All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 2131 - Chapter 2140
2339 Chapters
Chapter 2132
Most of the buildings in Anderson Town were abandoned, with some in complete ruins. These structures had witnessed the rise and fall of the Ezekiel Mine, and when the mine closed, the people left them behind. Walking through the alleys, Wilbur brushed his hand against the crumbling walls of these dilapidated buildings, feeling a wave of inexplicable sadness. For a moment, he seemed to see the miners who had labored here, shedding sweat and blood over the centuries. Tears rolled down his cheeks, and Wilbur froze. He stopped in his tracks, looking at his damp hand in shock as he murmured, "I-I actually cried.” Wilbur sensed a unique feeling he had never experienced. It was a profound empathy for the Dasha workers who lived here. This feeling made him empathize deeply, yet he could not pinpoint its source. The sudden surge of emotion seemed to grant Wilbur a special energy, filling him with strength. "Is this… the power of light?" Wilbur opened his right hand, and a wh
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Chapter 2133
"Oh, you must be from out of town," the elderly woman said, glancing at Wilbur as she continued knitting. "The Ezekiel Mine has been closed for a decade. It used to be a thriving site, with up to ten thousand workers coming here annually. But that's all history now." "What? Ten thousand workers at the Ezekiel Mine? But it's such a small mine," Wilbur exclaimed in surprise. "That's right. It is a small mine. Initially, there were only a few hundred workers, and later, it grew to a few thousand. But life is not all about working and surviving. People need to rest, and they have a life outside of work. So, many people set up shops to supply goods and services to the workers. As more people settled here, the town naturally boomed further." She paused for a moment, then added, "However, not everyone came here to work in the mine. Many came for trade, providing basic necessities to those living here." Wilbur understood what the woman meant and asked, "So, at its peak, how many work
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Chapter 2134
Wilbur was taken aback because he had never lived there, but it seemed that the people who came to Anderson Town over the years mainly were those who had once lived there. Wilbur replied, "That's right, but there's something I'm curious about. Besides people who used to live here, has no one else come to visit?" The lady shrugged and replied, "Over the past ten years, many people have come to Anderson Town, but they were all former residents, returning to revisit their memories. Other than that, no one else comes here. After all, Anderson Town is a remote place that's easy to forget." "An easy place to forget?" Wilbur pondered as he returned to his room, replaying her words in his mind. If everything she said was true, why did Fremont use copper ore from the Ezekiel Mine? Besides, Wilbur had researched online and found that many closed copper mines worldwide had become tourist attractions. These sites drew numerous visitors annually, and guides recounted their rich histor
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Chapter 2135
"Dragon aura… Just as I thought," Wilbur murmured, looking at the first cauldron. Sure enough, the miners' hard work and resilience had indeed converged to form a dragon aura. The first cauldron sensed this powerful dragon aura and began absorbing its energy. Golden light started to emanate from the first cauldron, flickering and fusing into tiny golden particles, which were then absorbed by the cauldron. A figure in black, Raymond, witnessed the scene from afar. He stared at Wilbur before turning and leaving the area. In a dark underground chamber, an old man named Barker was reclining on a chair, his feet immersed in a basin of thick, black liquid to absorb its energy. Raymond knelt on one knee, hands clasped in respect, and reported, "Sir, Fremont's chosen one has arrived." "What?" Barker slowly opened his eyes. "Are you sure?" "Absolutely," Raymond replied. "I just saw him outside with the first cauldron, absorbing the dragon aura from the Ezekiel Mine." Barker
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Chapter 2136
Barker's lifespan was extended for over a millennium by the dark liquid, but the scar on his left cheek from the battle with Fremont a thousand years ago was like a brand, deeply etched in Barker's heart. Although Barker had methods to alter his appearance through cultivation, his hatred remained unchanged. Whenever he grew angry, that obsession would resurface, and so would the scar on his face. There would always be a missing piece. For a millennium, Barker had been sending people to search for Fremont's whereabouts, but to no avail. Unexpectedly, Fremont's chosen one had come knocking on his door. Barker already knew the secret of the Nine Dragon Cauldrons, so he was well aware that the person possessing the cauldrons was Fremont's chosen one. If Fremont chose this person, it would mean he had undergone strict tests, and once he died, Fremont would undoubtedly seek revenge. Then, Barker could finally confront Fremont in battle. The wait of over a thousand years had
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Chapter 2137
Their weapons clashed with a resounding clang. Wilbur was instantly blasted several meters away by a powerful force, crashing down from mid-air. As he looked at Raymond, Raymond took a few quick steps forward, his body turning invisible as he dashed toward Wilbur. Wilbur was angered immediately. Initially, he had only been on the defensive, not intending to have a full battle with Raymond. However, Raymond showed no signs of stopping. Wilbur had no choice but to engage in the fight if that was the case. The thunder cleaver cut through the air, and its pale blue energy clashed with the black sword aura. The thunderous crash sent a strong wind outward. In the next instant, Wilbur, holding the thunder cleaver, was locked in a fierce struggle with Raymond. Gritting his teeth, Wilbur asked, "Can't we just stop and talk this out?" Raymond snickered. "I have only one goal, and that's to see you dead!" Before long, both men were swinging their weapons again. Their ene
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Chapter 2138
Wilbur took out the first cauldron from his demiplane, holding it in his hands as he quickly moved deeper into the Ezekiel Mine. Since the dragon aura near the entrance had already been absorbed by the first cauldron, he wanted to reach the depths of the mine to find more. Soon, the mine became completely dark. Wilbur cast Illuminos, causing a bright orb to appear above his head, illuminating his path. As he continued forward, the first cauldron began to react. He could sense a faint dragon aura in this area, and the first cauldron emitted a dim glow. As Wilbur explored further, the dragon aura grew stronger, and the first cauldron absorbed more and more, eventually levitating out of his hands. Wilbur controlled the floating first cauldron with his mind, guiding it further into the mine. After a while, he glanced back to see complete darkness behind him. The first cauldron radiated joy, clearly thriving on the dragon aura. Wilbur did not want to miss any of this pot
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Chapter 2139
Meanwhile, in a dark underground chamber, Barker was still lounging in his chair. The black, viscous liquid in the basin where his feet were soaking had reduced by half. Raymond knelt on the floor and said, "Master Barker, I'm back." Barker glanced at Raymond and asked, "How did it go, Raymond? Did you kill the man I told you to?" "I-I failed." Barker's eyes snapped open as he straightened up and slapped Raymond across the face. "You fool, I told you to kill him!" "I'm sorry, Master Barker." Raymond bowed his head. In Barker's presence, he was undeniably a weakling. He dared not face Barker's wrath directly, so he kept his head down, trembling and meekly saying, "Master Barker, rest assured, though I couldn't defeat him, I saw him enter the mine with my own eyes. I didn't leave immediately. After he entered, I destroyed the entrance. He's trapped inside now. It won't be long before he dies in there." Barker stared at Raymond in silence for a moment before saying,
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Chapter 2140
Nonetheless, even if that were true, it would only mean they had grasped the power of the universe's laws from the lower dimension. A cultivator who comprehended these laws could easily be defeated by a powerful being from the middle dimension. This showed that the chosen ones, blessed by the heavens, were far ahead of most cultivators in the lower dimension from the very beginning. Such individuals were incredibly fortunate! Every cultivator aspired to ascend to the middle dimension and even the upper dimension. Raymond was no exception. He envied those chosen by the heavens, but sadly, he was not one of them. Despite his talents and lifelong dedication to cultivation, he had only reached the pre-Emperor level. Raymond had achieved a level that most cultivators could never dream of, but the further he progressed, the stronger his jealousy became. He resented the idea of being cast aside by the dimensions and longed to be one of the chosen. Yet, he realized that he
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Chapter 2141
Stone was an existence that was quite solid on Earth. Only weapons that were made of metal and the like could shatter stone. Other than that, magma could use its heat to melt stone as well. Yet, at that moment, the black liquid that suddenly appeared was not magma, so how was it melting stone? Wilbur looked around. The rocks that had been scattered everywhere just now were being consumed by the black liquid, almost restoring the mine to its original state. He observed the constantly flowing black liquid below. If this black liquid could flow to the cave entrance, then the rubble caused by the recent violent shaking and collapse would be completely consumed, which would make it easier for Wilbur to get out. Regardless of what that black liquid was, its appearance indicated that he was nearing the end of the mine, which also meant that there would be no more dragon aura ahead. At that moment, the light on the first dragon cauldron gradually faded. Then, it flew into Wilbur's hand.
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