All Chapters of Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal's Gone With The Money: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
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Chapter 121
In the following rounds, Moses did not sabotage Cynthia anymore. Instead, he distributed the discs among them fairly. However, Cynthia seemed to be competing with Joshua. It was either her turn or his turn. "Joshua has disc B. Who got disc A?" Moses looked around the room. Cynthia's eyes were brighter than usual, and her voice sounded more lively. "Me.""Truth or dare?" "Dare.""Drink all the alcohol on the table," Cynthia blurted out.Everyone was speechless.Mitchell could not bear to watch. Cynthia's intelligence had definitely plummeted from the intoxication.Joshua looked at her, poured three glasses, and drank them all. His voice was a bit husky and sexy as he said, "Next.""Joshua, that's not fair. I told you to drink it all, not just three glasses," Cynthia slurred, but fortunately, she was still coherent."Cynthia, Joshua chose to drink. It's not part of the dare," Moses explained, hoping that Cynthia would catch on.Cynthia paused, looked at Joshua, and then
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Chapter 122
Both of them had a hint of emotion in their expressions."Cynthia and I haven't gotten divorced yet, and I take care of her well," Joshua said as he looked at the person still playing with the porcelain discs, already decided on it. Then, he added, "I don't have the habit of sleeping with men.""Cynthia," Mitchell called out.Cynthia turned her head, her big watery eyes looking innocent and pure. "Hmm?"Moses quickly melted.Cynthia's personality while drunk was no longer tough and mature, and she became his ideal type. If they got too close, it would be easy for Moses to develop inappropriate feelings. It was best to leave this matter to them."Do you want to sleep alone or with Joshua?" Mitchell always respected Cynthia's decisions."I want to sleep with Bailey. So comfortable to hold," Cynthia blurted out, her words sounded softer than usual. Joshua's face darkened.Who was Bailey again?Mitchell raised his eyes and patiently reassured her, "Bailey isn't here, so you
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Chapter 123
An hour later, Ellora arrived. She wore a warm-colored coat and had her long brown hair flowing down. She was escorted inside by the guards at the door. If it were not for confirming with Mitchell on the phone that Cynthia, whom he mentioned, was the same person as her friend Cynthia, Ellora would not have dared to come to such a remote place late at night."Mr. Cyrus," Ellora greeted Mitchell with a smile as he stood at the door. Mitchell was a big shot in the legal world that even many top lawyers wanted to befriend."Cynthia is inside. She's had a bit too much to drink. Thank you for agreeing to look after her," Mitchell said in a gentle tone. "No problem," Ellora replied.As she followed Mitchell inside, Ellora could not help but wonder if Cynthia's husband was Mitchell. Before Ellora could ponder further, she stopped in her tracks upon seeing the person taking care of Cynthia inside.Joshua Neal?"Cynthia..." Ellora stopped in the living room, unable to process what was h
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Chapter 124
Moses laughed casually and leaned toward Joshua. "I'm doing this for you, you know?"Joshua stared at him, clearly conveying the message that he had no right to say such a thing."Now that it's just the two of us… Tell me… How did you feel when you found out about Cynthia's unresolved first love?" Moses was all about the gossip.In one gulp, Joshua downed a glass of wine and said coldly, "I didn't feel anything.""Stop putting on an act. If you really felt nothing, would you have asked Cynthia for the name, age, and profession of her first love while playing Truth or Dare?" Moses called him out.Joshua remained silent.This guy was so annoying."Sometimes you have to face your own feelings." Moses hit the nail on the head.The purpose of tonight's game was to make Joshua realize that he liked Cynthia, and his reaction to the question about her first love proved that he cared a lot about her unresolved feelings for that person.Moses decided to play a more serious card. "How
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Chapter 125
Cynthia paused momentarily, then responded in her usual indifferent tone, "There's nothing to talk about.""I think there's quite a bit to talk about. Like, who was your first love?" Joshua replied as he brought her another glass of water and stood in her way, blocking her path.Cynthia remained silent."You really liked him?" Joshua pressed on."Do you care?" Cynthia shot back.After spending so much time with Joshua, she knew which questions would stump him. However, she seemed to have misjudged this time as Joshua's eyes darkened, and his voice became hoarse."I'm just curious who could make you remember them for so many years.""Oh," Cynthia said, ready with an answer.Joshua was taken aback.Oh? "He's just like you," Cynthia added, leaning her back against the table."A scumbag."Joshua's face turned even darker.This woman!"If you're really curious about him, you can look at yourself for reference. You're both equally matched when it comes to being a scumbag," Cyn
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Chapter 126
"Bailey is not right for you." Cynthia could not imagine a tall, muscular man holding a plush toy while sleeping.Joshua was infuriated. Did she really think he wanted to sleep with Bailey?!He just wanted to see what kind of person would catch Cynthia's eye.If Joshua ever found out who was shameless enough to sleep with Cynthia, he would kick him out of both Jiverton and Nexuria, and he would never have a chance to get close to Cynthia again!"How long have you been sleeping with him?" Joshua knew he should not care, but the thought of Cynthia returning to that person's embrace after their divorce made his heart ache.What right did Cynthia have to call him a scumbag when she had someone she could sleep with whenever she wanted?At least he had never slept with anyone when he was with her.Cynthia remembered she bought Bailey for herself as a gift when she was seventeen. Now she was twenty-four, excluding the two years of marriage, that was twenty-two. Then, minus seventeen,
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Chapter 127
Joshua could not help but stare at Cynthia's increasingly red lips as she rubbed them, and he felt his mouth go dry. After hearing her words, he walked over and looked at her from above. His voice was low and husky as he asked, "What did you say?""I said..." Cynthia started to reply, but Joshua interrupted her."Mm."Joshua's hand was behind her head, while the other arm was wrapped around her waist, his movements gentle yet provocative. Cynthia was no match for him when it came to situations like this. Whenever he kissed her, she would inevitably fall for him, eventually surrendering to his advances.A cool and restrained person like him would become a bewitching devil that one could not resist once lost in desire, and it was a temptation that could not be ignored.If Cynthia's remaining brain cell did not remind her, she would probably fall deeper into his embrace."Joshua!" Cynthia used all her strength to push him away.Joshua's breath was unsteady, his dark eyes reveal
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Chapter 128
Ellora nodded in agreement. "No matter how good-looking, wealthy, or muscular someone is, if their heart doesn't belong to you, it's all for nothing," she said. Cynthia joined her on the bed, feeling a twinge of guilt. "I'm sorry. You're pregnant, and I shouldn't have let you come here so late at night, but I was too drunk." "It's okay. You're my friend," Ellora said, taking her hand.She was happy that Cynthia had thought of her when she needed someone, which made her realize that she had some purpose in life.Cynthia asked, "Did you go for a prenatal checkup? How's the baby?""It's doing well," Ellora replied, her tone gentle and happy.Hearing this, Cynthia felt reassured. Then, they turned off the lights and lay on the bed, each with their own thoughts, entering the long night ahead.Later that night, Cynthia quickly fell asleep and had no dreams about Joshua's kiss. However, Ellora was filled with thoughts. As for Joshua downstairs, he had made a phone call to Yoel af
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Chapter 129
Cynthia even kissed the pretty boy's face after saying that.Joshua immediately woke up from the anger and angrily checked his phone. When he found that it was only five in the morning, he rubbed his tired temples. Then, he grabbed his coat and stormed into Moses's room, throwing him off the bed before lying down. This time, Joshua managed to sleep somewhat soundly.Moses, who was suddenly thrown to the ground, opened his eyes dazedly.What happened? Why was he on the ground? However, these questions did not linger in his mind for too long. As Moses was exhausted, he just turned over and slept on the floor, where the furry carpet kept him warm.The next morning, Ellora was the first to wake up. After freshening up and getting dressed, she went downstairs. She was always tired during the first month of her pregnancy, but lately, she had been sleeping less than usual. Ellora sat in the living room and responded to messages on her phone. Before she could reply to more than a f
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Chapter 130
"Do you want me to tie you up and throw you in the car, or will you get in on your own?" Chyler approached Ellora, making her fearful and wanting to run away."You can't kill my baby." Ellora's eyes turned red as she clutched onto her phone until her knuckles turned white. "This baby is yours!"Chyler sneered. His eyes were filled with mockery as he placed his hand on her cold face. "How did you get pregnant with my baby while I was on a business trip?"Ellora's eyes turned red, and she bit her lip tightly."As long as you get rid of this baby and stay by my side in the future, I can give you everything you want. Even if you want to be famous, I can make it happen." Chyler's warm fingertips wiped away her tears, and his tone softened.Ellora shook her head. She did not want to be famous, nor did she want to stay by his side. She just wanted her baby in her belly."Be a good girl." Chyler was like a demon, emitting a dangerous aura. "Come with me to the hospital.""I'm not going,
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