All Chapters of You're Mine: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
379 Chapters
Chapter 131
On the other hand, he was late to the scene by twenty years compared to them. No matter how much effort he put in, he could only lament his weakness before the vast disparity. Alfred watched Edward’s expression cautiously when he did not receive a reply. “Noted.” Edward behaved apathetically on the surface. He waved his hand to dismiss Alfred while he flipped through a few documents in silence, appearing as if he was caught in a trance. He took out his phone and called Vivian. “What are you
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Chapter 132
Officer Konstantin stayed in a rather old residential building that still preserved the architectural style of the previous century around the 80s or the 90s. There was no elevator and the corridor was narrow with dim lighting. Vivian felt like she might just faint as she ascended the concrete staircase step by step. Only then did she see the greenish-gray burglar bars. She raised her head to look at the house number and ensured that it was the right house before she knocked on the door gently
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Chapter 133
Vivian had limited time, so she dared to stay for too long. She did not take the information with her. On the contrary, she passed it back to Madam Konstantin and said, “It’s best to leave this item with you. It will actually be safer. I’m going to try to figure out a way to take Edward’s fingerprints. I just wonder if I can find someone reliable to make a comparison for me.”“Leave that to me,” Madam Konstantin said. Vivian stood up and bade her farewell. She encountered Estelle who had just
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Chapter 134
Vivian kept quiet for a long time upon hearing the question before she forced a smile and answered as if she was expressing her innermost thoughts ambiguously, “Try not to contact me first if you can. You can contact me when there comes a time that I won’t even be able to find you.”When there came a time that she could not even find him, Edward would not be able to find him either naturally. He understood her hint. He nodded and answered, “Alright.”He went to the bedroom to pick up something
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Chapter 135
A thousand miles away, Vivian’s cry halted to a stop almost in the next second after her call ended. She gazed at the display screen of her phone absentmindedly for a while before she pulled out some tissues to wipe away her tears. Then, she stood up with an ordinary expression to wash her face in the washroom. Next, she headed to the kitchen to make herself some dinner. There was almost nothing left in the refrigerator, so she could only make instant ramen with an egg for herself. She conclud
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Chapter 136
Vivian did not encounter any obstacles in her path all the way. It was exactly the same as the situation when she had gone over previously, and again, it was Wade who opened the door. However, Wade did not appear as apathetic as before though there was vague concern in his gaze. When she walked past him, he even reminded her softly, “Mr. Levin isn’t in a good mood.”Vivian stopped ever so slightly in her path, then she walked into the house with her usual expression. She stood at the spacious l
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Chapter 137
She was already incapable of answering him. Her head leaned weakly against his shoulder and the sound of her breathing could no longer be heard anymore. Shocked, he stretched out his hand to check on her breathing. He felt slightly relaxed when he sensed her weak breathing. He carried her into the bathtub swiftly, turned on the hot water, and removed the wet clothes on her body while blasting the warm water at her. He managed to shed her clothes completely with great effort and found her used
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Chapter 138
It was a critical moment now, so Vivian could not possibly perform fellatio for him. She was stunned for a moment before she rejected him in a straightforward manner with flushed cheeks, “Don’t even think about it.”When the situation calmed down, the temperature of the water remained high as before, yet it felt as if his body temperature was even higher. After a long while, he relaxed slowly and got up to help her out of the water. Vivian had been quiet all this time as her cheeks blushed fu
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Chapter 139
As he was speaking, he turned his head to ask Jake, “Jake, what she’s doing is like the phrase ‘forget your friends when you are smitten with a new love’, right? I haven’t used the wrong phrase this time, have I?”Jasmine was very used to handling this situation. She cracked up upon hearing Baldie’s remarks and she said in a brisk yet harmonious manner, “You’re a scoundrel who shirks from your own fault, then blames someone else for the mistake. I’ve been here for half a night, and how many wor
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Chapter 140
It sounded like a good plan, and the method to carry it out was less than ordinary too.Noelle found a secluded internet café and typed out more than ten complaint letters, adding extra details to a list of Vivian’s “offenses”. She sent one each to every office in the school, including the head offices. However, that wasn’t enough. She snuck back into school in the middle of the night when no one was around, and put up a few enlarged copies on the university’s bulletin board downstairs. She pla
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