All Chapters of My Dad's Bestfriend : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
168 Chapters
Ultimate Conclusion
Evelyn"Yes, Dad, I've boarded the flight," I reassured, sinking into the seat, the hum of the plane a comforting backdrop. "Don't worry about me—I'm fine."The quiet on the other end spoke volumes. Dad had a thousand words bottled up, I could tell. But he held back, reserving them for our reunion, whenever that might be. His reluctant response was a single, "Okay."God. I wish I could just give him a hug."I'll hang up now, Dad, alright?" I offered, understanding his concern all too well. I knew the weight of his worry, the whispers from Clara beside him urging him to ask more, to probe deeper. They were both anxious beyond measure. And I didn’t like it—I hated watching them concerned.But, I didn’t know what to do.I wanted desperately to offer reassurance, to ease their worry, but the words eluded me. To claim 'I am not in pain' or 'I am totally fine' would be a falsehood, transparent to them given how well they knew me—they’d catch my lie in a single blink. Therefore….Dishonesty w
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My Dad’s Bestfriend: Book 3: Healing Hearts, Renewed Love
Sneak peak: I leaned back against the bar, my fingers aching to reach out to him as his face drew closer to mine, his eyes ablaze with lust, sending electric currents down my spine. My nipples tightened against the fabric of my dress as I watched him, acutely aware of the dampness pooling between my thighs.I was so fucking wet..."You mentioned how much you enjoy his touch..." His body pressed against mine, his fingers slipping beneath the hem of my short dress, toying with the elastic of my panties. "Tell me honestly now, whose touch truly sets this body of yours on fire? His or mine?"God....My breath caught in my throat. "It's irrelevant," I countered, my gaze defiant. "You're my past, he's my present and future."A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, his emerald eyes sparkling in the dim light. "Do you really think I'll stand by and watch that happen, sweetheart?" His voice dripped with determination. "I'd fucking tear down this whole world to have you back with me. So what
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Hey Beautiful
EvelynSixteen days had come and gone. Well, more precisely, sixteen days, eight hours, and forty-five minutes—I'd always been weak with numbers, but now I was sharp—pretty sharp. Thanks to Jacob, who might have messed up most aspects of my life, but inadvertently helped me strengthen my weakest point—math.Did I owe him a thank you? Hell, no. He'd shattered the most resilient part of my being—trust. Now, I knew better than to dole it out like candy on Halloween. There was a hundred percent chance it would get fucking trampled, just like that Italian bastard had done. He fucking ruined me.God! I might never be able to fucking trust anyone!With a groan, I rolled out of bed, my feet sliding into cozy slippers. I silenced the godforsaken alarm and stood up, stealing a glance at the mirror. The reduction in my dark circles was a welcome sign—I was making progress, and moving on. So were my dark circles, apparently.Could I finally consider I was getting over him? Maybe, yeah.My phone
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One Chance
JacobI leaned against the wall, watching that bastard practice shooting with an apple perched on my head like some kind of twisted gangster game. But what could I say? I needed his support to get to his daughter, and if I didn't play along, he wouldn't let me near her. Fuck my luck! He was furious. Completely and utterly furious, and I couldn't blame him. Any father would feel the same—I messed up. Big time. Not just once, but in multiple ways. And in the midst of it all, I ended up fucking hurting her, which I should've avoided at all costs.Bang.The shot landed perfectly in the middle of the apple, and I clenched my fists at my sides. It wasn't that I was afraid of the bullets—I knew these bullets were harmless since it was just a balloon shooting gun. What angered me was that Samuel's tantrums were wasting a lot of my time.I needed to see her.It had been sixteen whole days, and I hadn't even caught a glimpse of her. I was dying inside. To hold her in my arms. To feel her warm
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The Date
EvelynI observed him as he lifted the cup to his lips, his blue eyes sparkling from the get-go, his muscles subtly defined even beneath the fabric of his shirt. His skin appeared flawlessly smooth, his hands noticeably larger than mine, and his lips adorned with a natural pink hue. Sun-kissed locks of blonde hair cascaded in waves, framing a face boasting chiseled features and an undeniable rugged charm—this was far from what I had anticipated. Cameron was, without a doubt, drop-dead gorgeous and utterly breathtaking.Seated across from me, every gesture he made seemed to flow with an effortless grace, as if he were following a dance choreographed by the gods themselves. The rich aroma of coffee enveloped the air around him, mingling with the subtle hint of his cologne, despite the appropriate distance between us.He smelt good. Too fucking good.While I struggled to maintain my composure in his presence, his demeanor was both relaxed and confident, entirely at ease in his own skin.
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Not Anymore
EvelynOn my way back home, thoughts of Cameron consumed my mind entirely. The interaction with him had been nothing short of exhilarating. But I couldn’t shake the doubt that I felt this way because so much of him reminded me of Jacob—his composed presence, his confident demeanor, his boldness—it all harkened back to him. I hated that I liked it.“God, why am I even thinking about that jerk?” I groaned, pressing down on the accelerator, speeding the car.Speaking of cars, I loved Cameron’s. It was a fiery red beast, one I might have accepted a ride in if I hadn’t declined his offer to pick me up for our date. Although he had his conditions before I left—next time, if I deemed him worthy enough, he would pick me up and drop me home. I wasn’t sure what he found appealing about it, but it seemed to be something he desired, so maybe next time I’d allow it.But then again, I wasn’t certain if I wanted another date. It wasn’t about him—it was about me. I couldn’t get that one man out of my
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Will The Distraction Work?
EvelynThe air in the room constricted around me like a vice, every breath a struggle against the weight of the situation bearing down on my chest. As I sank onto the bed, the gravity of it all seemed to amplify, squeezing out any semblance of ease I had left in me. Hands trembling, I fought for air, the echoes of his venomous words from that time clawing their way back into my consciousness. And now, like a relentless barrage, his recent words, laden with sincerity, replayed in my mind, tormenting me with their conflicting truths. How could someone be so cruel and yet so convincingly sincere?"I will never fucking forgive you, you bastard," I muttered, the words bitter on my tongue as tears traced a path down my cheeks. Alone in that suffocating space, it felt absurd to engage in a conversation with myself, yet I couldn't help but vocalize the turmoil within. How foolish I must have seemed, reminiscing about the moments shared with him, replaying them like a broken record.Damn it! I
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It’s Not Over
EvelynI clenched my teeth at the sound of his voice, not because I loathed it, but because of the unsettling effect it had on me, pulling every fiber of my being toward him. My hands balled into fists at my sides before I summoned the courage to turn and face him. A sharp intake of breath almost escaped me as our eyes met once more—those piercing green eyes of his never failed to captivate me.You have got this, Evelyn. You can do it."Well, Maybe I was leaving because I simply didn't want to look at your fucking face," I shot back, a hint of venom lacing my words. A faint smirk tugged at his lips, as though he doubted my sincerity. In truth, he probably did.I so badly wished he couldn’t read me so easily."I don't think you hate seeing my face," he said, setting the beer bottle down on the counter with a soft clink. The kitchen was far from silent—the wind outside whispered through the open window, tousling his already unruly hair and adding to his ethereal allure.It was such a fu
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EvelynAs the sunlight filtered through the curtains, dancing with the breeze that gently stirred them, I found myself lost in a battle of distractions. With each crunch of a chip, I attempted to drown out the relentless thoughts of that infuriating man, burying myself in the pages of a book. Yet, even the storyline of my chosen novel failed to captivate me, paling in comparison to the chaotic drama of my own fucking life—a tragic fucked-up movie that audiences would devour when the characters would go through shit, feel like shit and maybe even look like shit! Fuck this.I am going to move forward, leave him and his memory behind once and for all—that’s final."Caroline didn't want to be with Edward, yet she knew he held the key to her heart, igniting a fire within her that no one else could replicate—a spark destined to burn eternally," I read aloud, my jaw tensing with each word.It seemed the universe conspired against me, even influencing my choice of reading material—a cruel r
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Burning Edges
EvelynI gazed at my reflection in the mirror, clad in a pristine white gown that hugged my figure, accentuated by matching high heels. With meticulous care, I let my hair cascade in loose curls, using the curling iron after ages. A spritz of perfume and I grabbed my purse before exiting the room. It had been ages since I wore white—I had grown accustomed to Jacob's favorite—black. Everything black. But never in my life, even for once had I thought he'd leave me in black just like that that. He tainted everything with that colour and snatched the rest of the colours away from my palette.Descending the staircase, I treaded cautiously to avoid any mishaps. Yet, just as I thought I had navigated the last fucking step, I collided with an obstacle so solid it felt like slamming into a brick wall. A groan escaped me as pain radiated through my forehead, but before I could fully register the impact, a familiar scent enveloped me, dispelling the notion of a wall. It was him. My heartbreaker.
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