All Chapters of Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal's Gone With The Money: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
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Chapter 101
Everyone looked at Moses with skepticism. Then, a handsome young man in racing gear asked, "Isn't Joshua supposed to be wealthy? Why didn't he give anything to Cynthia during the divorce settlement?""He didn't give her anything. You all know how stingy he is. Think back to the things he did when he worked with you," Moses replied without hesitation."He really is stingy.""Cynthia is really unlucky."For a moment, everyone looked at Cynthia with a complex and pitiful expression. Other women who married into wealthy families could at least get something when they were forced to divorce, but Cynthia got nothing.Cynthia remained silent."Alright, for Moses' sake, I'll give you two projects to work on. Just transfer your investment funds to me and wait for your share of the profits every year," the handsome young man said decisively."No thanks," Cynthia declined.The handsome man was puzzled. "She's just too embarrassed to use any relationship she has with Joshua," Moses chi
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Chapter 102
"Moses mentioned that Cynthia is beautiful, but I thought he was joking.""Mr. Neal, are you really willing to divorce Mrs. Neal?" The group started bombarding Joshua with questions, taking the topic seriously.Joshua's eyes darkened, interpreting their curious glances as anticipation for his divorce so that they could have a chance with Cynthia. "Rather than being concerned about my personal life, you should focus on your projects. With how your performances have been, can you even brace the New Year without guilt?" Joshua retorted,All eyes landed on Moses, wondering what was going on. Why did Joshua seem angry? Moses chimed in, "Let's call it a day for today. We can discuss the details when Joshua and Cynthia are divorced. It doesn't seem appropriate to talk about it now.""Okay," they agreed, assuming that Moses was referring to their projects. Joshua's beautiful obsidian eyes suddenly turned cold, and he held his breath. The people around him shuddered. Moses not
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Chapter 103
Cynthia was speechless. She thought Moses's acting skills were on par with Shirley's. However, she wasted no more time with them and got into Moses' car.Joshua watched as the car drove away. His hand tightly gripped the car key till his knuckles turned white.Just when everyone thought Joshua would leave, his gaze shifted to them with intense pressure, making them feel suffocated."Mr. Neal, is there anything else I can help you with?" one of them asked nervously."Do you guys like Cynthia?" Joshua's cold voice suddenly asked.They looked confused, wondering where he was going with this.Before they could react, Joshua ruthlessly continued, "Well, you should give up. She only likes good-looking guys."Ignoring their reactions, Joshua warned them and then left. It was not until his taillights disappeared from their sight that they finally processed what had just happened."Did Mr. Neal just say we're not good-looking?""That's rude. Dozens of girls are interested in me, and I
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Chapter 104
"Do you still like Joshua?""No, I don't.""Well, that's good. Keep it that way. He's had it too easy his whole life and hardly ever faced any setbacks. This is the perfect opportunity for him to face obstacles, that is you," Moses's answer always surprised Cynthia. Cynthia did not reply and instead opened the car window to breathe in some fresh air.As they drove toward the neighborhood, Cynthia saw someone wearing a white sweater at a turn in the road about three kilometers away. Upon closer look, Cynthia realized it was Jayleen. However, she saw Jayleen charging toward the car at an insane speed before she could wonder why Jayleen was there! Screech! Moses quickly hit the brakes, his carefree demeanor disappearing in an instant.Despite hitting the brakes, the car collided with Jayleen as the distance was too close.Bang!A dull sound echoed as Jayleen's body fell to the ground.The car stopped immediately.Cynthia and Moses opened their doors simultaneously, and the
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Chapter 105
Cynthia was already fed up and did not want to explain another. She thought it must be Mercury retrograde this month. Otherwise, why was everything going wrong?Moses noticed something was off and asked, "What's going on?" "Just trust me," Cynthia replied briefly. Although Moses had his doubts, he did not ask further. Whatever the reason was, he would find out later.The surgery was over an hour later, and Jayleen was sent to a regular ward.The doctor explained the situation to Cynthia and Moses, "The patient lost the baby, and there are several abrasions on her body, but other than that, she's okay.""Baby?" Moses was surprised. Then, he turned to look at the composed Cynthia, and he felt a little nervous for the first time. Was it Joshua's baby? Cynthia ignored Moses, only thanking the doctor, "Thank you, doctor."After that, she went to Jayleen's ward. Moses followed her, and he could not help but ask, "Is it Joshua's?""I'm not sure," Cynthia replied truthfully.
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Chapter 106
"If I die, I'll live on in Joshua's heart forever. If I'm crippled, Joshua will cherish me even more. Either one is worth it," Jayleen said.Her life was already in such a state that if she did not grab onto Joshua tightly, her days would only become more hellish. That person would not let her go and tormented her day and night, making her wish for death.Joshua was her lifeline, and she had to hold onto him no matter the cost! "Well, you better hold onto him tightly. Don't let someone else steal him away from you," Cynthia said coldly."You can't steal him from me!" Jayleen blurted out.Cynthia looked at her with a pitiful expression. It was really sad to see someone living their life this way. Nonetheless, she told Jayleen about a new discovery, but her tone was still as flat as before, just with a bit of emotion at the end. "Who said I'm the one trying to steal him from you?""What do you mean?" Jayleen narrowed her eyes."Your car accident and the incident at the hotel. I
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Chapter 107
"You'll be held legally responsible if I die," Jayleen said, her original intention being for Cynthia to hit her. However, she realized that Cynthia had not driven since moving out.Moses looked at her with skepticism, wondering how Joshua could have been interested in someone this stupid. He had only heard from Joshua that he was in a relationship, but he had never formally introduced Jayleen to his family. Hence, Moses was always curious about the kind of person who had managed to win Joshua over. Now he knew.Thank goodness he did not bother to find out earlier. Her intelligence was really lacking, and he found it quite distasteful."It was you who caused the accident. As long as I didn't violate traffic rules, even if I hit you and you died, it would be entirely your fault. Even if there were legal consequences, I would only be responsible for less than 10% of the blame. I can definitely take care of that responsibility myself if you insist," Moses replied casually, making his
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Chapter 108
It was almost eleven o'clock when Joshua arrived. He was still wearing the same outfit as before, and his heavy breathing indicated that he had rushed to get there. His obsidian eyes were filled with worry.When he saw Cynthia, he subtly frowned but walked over to Jayleen."Jayleen," Joshua said."Joshua," Jayleen replied, tears streaming down her face.Cynthia was impressed by Jayleen's ability to cry on command. After all, it was a skill not everyone possessed.Joshua tried to comfort Jayleen, and his words and demeanor were much more patient than when he had spoken to Cynthia.Moses coughed lightly. "Ahem."Was Joshua really so insensitive that he would show affection to his mistress in front of his wife? What a scumbag."What happened?" Joshua asked, still standing and looking at Cynthia and Jayleen. He seemed displeased. "Why is Jayleen in the hospital?"Cynthia did not say anything, and Moses remained silent too. When he called Joshua earlier, he only said that Jayle
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Chapter 109
"What do you mean by that?" Joshua's voice was hoarser than usual, and his obsidian eyes were filled with raging emotions.Jayleen was half-leaning on the hospital bed. She had removed her IV drip and clenched her hand tightly. "Moses put his hand in Cynthia's clothes.""Wow!" Moses blurted out.Cynthia looked at him. Despite her anger, her mood lightened up, even finding it slightly amusing because of his remark."Why don't you just say that Cynthia and I were having sex in the car? You have a talent for lying with your eyes open! I've never met someone like you before," Moses retorted."Moses!" Joshua shouted.Moses grinned. When he recalled Cynthia's response, he replied, "What's the matter? Do you believe me?"Joshua did not say anything. Watching Moses defend Cynthia made Joshua feel inexplicably frustrated."Joshua, they might just be temporarily infatuated. Cynthia might be upset about something between us. That's why she did something like this." Jayleen tugged on Jos
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Chapter 110
"Even if he's not nice to everyone, he wouldn't have done anything to hurt me," Joshua said without any warmth in his voice, his obsidian eyes staring at Jayleen.Jayleen was truly scared now. "Joshua, I really didn't lie to you. They were really doing it in the car...""Enough!" Joshua's anger had reached its peak.Jayleen shuddered.Joshua never thought that someone he trusted so much could turn out like this. "Do you think that no matter what you say about Cynthia, I'll believe it?"Jayleen's face turned pale."Moses wouldn't betray me, and neither would Cynthia. You shouldn't be smearing her reputation with something like this."Cynthia looked a bit bewildered. She had prepared herself for being blamed for everything today, but things took a turn."Isn't Joshua acting weird today?" Cynthia pointed at her head and whispered to Moses."You should say that he's normal today. His head was clouded with shit before." Moses smirked as if he had already expected this outcome.C
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