All Chapters of My Dad's Bestfriend : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
168 Chapters
Meeting The Devil
EvelynThe news spread like wildfire, consuming every media channel and social network. Jacob's image was tarnished beyond recognition. The media did the rest of the job that Tyler couldn't manage.I watched helplessly as everything fell apart, and Jacob struggled to piece it back together. I had never seen him so scared. He was afraid that things wouldn't remain the same. His doubts weighed heavily on him, and the biggest question haunting him was: what if he couldn't give me what I deserved? The fear in his eyes troubled me so much that it was tough for me to even breathe properly. I despised seeing him suffer, and I loathed Tyler even more for being the architect of our misery. I absolutely fucking hated that piece of trash! For the past week, I only saw Jacob when he returned to the apartment. He worked tirelessly every day, pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion, with no respite in sight. I wanted to tell him to rest, but circumstances wouldn't allow it. It was fucking agon
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There It Goes
EvelynAs my body seized with tension, his words cut through me like a knife. Chloe—she was that one perpetual sore spot in our relationship, a shadow that loomed over us, casting its darkness on everything we tried to build. The trauma she left behind, the havoc she wreaked, the way she still haunted our lives—it would never fade. It would fucking linger, an ever-present specter, forever."What... What did you just say?" My voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and anger, my eyes boring into Tyler's, searching for any hint of deceit, but finding only amusement dancing in his gaze.Jerk!A smirk tugged at Tyler's lips, his eyes gleaming with malicious delight as if relishing the discomfort he stirred within me. He reveled in the chaos he wrought, convinced of his ability to manipulate the fragile threads of our relationship.I could tell — he was fucking enjoying it."Well, you don't know how much of an 'arse' guy Jacob is, do you?" he taunted, a chuckle bubbling in his throat. "So,
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Take Me
EvelynThe atmosphere in the room crackled with tension as Jacob's expression morphed from concern to sheer disbelief. His eyes widened, and his lips parted as if he were grappling with an answer that eluded him.He should better fucking find his answers soon because I was totally running out of patience."What do you mean by that?" His voice trembled slightly, betraying the shock that rippled through him like an unexpected storm.This man….I tossed the bag aside with more force than necessary, my frustration boiling over, “You know what I fucking mean.” Closing the distance between us, I seized his collar, my fingers trembling with anger—That Tyler had totally fucked-up with my head. “Why haven't you fucked my ass yet?" My words sliced through the air like a blade, raw and unfiltered.The corner of Jacob's mouth twitched, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. But the weight of my gaze silenced his laughter, forcing his mouth shut, “ "Are you seriously upset about that? That we
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I Will Destroy you
Evelyn“You know I’d still prefer to fuck you after you tell me what caused this sudden reaction from you,” Jacob's deep voice resonated from behind me as he prepared me, his fingers slick with lubricant sliding inside my tightness. With his hand gripping the back of my neck, he pressed my face into the mattress, raising my hips.Oh well….It already felt good. I could say fuck to that slighest bit of discomfort—It just didn’t matter.A soft moan escaped my lips as the unfamiliar sensation overcame me as he stretched me. "I said what I—" Another moan interrupted my words as he added a second finger, sending a shock through my body.Struggling to maintain composure, I managed to finish my sentence, "I said what I said. You won't get anything out of me until you prove it.""Oh, trust me, I'll get plenty out of you," his deep chuckle echoed. Leaning in, he pressed his nose against my back, tracing a line down to my lower waist before biting my buttcheek, eliciting a startled scream from
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I am not going back
EvelynIt took three rounds for Jacob and ten more orgasms for me to finally call it quits for the day. As we lay there, entwined in each other's arms, his hand traced delicate patterns along my back, soothing the ache that lingered in my muscles. He totally destroyed me like he’d said he would.We were both drenched in sweat, our breaths still heavy and our hearts racing, though mine seemed to be pounding louder than his. But who could blame me? After all, my body had borne the brunt of our passionate encounter.Yet, I couldn't bring myself to assign blame. I had brought this to myself, and every moment of it had been an electrifying indulgence.Fuck. Just to remember it made shivers run down my spine.I absolutely fucking loved it. If it hadn’t been for Jacob, I’d have never known that getting destroyed could feel that good.Jacob's fingers found their way into my hair, trailing down to my breasts as he reached for a cigarette. After taking a drag, he leaned in to capture my lips i
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Falling Apart
EvelynTwo days had passed since my conversation with Jacob, and everything between us had been relatively calm. He hadn't brought up the sensitive topic again, and fortunately, I hadn't crossed paths with Tyler, despite my two trips to the store, both times forgetting the list of items I needed to buy.I was getting forgetful these days. I didn’t know why—perhaps it was just stress or perhaps something else. Anyway, it didn’t matter.Lately, I have been putting my cooking skills to the test. Surprisingly, I found that I was at least on par with my dad's culinary prowess, if not quite up to Jacob's level yet. Jacob knew how to cook really very well!Another thing happened— Dad had called twice, clearly stressed out about the situation of the recent media scandal. He and Clara had even contemplated canceling their trip and coming to visit us in Italy, but Jacob and I managed to persuade them otherwise. Me and Jacob, we literally had to beg them to stop.Dad had offered to help Jacob ou
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Breaking Paradise
EvelynEvery fiber of my being tensed at the sound of that fucking despicable voice. Hatred surged through me like a tidal wave. If only I could reach through the screen and throttle that bastard, watch him choke on his own venom. There was only one emotion I felt for him and that was—deep-rooted hatred. I fucking hated him more than I had ever hated anyone."So it was you, wasn't it?" I hissed, my jaw tight with fury. "You probably greased the palms of those investors to pull the rug out from under Jacob just when he was trying to make things right. What the hell do you want, Tyler? Why are you so obsessed with tearing my man down? What the fuck is wrong with you?!”Tyler's voice oozed with sickening charm. "My, my, you sound even sexier when you're angry, Evelyn. Oh, the fantasies I have about you... I wonder how those lips of yours would feel against mine, how would it feel when I’d grab your waist and fucking dive deep into you when you’d quiver beneath me. Fuck! You drive me fuc
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Mending Promises
EvelynAs his words crashed over me like a relentless wave, every fiber of my being throbbed with an avoidable pain. For a brief moment, I couldn't fucking fathom that Jacob had actually said it.Did he really? Or was it just my mind playing cruel tricks on me?No, there was no mistaking it—he had indeed uttered those heartless words. And worse yet, he did so without a hint of hesitation.How could he?!I approached him, my gaze empty, devoid of any emotion, any tears, my hands shaking, "What did you just say?"He remained silent for a beat, avoiding my gaze, but I refused to give him an out—I wouldn't budge until I got the fucking answers I demanded. He was not going to get away with it."You heard me, Evelyn."This piece of shit…."So, say it again," I demanded, my voice rising. "Fucking say it again.""Evelyn..." His hesitation was palpable."What?! What's stopping you from saying it again when you have already said it so easily the first time? What's wrong, huh?" Despite my fury,
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It's About To Go South
EvelynA week had passed since Jacob and I had our fight, and to put it mildly—and bluntly—things were far from okay. Again—To put everything plainly and emphatically—The issue didn't lie solely between us; rather, it was the turbulent circumstances enveloping us. Every effort Jacob made to restore order seemed to slip through his fingers, leaving him increasingly disheartened. It was evident, we were far from okay.Nothing was becoming any better.While we managed to avoid bickering, I couldn't shake the sense of hesitation emanating from Jacob. Our conversations had dwindled this week, a casualty of his relentless pursuit to mend what was broken, leaving little room for anything else. Our relationship, it was not as before now—the spark, it was withering away.A peculiar unease crept over me, a lingering suspicion that Jacob still harbored doubts, unspoken but deeply felt.But for now, the pressing concern was the duration of our journey back to normalcy. Were we ever going to have
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Nothing’s The Same
EvelynAs the cab trailed behind his car, my surprise morphed into apprehension when it bypassed his office without halting. Suspicion intertwined with worry as God, the memory of the past incident loomed large in my mind—I dreaded the notion of enduring such turmoil again, especially with the weight of our current struggles pressing down upon us. Tyler had spared no effort in tarnishing his image, and the mere prospect of history repeating itself threatened to shatter Jacob irreparably.I couldn’t let that happen, at all costs.Amidst the whirlwind of my thoughts, my gaze remained fixed on his car up ahead, witnessing it come to a halt in front of a hotel. He stepped out, prompting me to urge the cab driver to pull over a few feet away, ensuring we remained unnoticed, a request he thankfully obliged.I hastily settled the fare, striving to keep him in sight as he disappeared into the hotel.Why would he be at a hotel?Was he meeting someone? Damn it, this situation was spiraling out
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