All Chapters of Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal's Gone With The Money: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
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Chapter 111
"I don't accept it," Cynthia blurted out. Moses also said, "I don't accept it either."Jayleen looked at Joshua with teary eyes, hoping he would forgive her. However, Joshua did not indulge Jayleen like before. If it had been Mitchell with Cynthia, he might have believed half of it. After all, Mitchell was someone Cynthia liked, and that would have caused a big argument between them.Sensing Joshua's intention, Jayleen took the initiative to ask, "Tell me… What can I do for you to accept my apologies? I'll do anything you want me to."Cynthia glanced at the two of them and said, "Stay away from Joshua and never show up around him again, and I'll forgive you.""Uh..." Jayleen bit her lip."What's the matter? Can't do it?" Cynthia pressed."Then slap Joshua twice. If you do that, I'll forgive you," Cynthia added.Jayleen clenched her hands tightly under the blanket, her hatred for Cynthia deepening. Even so, she had to keep pretending."Cynthia, this is my fault, and it has n
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Chapter 112
Cynthia refused. She did not even glance at Joshua and Jayleen as she walked out as if they were both insignificant. Joshua's heart tightened, but before he could make up his mind, he was already chasing after Cynthia.When he reached the door, Joshua did not forget to remind Moses, "Watch over Jayleen. I'll be back in a bit." Moses did not even respond whether he agreed to it or not.By the time Joshua caught up to Cynthia, they had already left the inpatient department. "Cynthia!" Joshua grabbed her arm from behind, his husky voice carrying a hint of tension.Cynthia stopped in her tracks, looking at him calmly. "What do you want?""I'm sorry about what happened today. Jayleen isn't usually like this. She may have suffered psychological trauma from being assaulted, causing her to act impulsively," Joshua said, feeling uneasy. He felt a coolness spreading throughout his body."What authority do you have to apologize on her behalf?" Cynthia asked.Joshua paused. All his wor
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Chapter 113
If it were any other day, Cynthia would have been awake by now. However, she was in a relaxed state, coupled with extreme exhaustion, so she slept soundly.When they arrived at the door, Joshua used Cynthia's fingerprint to open it. After changing his shoes, he carried her upstairs. As he did not know which room she slept in, he had to open each one to check. It was not until he opened the second room that he saw Cynthia's personal belongings.Later, Joshua helped her take off her shoes and gently placed her on the bed. Then, just as he was about to help her remove her clothes and change into pajamas, Cynthia suddenly woke up, instinctively grabbing his hands on her collar."It's me," Joshua whispered.Cynthia stared at him for a moment, seemingly confirming that she knew him, before closing her eyes and falling back asleep. Joshua could not help but frown at her reaction. Has Cynthia experienced something in her past?Her reaction just now did not seem like she was fully awake.
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Chapter 114
Joshua was in a dilemma. He opened Yoel's WhatsApp and sent a message, [Are you sure your investigation is correct?]Yoel replied, [Yes, I'm sure. To avoid any mistakes during the investigation, I checked it three times, and the results were the same every time.]Joshua closed his phone, and he quickly came up with an idea. He trusted Yoel, but he also would not easily doubt Jayleen. He learned from Moses that Jayleen had not slept yet, so he called her.Jayleen answered the phone, sounding aggrieved and teary. "Joshua...""Why haven't you slept yet?" "I'm afraid you'll blame me. "I don't know why I did that. I really didn't mean to accuse Cynthia and Moses," Jayleen said."It's in the past. After you've rested, I'll take you for a full-body check-up," Joshua said, slightly emotional.Jayleen tensed up, thinking about the fact that she had lied to him. "No need. I've already had it done before. I'm really healthy."Miscarriage is like giving birth, which can cause great harm
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Chapter 115
Joshua was not in a hurry to leave, so when Cynthia placed her order for breakfast and headed upstairs, he took it upon himself to go to her kitchen. As someone who did not enjoy cooking, Cynthia's kitchen looked brand new. Except for a few simple seasonings, there was nothing else.Joshua found the soy milk maker, took out some beans, and began making breakfast.Half an hour later, Cynthia's order arrived, and Joshua's breakfast was also ready. He made soy milk, a sandwich with a fried egg. When Cynthia saw Joshua's breakfast, she frowned.She only cared about one thing and asked, "Did you clean the kitchen?""No," Joshua lied.Cynthia suddenly did not feel like her oatmeal was very appetizing, and her temper rose. "Joshua!"Joshua continued to eat his breakfast, unfazed. As he ate, he could not help but sneak a glance at Cynthia, and a thought crossed his mind. Cynthia had been living here for a while now. What did she usually eat? There was barely any food in the house, and
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Chapter 116
Cynthia understood immediately. "Would you have believed what she said?""Why were you with Mitchell?" Joshua's heart began to race at the mention of that name, and he was filled with a wave of unnameable anger.Cynthia gave a possible explanation, "Just friends getting together for a meal."Joshua tightened his grip on the car key. In the end, he did not say anything and left. He did not know how to answer the question. If Jayleen had mentioned Cynthia and Mitchell, he would have been angry. He knew Cynthia would not do anything inappropriate with Mitchell. Still, the thought of Cynthia's trust and obedience to him and the invisible trust between the two made it hard for him to control his emotions.Cynthia was indifferent as she watched him avoid the question and leave. Then, she went back upstairs to attend to her own affairs.That afternoon, Cynthia had just finished reading all the projects that Mr. Yates had given her and was about to take a good rest when she received a c
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Chapter 117
Joshua was still driving when he received the text. He glanced at the message that popped up, and his gaze deepened as he accelerated toward the suburban villa.When he arrived, Chyler and Yiordan seemed to be playing a mobile game while Moses ran back and forth between different places. Only Cynthia and Mitchell were sitting there chatting.Although it was just an ordinary distance and conversation, Joshua could not help but feel they should be separated, as their behavior was like an eyesore."You finally made it. We've been waiting for you for over half an hour," Moses joked, placing a bottle of wine on the table and pulling Joshua over.Joshua was emitting a terrifyingly low pressure. Moses pulled him to sit down, and all six were present. Chyler glanced at Mitchell, fiddling with his phone and asking Moses, "Today isn't a day worth celebrating, so why did you call us all here?"Moreover, he even invited Mitchell."Who said it's not worth celebrating?" Moses blurted out.A
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Chapter 118
"This depends on Cynthia." Mitchell summed up everything in one sentence.Seeing that the day's highlight was coming, Moses asked, "Cynthia, what do you think of Mitchell?""He's great," Cynthia replied in a professional tone.Moses smirked and asked teasingly, "And Joshua?""A scumbag," Cynthia bluntly replied.She was not afraid to damage Joshua's image. Everyone here knew what he had done and why he divorced her for his ex-lover.Calling him a scumbag was not an exaggeration."Ahem!" Chyler could not help it anymore.Joshua's soon-to-be ex-wife was too tough!"Can't you stuff your mouth with the food and shut up?" Joshua's chilly gaze fell on Moses, his words cold and unsympathetic."Food is meant to be tasted, not to be used to shut one's mouth. How did Cynthia fall for you with that IQ of yours?" Moses replied with a smirk.Joshua remained quiet.Where was his knife when he needed it?! "Let's play a game." Moses started the next round. He had put in much effort for J
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Chapter 119
Mitchell was not very interested in this kind of game, so he made a random demand, and Joshua quickly complied. Then, they moved on to the next round. After four rounds without Cynthia's turn, they moved on to the fifth round. "I got A," said Moses with a hint of playfulness in his eyes. Then, he asked, "Who got B?""Not me," said Mitchell."Not me," said Chyler."Also, not me," said Yiordan.As Mitchell, Chyler, and Yiordan spoke, Moses' gaze fell on Joshua and Cynthia. The game had officially begun!Cynthia flipped over her small round disc and accepted it calmly, "It's me.""Truth or dare?" Moses asked, already knowing the routine.Cynthia thought about the not-so-outrageous conditions from their previous rounds and chose 'dare'. Truth did not suit her well. "Are you sure?" asked Moses."Yes," replied Cynthia."Call your first love on speakerphone and tell them you miss them," said Moses, who had already prepared the question. Whether Cynthia chose truth or dare, the ou
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Chapter 120
However, the more Cynthia tried to keep it from Joshua, the more he wanted to know. Joshua slammed the small disc on the table and fixed his gaze on Cynthia. Then, slowly and deliberately, he said, "Text me the name, occupation, and age of your first love."Everyone was confused. Was that even allowed?Cynthia looked at him, puzzled. Was this man dropped as a baby? How could he not know his own name, occupation, and age?"What's wrong? Are you afraid to let me know?" Cynthia's stare made him feel uncomfortable, as if she was trying to hide something from him. Joshua just had to know. Who was this person who had become her first love and made her remember him so fondly after all these years?Cynthia muttered, "You're insane." Then, she downed three more glasses of wine.Mitchell was worried about her condition as Cynthia did not have much experience drinking, and her alcohol tolerance was not high.After she finished her third glass of wine, Mitchell interrupted, "That
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