All Chapters of My Dad's Bestfriend : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
168 Chapters
I Am Staying
EvelynIt turned out that the address Tyler had given me led to a hotel, though a different one from where I'd stumbled upon my boyfriend locking lips with his ex—a sight as sweet as a lemon wedge in an open wound. Very very sweet indeed. Life seemed to have a knack for fucking with me from every angle, but hey, at least I was getting a firsthand tour of Rome's swanky hotels and a crash course in Italian social dynamics.So far, the three Italians I'd encountered—Jacob Adriano, Tyler Ricci, and Chloe the bitch—had left me less than impressed. Not that I was painting all Italians with the same tainted brush, but were they all cut from the same dysfunctional cloth? Hard to say. And frankly, I wasn't sure I cared to find out. My experiences with Italians thus far had been nothing short of nightmarish and weirdly fucked-up. So, forgive me if I wasn't exactly eager to cozy up to another Italian male, especially not the innocent, put-together types like Jacob, or the ones whose corruption
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EvelynMy feet seemed to resist every step toward Jacob's apartment. Every fiber of my being yearned to distance myself from him. Yet, I knew I had to go back. Despite the turmoil that life and Tyler had thrown our way, I understood Jacob's desperation to find a solution.Even though I wanted to blame him entirely for kissing Chloe, I couldn't.Taking a deep breath, I opened the apartment door and stepped inside. Jacob was pacing back and forth, his face damp, likely from splashing water on it—judging by the open tap at the sink. His movements were frantic as he continuously called, presumably for me.Well...My phone died halfway here. I'd received numerous calls from him during the taxi ride, but I couldn't bring myself to answer."God, Evelyn. Please pick up," he pleaded, his restlessness palpable.Just as he turned, perhaps to leave the apartment in search of me—something he likely did multiple times judging by his disheveled appearance—our eyes met.His eyes widened in surprise, b
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A Promise
Jacob"This is our last hope," he whispered, his voice tinged with a mixture of hope and anxiety, "We have a witness who can testify against those women accusing me of harassment in the office. All those fake texts and edited videos spreading through the media, it could all come to an end if this plan suceeds.""Everything's going to be fine," I reassured him, reaching out to gently squeeze his hand. "Let's hope for the best.""If things go as planned, I'll get my company back, and even if I can't prove Tyler's behind it all, just getting back on the field will be a victory for now," he sighed, standing up and slipping on his shirt.I covered my naked body with the duvet, pressing my back against the headboard as I took a deep breath. I was nervous. I desperately hoped everything would return to normal. Seeing Jacob weighed down by this constant gloom—it tore me fucking apart. I was ready to face any struggle with him, but I knew Jacob wasn't prepared for this fight. He didn't deserve
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Losing It All
EvelynI slipped into the robe, moving quietly so as not to disturb Jacob as he had finally drifted off to sleep after a long hour of reassurances. Truth be told, I wasn't entirely sure what I was reassuring him about—I was simply trying to shield him from the pain. And if the truth was the source of his suffering, then I'd shield him from it. He didn't need to face it if it meant enduring even more agony.Picking up the packet of Jacob's cigarettes and his lighter from the table, I made my way to the balcony. Leaning against the railing, I retrieved a cigarette, lit it up, and placed it between my lips.Yes, this was basically my first time smoking, but I already knew I could handle it judging by the extreme amount of stress pressing down on me right now.As I took the first drag, the ashy, bitter taste of the smoke stroked my throat, and I exhaled slowly through my mouth and nose.Well...No wonder Clara smoked when she was stressed. This shit definitely felt like an escape.I took
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I Am Never Going To Be Yours
EvelynMy hands trembled as I dialed his number, the early morning light casting a dim glow through the curtains. Jacob lay asleep, unknown of the turmoil raging inside me, cocooned beneath the duvet. I had tucked him in just moments ago, my heart heavy with the weight of what I was about to do.I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. All I knew was that it had to be done, and it had to be done right.The phone rang for what felt like an eternity before he finally answered, his voice thick with sleep. "Hello?"So, the bastard was indeed sleeping. Probably in some other woman's bed, given his notorious reputation. I was sure he had different women depending on the days."Hello, this is Evelyn," I forced out, trying to keep my voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging inside me."Evelyn?" There was a note of surprise in his groggy voice."Yes, it's me. Though it's a wonder you don't recognize my voice, considering your apparent obsession with the idea of sleeping with me.""Wel
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Expect The Unexpected
EvelynMy throat went dry at his words, breath hitching as it quickened its pace. A peculiar kind of fear clawed at my insides, coiling and threatening to overwhelm me. But retreat wasn't an option; I had to see this through, no matter the toll it exacted.His hand reached for my jaw, fingers spreading wide as he pulled me closer. His breath, warm and heavy, washed over my face, his hungry gaze fixed on my lips as he licked his own. Despite the layers between us, the primal desire in his eyes was unmistakable, a beast lurking beneath the surface—he was a monster. A sickening filthy monster."Why waste time when we both know what you're here for?" His voice was a dangerous murmur, dangerously close to my lips. "Tonight, you belong to me. And I'll have you any way I fucking please. God! This is surely going to be better than any of my dreams.”He leaned in for a kiss, but I turned my head at the last moment, refusing to yield. My breath came in ragged gasps, my chest rising and falling
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Time For You To Leave
EvelynI watched as Jacob’s fist collided with Tyler’s face, sending him crashing to the floor. The resounding thud and the sickening crack of the punch reverberated through the room, making me shiver. My eyes widened in shock, a gasp escaping my lips as I struggled to comprehend the unfolding scene. Reality hit me hard; I knew I had messed up, big time.In mere moments, before Tyler could even recover, Jacob seized his collar, hauling him to his feet, and unleashed a barrage of harsh blows. Relentlessly. Surprisingly, Tyler didn’t attempt to evade the onslaught. Amidst the flurry of punches, a chuckle escaped his lips. "You're getting yourself into trouble, Mr. Adriano. You'll have to pay for this, in worse ways." His tone said that he meant it and as far as I had gotten to know Tyler—he sure wasn’t going back away from his words. Not now. Not anytime soon."Do I seem scared to you?" Jacob chuckled darkly, landing yet another blow. Blood gushed from Tyler's nose, staining Jacob's knu
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Broken Paradise
EvelynMy body seized at his words, a vice gripping my throat, my chest tightening as my heart pounded against my ribcage, threatening to burst forth. How was I supposed to react to this misunderstanding? The logical choice screamed for clarity, for truth to sever through the fog of confusion enveloping us. But inexplicably, I found myself mute, incapable of articulating even a single syllable. I stood there, stunned and speechless.Tellig him the truth would the best option but why couldn’t I speak? What was wrong with me?A chilling fear slithered up my skin.Was he serious? He couldn't be.God, what was I supposed to do? "Jacob, what are you talking about? Please, listen to me—" I managed to let out as I ventured closer, reaching for his hand, but he jerked away, putting distance between us before finally facing me. It hurt how he recolied as if my touch disgusted him.This Jacob infront of me…he didn’t even look like the tiniest bit of the Jacob I knew."I meant what I said, Evel
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Back To Home
Evelyn"Here it is, Bianca. He confessed everything," I said softly, extending the camera to her. It had been concealed in my dress during my visit to Tyler's mansion—the sole purpose of my visit being to extract his confession, not to sleep with him. But in the end, it seemed inconsequential. Jacob was inclined to believe what suited him, and I no longer had the energy to fight for truth when he had already inflicted enough pain upon me. Far more than I could bear.It had been Bianca's and my plan all along: to deceive Tyler into confessing without him realizing it. I would pretend to play into his desires, coaxing the truth out of him under the guise of granting his wishes. And it worked, but unfortunately, not in the manner I had anticipated."Are you sure you're alright, Evie?" Bianca's concern was evident in her eyes, her furrowed brow, lines of her forehead, and uneven breaths betraying her worry. "I understand Jacob royally fucked it up. He's impulsive and foolish, and I totall
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Win Her Back
JacobI watched, frozen, as Bianca handed me the small camera supposedly belonging to Evelyn during her visit with Tyler. My breath caught in my throat, my hands trembling because of the exhaustion from a night spent searching for her and the weight of my own mistakes settling heavily upon me. Disbelief washed over me as I stared at the camera.She did this for me… Sacrificed for me.God! What the fuck have I done?“Why didn’t you fucking tell me she was with you?” I blurted out, my voice thick with frustration. I barely had any control over myself. “I could have gone there and brought her back home! How could you just let her leave like that?!”“The same home you made clear wasn’t hers anymore?” Bianca shot back, her anger searing. “You fucking forced her to go away! She didn’t even want to lay eyes on you—just because you’re my brother doesn’t give you a free pass to make her suffer, to force her to stay when she wants to leave. Any woman in her right mind would do the same after ev
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