All Chapters of Red Rover: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
101 Chapters
Chapter 61 - Kaia
The plane ride to Norway is excruciatingly long. While we are in flight, we receive a call from Jai. “He’s awake,” Jai says the second that we answer. I feel like I let out a breath that I didn’t know that I’ve been holding since I found out that Tomas was hurt. Zoe and I are both in tears, relief flowing from our bodies as we hold each other. “Oh, thank the Goddess!” Zoe cries out. “Can we talk to him?” I basically beg. “Maan is checking him over personally, right now. But Lily is here, she can update you on everything that we know right now,” Jai says. “Mẹ?” I ask once my mother comes on the phone. “Mẹ, is he ok? Please tell me that he’s ok!” “He’s ok. Everything is taking a bit longer to heal. We believe that’s because it’s a god that hurt him. His werewolf healing slowed down to human healing, but it’s starting to pick up. I’ve been checking on him personally every half hour and would say that his healing is at about half strength right now.” Mẹ’s voice
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Chapter 62 - Tomas
The second that Kaia’s fangs sink into my skin, I orgasm into their hands, cum coating their fingers. “Kaia!” I cry out, a full-throated scream leaving my throat. The second that she licks the wound, sending more shuttering sensations throughout my body, I feel all of my wounds heal, along with another part of the matebond clicking into place. I’m breathing heavily, eyes rolling back to the front of my head when I see both of my mates lift their hands up covered in my release. Zoe pushes her fingers into Kaia’s mouth, making her suck my cum from her fingers. Kaia returns the favor to Zoe and I’m already hard as fuck, AGAIN. I fist my hands in the front of both of their shirts and pull. I legitimately don’t realize how much strength I have, thinking that my yanks will just rip the front of their shirts so that I have access to their tits. Instead, their entire shirts come off in my hands. Suddenly, the tent flap opens and Jai comes busting in. “Is everything ok? What was t
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Chapter 63 - Zoe
This bond between us is amazing. Feeling all of our emotions and sensations is going to take a bit of getting used to. Not in a bad way, just in a “Now I have two more people in my head than just the one extra one that was there from my bond with Kaia” type of way. At least I’m used to having that feeling from my matebond with Kaia. Poor Tomas has to get used to having both of us at the same time. We should make it easy for him. We should. Kaia sends me a wicked little smirk and I can’t help but send one right back to her. Slowly, we both move onto our knees. Tomas’s eyes are still closed, his breathing starting to even out. Won’t stay that way for long. I lean down and take his mouth with mine. He moans and starts to respond to the kiss immediately. “Fuck, you taste so GOOD!” His last word is spoken with a yelp as Kaia starts to suck his cock into her mouth. We’ve gotten pretty good at knowing how to hide some things from each other with the bond and with it b
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Chapter 64 - Alexander
“What’s next, O?” Pop asks Odysseus. He is really trying to make a nickname for Odysseus stick and the ancient Greek is really not here for it.“Odysseus,” the shade says, rolling his eyes at my father. “My name is Odysseus.”“I mean, after all the near death situations that we’ve been through and are going to go through, I think that we can have a nickname between us, Dyssy. You can even give me a nickname. Dev. Vin. Big D,” Pop says, bumping shoulders with Odysseus.“He does have a big one,” Ma says to Meredith. Rowen and I both cover our ears.“Ma!” Rowen says, “I don’t want to hear about that. I’m still scarred from the time that we went to a human hotel in Hawaii that wasn’t properly sound proofed.”Everyone around us bursts out laughing, including Summer and Jared. Everyone except Odysseus. He looks completely lost. “I’m afraid I don’t understand,” he says, perplexed.Looking pretty damn smug, Pop starts to say, “It means that I have a big - ““Shut up! Shut up! S
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Chapter 65 - Summer
I watch as Alexander and Odysseus walk towards the centaur camp, out of the scant covering that we had found behind some rather large boulders. I’m pissed that the party obsessed, fun loving centaurs that Rick Riordan portrayed in the Percy Jackson series aren’t real. Granted, dude is just humans and has never met a true centaur. But I loved that series as a kid and I was just hoping that some of it was true. Jared gives me a small smile when he sees the slight pout cross my face and pulls me in for a side hug. His other hand is wrapped in Rowen’s. I reach across and place my hand on top of both of theirs. I know that this is hard for him. To watch his twin walk out to face these creatures on his own. I think that the only thing that is holding him back from going to help his brother is knowing that he must have the Goddess’s healing powers. Powers that are somehow even stronger than his parents’. He’ll be able to heal anything that happens to Alexander. Assuming that h
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Chapter 66 - Rowen
The ride across the Phlegethon sucked. I mean, we’re riding on the back of these mythological creatures who aren’t really our biggest faces at the moment. We have to trust that they won’t just dump us in the flaming river that we’re WALKING ON TOP OF! Yeah, you read that shit right. The centaurs have some kind of spell on their hooves that make it so they can walk on top of the flames. Their entire bodies are fireproof. Nifty for them. Not fun for us. Because the flames didn’t just flow like water. No, that would be too easy. They spurted and blazed every so often like a freaking geyser. We had to wear special coverings so that we didn’t get burned whenever that happened and lay on the backs of the centaurs like we were 50s pinup models. Honestly, I would never have trusted an enemy of mine to take me across such dangerous territory, but the ancients had a different code. They meant what they said and their word was their bond. Wish it was like that nowadays in the
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Chapter 67 - Gael
Fighting the hydra was a lot like trying to wrangle a toddler into a special occasion dress. Two of us had to hold it down while the third took care of the business end. At least, that was the experience that we had with trying to get Fati into dresses as a child. Jareth had placed a deflection spell on us so that any attack that the hydra attempted to do, it reflected back at the monster. It kept us safe from direct attacks from the monster, though sometimes the deflected attacks would get a little too close to comfort. Jareth didn’t need to hold the spell on us, so he takes up distracting the hydra while Hakeem, Meredith, and I start hacking at its neck. Things were going well until Jareth slipped on a rock and the hydra turned its attention on us. When it aimed its attention on Meredith, Hakeem got in the way, slashing at its open maw. The problem was that he got the beast’s saliva all over him, the poison eating away his shirt and skin on his arm. Hakeem’s high pitc
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Chapter 68 - Bella
The second that we landed in Norway, just outside of the base camp, Nathan is off the plane and running toward Tomas. He wants to talk to his second to figure out exactly what happened in Valhalla. And he thinks that it would be a good idea to call in Nyx’s and his parents. They are excellent warriors on their own. Plus, Kayla, Brandon, and Zak would be livid if we didn’t tell them what happened to Nyx. Jamal, Gregory, and I walked into the camp at a much more sedate speed. As we near the camp, we see Nate standing close to the edge of the tents, talking to Jai. Questioning, I ask, “What’s going on? I thought you were going to go talk to Tomas.” It’s then that I hear what must be stopping him from going to see Tomas. Nate gives a small smile. “I’m guessing he made up with Zoe and Kaia.” “Sounds like it,” Jamal says, sending me and Gregory a devilish grin. My mate never particularly liked watching porn, but hearing other wolves go at it definitely gets him going. Later,
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Chapter 69 - Josefina
The second that Jacob came in the tent with Nathan, he was all I could see. All I could scent. Almost all that I could hear. Bella was right. It wasn’t that Jacob saved my life. Thank the Goddess that he was here and could. It was the fact that the ability to get to know them before the matebond kicked in was taken from me. Because now that we’ve started the bond, my feelings are going to overwhelm me. They are going to be all that I want, simply because we are bonded. And I’m going to allow them to do whatever they want to me, simply because they are my mates. Trust isn’t going to be something that is going to build. Nothing that I’m even going to worry about. I’m just going to give them all of me. And that thought terrifies me. So I freaked out on Jacob. Not because I don’t want him, but because I don’t trust him or myself around him. Nathan was definitely pissed when he walked in, but I knew that had less to do with me and more to do with his situation with N
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Chapter 70 - Jacob
Even though JoJo had kissed me just minutes ago and she’s sitting in my lap feeling the evidence of how much I want her, I don’t move in for the kiss. I let her take the lead. I’ll let her lead me anywhere. She leans in, sensing what I’m doing. Her lips press against mine, searing me with her very essence. Touching her, kissing her, feels like drinking cool water on a hot day. I try to hold back. I really do. But I’ve needed her for so long that my body, my wolf, my very soul has cried out for her, that I can’t. I’m too hungry for her. I devour her, my hands moving to her back. I groan when I feel the bare skin there as the hospital gown gapes open. Fated sparks, heat, and arousal shoot through me, heightened even more by the smell of JoJo’s desire for me as well. Knowing that all I have to do is pull this hospital gown off her arms to see her bare in front of me has my wolf trying to take over. I have to pull back from our kiss to tamp him down. She gives me a questio
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