I would have considered forgiving the people of Anderson Town if you were willing to become my pupil, but I guess we can forget about that now. I came to look for you because of two reasons. Also, do you actually want to help solve Anderson Town's troubles?" "Yes." Wilbur took a deep breath. "I promised them th
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Chapter 2153
The next morning, Wilbur was resting on his bed when there was a knock on the door. He got up to open it and saw the old police officer standing there with worried expressions on their faces. "Mister Penn, there was another disappearance last night. Three children went missing." "What?" Wilbur was shocked. "Three kids went missing in one night?" "Yes," the other younger police officer said. "We've searched the whole town and the nearby areas, but there was no sign of them." "Well, what are you going to do?" The old officer said, "Mister Penn, the kids couldn't have gotten very far. We'd like to ask for your help to bring us into the mines to search for them." "Are you saying the kids are in the mines?" Ten minutes later, Wilbur brought the three police officers into Ezekial Mine. They walked along the mine, and the old officer said, "I really hope those three kids haven't gone into the mine. I honestly don't know what I'd do otherwise." The younger officer said, "Yeah. An
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Chapter 2154
Over in a beautiful underground palace, the woman looked at Adam. "You're far too reckless, Adam. You're going to stay put in this palace from now on. At least, you're not going anywhere before that cultivator leaves." "Why should I?" Adam glowered at his mother. "I just killed a few mortals! They're no more than lowly animals to me! Why aren't you on my side?" The woman stared at Adam. "I know you're all grown up now, Adam. You're not a kid anymore, and I'm sure you understand the universe has its rules. This planet Earth we're on is just a lower dimension. We might be the most powerful presence here, but the universe will punish us if we make mistakes." "It's so unfair! Why can those cultivators get away with killing people, but we get punished for it?" "It's more than fair. You and I got our powers naturally by absorbing them from nature, not through great efforts spent on cultivation. We are blessed by time and space to be the shadows of the axis on which the universe tur
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Chapter 2155
Wilbur got up and walked out. Just as he reached the opening of the mine, he heard a series of agonized screams. Wilbur came out of the cave and saw countless liquid figures chasing after the townsfolk. The townsfolk were screaming at the top of their lungs as they ran for their lives. "What the…" Wilbur widened his eyes in shock. The sight looked like something out of a horror movie, but it was happening right before his very eyes. The next second, Wilbur released his dragon aura, shaping it into a large dragon that flew toward the village. The dragon let out a deafening howl that shook the liquid figures' bodies apart. They scattered onto the ground, turning into black miasma that floated up into the air. The dragon chased after it, watching as the black miasma coalesced into Adam's figure in mid-air. Adam threw his head back and laughed at the sight of Wilbur, devoid of any fear as he smirked. "I'm afraid your wish is going up in flames, Wilbur! Anderson Town shall burn to
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Chapter 2156
Wilbur turned around to see Barker standing there, emitting black miasma all over as he eyed Wilbur coldly with a black sword in his hand. "You're going to die, Wilbur!" Barker raised the sword in his grasp, bringing it down fiercely. All at once, a sword aura over a dozen meters fell from the air. Wilbur raised his hands at the last second, and the Light Gloves let off a brilliant glow as they met Barker's attack. The black sword aura was quickly absorbed by the Light Gloves, and Wilbur could feel the power of the light in his body reaching its limit. He raised his head to look at Barker, who was still emitting a powerful and mysterious spiritual aura. Barker did not seem to have lost much energy in the battle just now. Now that Adam was using Barker's body to make a comeback, Wilbur could not estimate exactly how powerful he was. The guy had said that he was more powerful than Senior Fremont, so Wilbur did not dare underestimate him in the slightest. If this man really was
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Chapter 2157
Just then, the liquid figure of a woman appeared in mid-air behind Barker. "Stop it, Adam!" Barker's expression darkened, and he turned around coldly. "So, you're not on my side either, Mother?" "Stop this, Adam. Wilbur Penn cannot die, or both of us will be punished." "Enough!" Adam roared. "Who do you think we are, Mother?" "Are we the most powerful beings on this planet, or just slaves? I'd rather die if we were actually slaves! But if we're the most powerful beings, just let me do this one last time, Mother." "But Adam, you…" "Stop talking, Mother! Try and stop me, and I'll destroy the spirit contract and die along with Barker." The liquid woman opened her mouth, but words failed her. She knew how stubborn Adam could be, and how hard it was to change his mind once he had made it up. He would actually follow through with destroying the spirit contract if she tried to convince him otherwise. Adam was her only child, and she would rather give everything she had up than
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Chapter 2158
Wilbur controlled the three white dragons to meet three of the Barkers, while he summoned the historical halberd to meet the Barker coming for him. "Take this!" "You're going to die, Barker!" Both sword and halberd collided, and a powerful aura spread out. At the same time, the three white dragons exploded as they struck Barker, emitting a brilliant white glow that swallowed the three Barker clones. Following that, the white glow disappeared as three of the clones collapsed at the same time. Wilbur could sense the white dragons leaving, and he said coldly, "I guess your weakness is light. Let's do this, then!" Wilbur emitted a blinding white glow the next second. The power of light flowed through his body as Barker could hardly open his eyes due to the blinding light. "Argh, what are you trying to do?" Barker retreated, putting his palms together in mid-air as he shouted, "I summon thee, All-Consuming God of the Dark Domain!" Just as Barker's words rang through the air,
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Chapter 2159
"Hahaha! You're going down, Wilbur Penn!" Barker raised his right hand. It was surrounded by black miasma as he opened his finger slowly. Barker's gaze glinted coldly as he clenched his right hand into a fist rapidly. "Destroy everything, O' mighty All-Consuming God!" As his voice echoed through the air, the black hole in the air began to shrink as the people of Anderson Town watched with bated breath. Wilbur was the townsfolk's only hope, and they would be done for if he was to be killed. At that moment, even the villagers who had disliked Wilbur in the past were praying that he would survive. Everyone was hoping that Wilbur would create a miracle, and they stared unblinkingly at the black hole in the sky. All of a sudden, the black hole stopped shrinking and began to expand instead. Barker gritted his teeth. "Break it, come on!" The black hole started shrinking once more before expanding once again. This happened a few more times. Finally, with a loud explosion, a gle
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Chapter 2160
Rage set the liquid woman's chest ablaze. She was supposed to be the most powerful being in this world but had to watch someone else kill her own son. "Return my son to me, Wilbur Penn!" The liquid woman threw her head back, letting out a howl of anguish. Just then, Wilbur had drained all his spirit energy as he slowly fell from the air. The eight dragon cauldrons let off a white glow, supporting Wilbur's body so he would not be hurt as he landed on the ground. The cauldrons soared back into the air after that, gathering to form a ray of golden light as Senior Fremont appeared, staring down at the liquid woman. "Return my son to life, Fremont Skye!" Fremont stared at the liquid woman calmly. "Oh, Tree of Darkness. You should know that your son has no place in this dimension. Each dimension can only have one motion source, and you were that of this dimension." "How could you? How could you do this to me?" "Good and evil should be equal in the world. Your child was only born
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Chapter 2161
"This isn't your fault. The Light Warrior may have died in this dimension, but the Dark Lord survived. Maybe his power growing stronger and stronger will just be the fate of this dimension. I've taken a part of your power from you so that the good and evil thoughts in your body will be balanced. From now on, I hope you'll focus on your cultivation. Once you've dispelled your evil thoughts completely, you may come back to me to ask for the rest of your powers." "Thank you, Senior Fremont." The liquid woman bowed and thanked Fremont profusely before turning into a black liquid that seeped into the ground and out of sight. The air flashed with golden light, and Fremont disappeared out of sight as well. The eight dragon cauldrons fell from mid-air, landing next to Wilbur. In his dream, Wilbur found himself standing on the edge of the clouds as a white dragon soared around. It let out a howl of fury, charging into him the second it saw him coming closer. White light flashed, and Wilbu
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