All Chapters of Red Rover: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
101 Chapters
Chapter 81 - Josefina
I have no idea how many times Jacob and I have mated since we marked each other. It’s like we’ve already started the mating period, though that can’t be right, since we don’t have Alexander here. Or Hermes. Fuck, I have to tell Jacob about Hermes. It’s not like I haven’t tried. But every time that we start to talk, we get…distracted. By each other’s lips. Or a flash of skin. Or an unintentional brush of his thigh against mine. And then we suddenly have to have each other. His hands feel so damn good on my body. His lips make my body chase after them. I hadn’t thought that he would be this skilled in pleasing a woman, knowing that he has been with Alexander for years, but thank the Goddess, I was wrong! The orgasms this many has pulled from me are insane! The best that I’ve ever had. And the way that he responds to me is so fucking sexy that I nearly cum just from hearing him. His moans and grunts and the way that he touches me like I’m spun from glass. It’s every
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Chapter 82 - Jacob
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I’m beyond pissed. And a little turned on. And that pisses me off even more. “What the hell do you mean that you’re in charge of the bond?” “My power is more than Selene’s. She’s a minor goddess and I’m one of the Olympians. My power is more than hers,” Hermes says, his finger traveling down my arm to grab my hand. “But you don’t have to worry about that.” He brings my hand up to his mouth. “I told you. I want you. All three of you.” It almost feels like I’m under a spell as he touches me. And there’s a faint feeling of tingles along my skin where he touches me. Not like when I touch JoJo and Alex, but there’s definitely something there. Fuck! I don’t like this! I just got JoJo on board with the whole matebond thing and now we’re adding another person to the mix? And a fucking god at that! And all I can think is how can I compete with that? JoJo’s a beta, alpha blooded, and the damn main Oracle to the Goddess. Alexander is an alpha
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Chapter 83 - Nathan
Ok, so that shit with JoJo, Alexander, Hermes, and Jacob is in-fucking-sane. You ever tried to pull an angry god off of someone? Cause you don’t want to do that. It ain’t easy. Gods are fucking strong. Especially when they’re mad. Especially when they are defending their mate. What a clusterfuck. Looks like these mates aren’t going to get it easy. Ever. Arya quickly healed JoJo and she is fine, physically. But she’s definitely shaken by the events of what has transpired. Hermes didn’t want her to, but she’s been sitting next to Jacob’s bed. Because apparently being hit by a god makes you pass out so hard that even god-like healing won’t heal it all. The structural damage is all healed. Apparently the two punches had completely obliterated Jacob’s nose. There had been some internal damage as well, but Rowen wouldn’t tell us exactly how much. Though it’s enough that every look that he gives Hermes is full of anger and hatred. To his credit, Hermes has tried to c
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Chapter 84 - Bella
Being in the presence of my goddess is just a bit overwhelming to say the least. She wasn’t in her true form like she had been when I received the prophecy from her so long ago. She said that if we were really in her presence, it would literally blind us. The thing that saved me before was that I was astral projecting. But even though I don’t see her true form with all three aspects of the goddess showing, her physical appearance keeps vacillating between that of the maiden, the mother, and the crone. It’s a little unsettling to be talking to a young woman in her twenties, turn away to grab something, and then turn back to a stooped back old woman. Just saying. She has just finished telling us what Hades said about the prophecy with Lucifer and Nyx. “I have to go find Nathan! Right now,” I say, standing up. I can’t think about my feelings over the loss of Nyx. It’s too much to try and process at the moment. Nyx is like a little sister to me. She reminds me so much of Iris
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Chapter 85 - Arya
Bella stayed in Valhalla for about an hour. Tears wet her cheeks almost immediately upon her going into her trance-like state and stayed there for the entire hour that she’s in Valhalla. Though there were several times when she literally growled with anger, her entire body tensing with the force of it. That growl would have made any wolf proud, so hearing it come from the vocal chords of a human was a little startling. Kind of lends credence to the theory that some of our scientists have about our human and other supernatural mates taking on some of our characteristics. Both of my mates are wolves, so I have no idea. Gregory and Jamal continue to hold Bella’s hands throughout the entire hour while Rowen and I keep constant vigil over her body and mental health for any signs of distress. Though she is obviously upset, it doesn’t seem to be because she’s in danger. It’s more a response to whatever she’s seeing. Which scares me. Devin is hanging out with Alexander to make
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Chapter 86 - Thomas
“I don’t care! This is the door that opens directly into Valhalla. They’ll eventually get through it, you said so yourself Hermes. And when it opens, I will be here and ready to get Nyx!” Nathan is adamant that he isn’t going to leave this one specific door to Valhalla. According to Hermes, Selene, and Hecate, there are places all over the globe that will open into the same realm as Valhalla, but only one opens into the castle proper. The one that Puck’s sacrifice sealed shut. It makes me a little sick to know that, even though Puck’s sacrifice saved use, it won’t keep that door closed. They’ll be able to erase his sacrifice like it was nothing. And though Puck was a pain in the ass to me, he was our pain in the ass. I miss the guy. “It’s going to be dangerous as hell around here, Nathan,” Dev says. “There’s no reason to stay here, the gods will get us to whatever opening in the blink of an eye. We’ll just have the back that levies around here keep an eye on it and call t
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Chapter 87 - Kaia
Zoe and I have always enjoyed dominating in the bedroom. We switch off and on and I’m usually more on than off, but the roles of submissive and dominant can be freeing for the two of us. I’m an elite warrior. Constantly training. Constantly going to competitions. Zoe is also an elite warrior. The leader of her own small pack of all female warriors. And both of us are lunas, in charge of our own section of the Moon Goddess pack. We have a lot of heavy responsibilities that take our focus day in and day out. And the roles of dominant and submissive can be really helpful in relieving some of that stress. To be a submissive, where all of the heavy choices are taken away from you and your only responsibility is to do whatever your master says. It’s freeing. To be the dominant, where your focus is completely and totally on the person that y’re with. Where nothing exists outside of them and the room that you’re in. It can serve to focus and ground you. Because Zoe i
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Chapter 88 - Alexander
Watching Zoe, Kaia, and Tomas run off to their tent, it’s easy to know what they’re getting ready to do. And that I’m going to either get out of earshot or find some ear plugs. When I awoke in Tartarus after Hermes had healed me, this got heated, very quickly. We didn’t have sex, but we did everything but. Feeling him kiss me, touch me, suck me. Fuck, it was one of the sexiest nights of my life. Minus the first time that I was with Alexander. And our first time together as mates. Hermes had actually been the one to stop us from going all the way. He said that he wanted to have his first time with his mates was when all four of us were together and could mark each other. Fuck! He’s sexy and sentimental. You’re killing me, Smalls! But with Jacob’s reaction…that doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen anytime soon. The problem with how Hermes and Jacob met is that Hermes was feeling himself because of how well things went with me. He also knew that JoJo and Jacob had mark
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Chapter 89 - Josefina
I stayed with Alex the whole plane ride. As soon as I marked him, he flipped me over and started licking my pussy until my bones felt like jelly and my throat was hoarse. And then he pushed himself inside of me and place my mark on her neck, right below the mark that Jacob placed. We had sex so many times that I passed out. It was amazing. When we were done, both of us fell asleep. When we woke as the plane landed. And Jacob was in bed with us, curled against my back. “I’m sorry for being such a pain in the ass,” he says against my hair. “It isn’t me that you have to apologize to,” I tell him. He sighs. “I know. He’s just so fucking arrogant.” He flops on his back, throwing his arm over his eyes. “But he’s not,” Alexander says. “He just thought that we were a sure thing. It made him a little cocky. But you have to have seen how sorry he was about it. How miserable he is. How miserable JoJo and I are. Hell, you’re fucking miserable as well. You two got off o
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Chapter 90 - Christine
I had been getting ready to get on the plane to go back to the states with my family when I get the mindlink from JoJo. He severed them! She’s screaming in my head. JoJo? I don’t realize that I’ve said it aloud at the same time that I mindlinked her until my mate, my parents, and Hakeem, Meredith, and Gael stop and look at me. “What’s going on? What’s wrong with JoJo?” Meredith is next to me, her hand holding mine. I shake my head as I listen to her. She’s distraught, crying and screaming in my mind. He severed the bonds. All of our matebonds, he just took them away because he was pissed that I wouldn’t let him mark me. A cold chill goes through me and I can’t stop the look on my face. Everyone sees how petrified I am. “What is it, mi amore (my love)?” Esteban asks me. “Hermes. He severed the matebonds between Alexander, Jacob, and JoJo,” I whisper. I hear the outrage around me, the despair and despondency inside my head. It’s almost too much. Through the mindlink,
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