All Chapters of You're Mine: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
379 Chapters
Chapter 141
“Alright, I’ll be waiting,” she replied softly, paused, then said, “You should be careful too. Don’t let me slaughter you with a knife.”He chuckled softly when he heard her threat, and he pulled her closer to him. “The knife is in the kitchen,” he kindly reminded her, “Remember to use the boning knife. It’ll probably be easier with that one. Do you know which one that is? If not, I’ll show it to you tomorrow.”She gently smirked and didn’t answer. On the other hand, his breathing gradually st
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Chapter 142
He cocked his to the side and lifted his head as he watched her leave. Vivian walked steadily away, sometimes pausing on purpose too. She stood at the flight of steps and said a few words to her mother, then continued her way up. However, just as she closed the door behind her, she turned into a completely different person. She chugged the milk down her throat, finishing it in a few gulps, and grabbed her handbag on the sofa. Then, she flew straight into the bathroom.Her phone was flung to t
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Chapter 143
She was taken aback. She finally understood what he meant. Her face immediately turned red as she forcefully pushed him away and scolded him in embarrassment and anger, “A*shole!”“Yep, I’m an a*shole. This isn’t your first day finding out about this.” He simply chuckled and pushed himself even closer to her. “It’s still early. How about we do something else today, hmm?” he murmured with a smirk.No one could rival his shamelessness! Any further stubbornness from her would only entice him even
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Chapter 144
She would deal with whatever happened tonight that night itself! She didn’t care as she relished in the complacency and celebration of the joy of someone who had escaped from the jaws of a wolf. Just before stepping out the door, she had even replied to him with, “Alright, I’ll be waiting.”Vivian may have challenged him with her words, but she did not dare delay in her actions at all. She rushed out immediately after opening the door, finally having the courage to let out a sigh of relief when
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Chapter 145
After Vivian thanked her colleague, she grabbed her handbag and rushed off to the exam hall to do her invigilation. She called Claude along the way. When the call was connected, she went straight to the point and asked him, “Where are the posters that you’ve taken down from the bulletin board?”The line on Claude’s end seemed to tense up like a bowstring that could snap at any moment. “Don’t worry, Miss Carraway. I’ll find out who did this.”Vivian frowned when she heard his reply. “I’m asking
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Chapter 146
Every time Vivian heard that name, she would get a headache. She scrunched up the paper that she had been doodling on, threw it in the wastepaper basket, and got up with mild annoyance. She gestured to the student to come along with her. “What is it? What’s happened?” she finally asked the student when they arrived in the corridor.The student carefully glanced at her and replied, “He fought with someone. Campus security has detained him.”The cause behind all of this was simple: the posters f
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Chapter 147
The words “Edward Levin” were the clearest among all the other things scrawled on the paper. Some were just markings that were still moist with faint, delicate ink stains. The writing font was strong yet lean and had many flourishes. It was enough to see how much force she had applied in her writing. He glanced at her in astonishment, then lowered his head to examine the others. He moved his fingers a little, then turned the paper to a different angle, trying to get a clearer view of her writing
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Chapter 148
She turned around and left, but to her surprise, he grabbed her arm.He held onto her wrist and pulled her to his side. “If you have something to say, be civil about it. You’re like a pot of explosives, blowing up upon ignition. You never mentioned anything to me, so how am I supposed to know that someone’s plastered posters of you around campus?” he asked calmly.Since he was willing to show vulnerability, she had to take this opportunity to close in on him. She smiled sarcastically and asked
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Chapter 149
Evil men were never afraid of being called evil. Edward simply smiled when he heard this, and he even turned his head aside to peck her on the cheek. “I really like your harshness,” He smiled as he folded the letter and stuffed it into his pocket along with the envelope and said, “Leave this to me.”Actually, Vivian never intended on involving Edward in this. He was too much of a maverick and dealt a horrible hand at a single blow. She couldn’t tell what he might do. She would never have told h
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Chapter 150
Edward said nothing and simply lay there quietly.Vivian was feeling a little apprehensive, unsure of how much he believed whatever she had said, or if she had drawn his suspicion. However, now that it had come to this, she had no other way. Her only option now was to give her best in everything within her power. The rest would be left to fate.She was very tired, emotionally and mentally exhausted.The next day, the dean called her in for a chat—it was about the letter of complaint. Vivian d
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