All Chapters of Red Rover: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
101 Chapters
Chapter 71 - Brandon
We got the call from Nathan over lunch. We’re sitting with Chris, Esteban, and our grandpup, Lily, and our triplets over homemade pizza. Lily is nearly a year old, so she’s not having pizza, but she is gumming on some of the crust. “Papa, don’t you dare give her any cheese! The last time you did, she exploded out of her diaper like five times. Her little body just isn’t ready for cheese yet. Dr. Addams says she needs another few months,” Chris yells at Zak who is tempting Lily with a bite of his pizza. “But she loved it. Didn’t you, little bud? You like cheese so much! Just like your Papa Zak,” he coos to the baby who is trying valiantly to grab the pizza from his hand. “Zak, she had an upset tummy for the rest of the day,” Kayla says. “Just like Nat! Don’t do that to Lily.” “Fine,” Zak says. He puts his pizza down and blows a raspberry on Lily’s belly before putting her back in her high chair next to her aunts and uncle. I guess it would be a little weird to have
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Chapter 72 - Nyx
*TRIGGER WARNING* This chapter contains non-consensual sexual acts. Please read at your own discretion. I have no idea how long I’ve been asleep. It’s hard to tell how much time has passed when you’re changed to a bed in an eternal viking castle. No phone. No watches. No clocks. All I have is the angle of the sun through the window and whenever my wonderful fury attendees bring me food. This last time, Alecto and Mageara had helped me take a bath. Ever have wet reptilian claws wash your hair? I have. It sounds more pleasant than it is. “You know, I can do this by myself. I learned how to when I was five years old. Been doing it ever since,” I hiss out as Mageara 'accidentally’ snags one of her claws in my hair. Again. “Nonsense, my queen. You shouldn’t strain yourself by doing trivial matters such as this. Your station affords you help in all aspects of your life. And we will make sure that you get the aid that you deserve,” Alecto says. “Everything you deserve,” M
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Chapter 73 - Alexander
The time we were in Hermes’ palace was spent resting, bathing, eating, and planning. The Oreiades, or mountain-nymphs, that follow Hermes around attended to us. Their voices were gravelly and low, like rocks scraping over each other. Hermes came back, but was quiet for the most part. He just kind of took care of us. Well, most of us. I don’t think that the messenger of the god likes me all that much. Or he likes me too much? I don’t know. He’s either glaring at me or checking me out. I’m not quiet sure how to feel about this dude. He’s sexy, though I imagine most gods are. All golden skin and muscles on muscles. But there’s something about his eyes. This arresting blue that I can’t seem to look away from when I make eye contact with him. Look, don’t get me wrong, Jacob is still the sexiest man that I’ve ever seen. But there is nothing wrong with looking. We both do it. The Goddess put us all here to be appreciated, right? But there is absolutely no desire for u
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Chapter 74 - Devin
Tartarus is this huge fucking whole with millions of levels that just go deeper and deeper down into this abyss. I mean, there’s no seeing the bottom. At all. I got vertigo looking over the side of the damn thing. In the very center is this huge ass island of stone. Like a pillar that comes up from the bottom of the pit. And that’s where Tisphone is. She is large, nearly twice the size of Brandon, who is the tallest wolf I’ve ever met. And yet her wingspan is even twice the size of that. It’s insane how large she is. Her visage is…unpleasant. She looks like a big ass bat mixed with an ugly ass woman. Look, I try not to judge people by their looks. It’s nothing they can fix and nothing that they chose. But this chick is ugly as they come. And she isn’t wearing a shirt! She’s ancient and her titties tell the tale of that. All shriveled and saggy. Not an attractive look. Zero out of ten, do not recommend.There’s no way to get to her that I can see. No bridges or st
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Chapter 75 - Rowen
We all jog the rest of the way down the tunnel, making it to the entrance to Tisphone’s stairs in less time than we planned. We’re all amped and ready to get this shit down. I’m afraid that all of us won’t make it out of here. I mean Dad, Auntie Charlie, Odysseus, Isaac, and Lacy will be fine. They’re all dead already. But the rest of us? Ma? Pop? Alexander, Summer, Jared? Any one that’s here with us? I don’t know. I don’t know if any of us will make it through. I can’t think about that right now though. I’ve got to get my head in the game. “Leave your packs and shit here,” Dad tells us. “We’re going to need to move as easily as possible. Only thing we should worry about is Alexander’s blade.” “We all ready?” Ma asks. A chorus of yeses answer her. “Hit the dot,” Pop tells us. And we all do, watching our hands to watch until the dot turns a solid green. It’s really weird to see our hands glow like they’ve got some kind of electronic button inside of them. Mag
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Chapter 76 - Alexander
When I plunged the sword that Hermes gave me into Tisphone’s chest, it’s like a jolt of pure power shoots through me. I feel as if I’ve been struck by lightning, the feeling zinging through my entire body in less than a second. But the furry isn’t completely dead. No, she has enough time to scream. I swear, the sound is so loud that my ear drums burst. At least, that would explain the blood that is drying on my neck when I wake up with Pop’s hands on the sides of my head. “Holy shit!” Ma says, leaning and awkwardly wrapping me in a hug. “Don’t ever do that to me again!” “What happened?” I ask groggily. “When Tisphone screamed after you stabbed her, you passed out from the shock of her scream. You had some hemorrhaging from being so close to her when it happened,” Pop explains. “Why’d she scream like that?” I ask, shaking my head to try and erase the feeling of just waking up. I mean, I guess I technically did just wake up, but it’s not really the feeling you want to h
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Chapter 77 - Kayla
We ended up leaving the pups back at the pack. Between Brandon’s parents and Clara, Zak’s mom, we had plenty of people to watch not just the triplets, but also little Lily. Valhalla isn’t a place for pups. Which is why we’re going there to get Nyx out. “Kayla, baby,” Zak says, pulling my hand from my mouth. “If you don’t stop biting your nails, you’re going to have stumps to your knuckles.” He holds my hand, rubbing my cheek as I watch him. “I know. I’m just so freaked out,” I tell him. “We know, Beautiful,” Brandon says to me, running his fingers through my hair. “But you chewing your nails bloody isn’t going to help anything.” I lean back into Brandon’s chest, allowing him to wrap his arms around me. Zak picks up my fet and props them on his lap. Immediately, his hand sneaks under my pants leg and starts rubbing the skin there. Feeling their hands on my skin, the soothing fated sparks, calms me immediately. “We can’t go into this half-cocked, Princess,” Zak says,
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Chapter 78 - Nyx
I feel like a zombie. Like I’m pushed away from everyone and everything, including myself. It feels like everything is muffled. Like my brain is wrapped up in cotton, my ears plugged with it. Nothing feels the same as it did before. I’m not hungry. I constantly feel tired. Lucifer touched me in places that I’ve only touched myself before. He didn’t pay attention to my protests and pleas from him to stop, my tears not deterring him. And the worst part is that my body responded to him. Every fucking time. I lost count of the number of orgasms that he forced from my body. It was to the point that I literally passed out in the tub with him holding me. When I woke up, I found that I was on my bed, dressed in a long shirt that hit me at mid thigh and a pair of panties. I realized the shirt was the one that Lucifer had been wearing and I immediately tore it off of me. It was then that I realized that my hands were free from their shackles, as was one of my feet. There is on
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Chapter 79 - Alexander
We all limp back to Hermes’s palace: the injured, the gods and goddesses, our ragtag band. And we carry the dead back with us. None of the gods or goddesses have their powers this deep down into Tartarus. They will have to wait until they have crossed the borders into the Underworld to be able to help. Rowen, Ma, and Dad were only able to heal those of us that were injured enough so that we didn’t bleed out with the number of us that were hurt. We’re going to have to wait until they’ve rested and eaten before they can do more. The fight with the monsters in Tartarus had taken its toll on so many of us. Michael and Citra had been caught in the crossfire of a fire breathing Chimera. Michael had jumped onto Citra, trying to save her. It killed him and severely injured her. Jaiden, who had been with them, was killed by the venomous bite of the Chimera’s serpent tail. Rowen said that by the time he had gotten to Citra, her skin had pealed back like burnt paper and she was
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Chapter 80 - Rowen
“How in the hell does this work?” Pop demands of Selene. “Look, Dev, this is beyond my paygrade. From what I can tell, Josefina is still mated to Jacob and Alexander. They literally have the matching pieces of her soul. But Hermes has replaced some of his soul with hers and vice versa. It is something that only one of the most powerful god’s can do, like an Olympian.” Selene looks so confused and almost powerless. Not in the sense that she doesn’t have her power, though that is still true. No, she looks like even if she wanted to do something about Hermes being the keeper of part of Josefina’s soul, she is powerless to stop it.“So…it’s possible?” Dad asks. “For four of them to be mated?”“Looks like,” Selene says.“Damn! They’re going to need a big ass bed!” I can’t help but whisper to Jared and Summer.Of course, every other wolf nearby hears it and Ma smacks me on the back of the head.“What? We need a California King for the three of us. Can you imagine adding a four
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