All Chapters of You're Mine: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
379 Chapters
Chapter 151
On the day before school vacation started, Vivian finally received a call from Edward. “Come to Tipsy Tonight,” he said bluntly.She was surprised but didn’t think too much of it. She simply thought that he wanted her to accompany him during a hang out session with his gang of scumbags. So, she purposefully went home to change her clothes before making her way over to Tipsy Tonight.As usual, Tispy Tonight was a dazzling sight. Wade waited for her outside and led her to Edward’s usual booth. W
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Chapter 152
With a smirk on his face, although Edward was still looking at her with his lips curved upward a little, his eyes were filled with ruthlessness. Certainly, Vivian could see that he was upset. Perhaps, he was upset since the night she said those hurtful words, so he decided to get Wade to call her as he ignored her. She should not piss him off, or at least, she should not fall into his trap to get her to infuriate him.Vivian tried her best to suppress herself and asked politely, “What are you g
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Chapter 153
Edward was stunned. Furiously, he glared at Vivian as he grabbed her wrist tightly. Reluctantly, he replied, “Fine, Vivian, you’ve made your point.”Vivian thanked him with a smile even though her face turned pale due to the pain at her wrist. “Thanks for your compliment.”Slowly, Edward managed to calm down and returned to his original aloof state. He released her and said, “You may go now, Ms. Carraway. Leave now with your student before I regret my decision!”Without any hesitation, Vivian
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Chapter 154
Estelle paused for a second and lifted her head to look at Edward. Shocked and excited, she nervously asked, “Do you remember me, Mr. Levin?”Edward was a little tipsy, so he did not respond as he judged the girl before him while he leaned backward. Although she was dressed in a waitress’s uniform, he could easily tell that this girl with a pair of large eyes on her little face seemed very young with a childish charisma and her eyes sparkled with excitement and expectation as she fixed her gaze
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Chapter 155
Finally, Edward smirked by the time everyone had no idea how many jokes she had tried telling.Excitedly, Estelle shouted as if she had just discovered breaking news! “You smirked! You smiled!” she pointed at Edward as she screamed.Subconsciously, Edward gave an even wider smile. He finally lifted the glass and finished the wine amongst the loud jeers. Meanwhile, Estelle was cheering and applauding for her victory with a tipsy face. “I won! I won the game!” Helplessly, Edward shook his head
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Chapter 156
The tip of his lips arched into a sarcastic smirk when he realized how ridiculous the thought was. Why would he care about what the woman thought of him? Despite that, he did not make any advances on the girl. It was not because he was suddenly stung by his conscience, but it was just that he had no interest in the fresh-faced young girl as she was not his type. He felt his eyes getting heavier and heavier with each passing moment. Then, just before he completely drifted off into slumber, a stra
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Chapter 157
Estelle was pretty confident in herself. She claimed to be both courageous and meticulous. However, what she did not know was that the moment she shot up from the bed, the man had already awakened. Edward had always been a light sleeper, and it was also because of this particular reason that he rarely allowed women to stay over at his place. This was a habit that he had developed for many years. He would always wake up at the slightest sound no matter how deeply he slept. During those years wh
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Chapter 158
Nobody could foresee what would happen tomorrow. The only thing we could be certain of was what we did today, and then accept everything that it would bring to us. After Vivian sent Noelle to the hospital to have the doctor tend to her wounds, she drove her back to her house. It was already very late, and there were very few pedestrians on the street. When Noelle got down from her car, she looked skyward and exclaimed, “Meteor! Miss Carraway, look! It's a meteor!” Vivian looked towards the d
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Chapter 159
She had no idea why the young girl was with Edward and why she would end up on his bed. She tried to come up with a reason, but her brain refused to cooperate. There was nothing but only blankness in her head right now, and she could not think of anything.Edward was apparently pleased by the girl’s reaction. He let out a snicker and said, “But I don’t want to let you go.” Then, the call was terminated. The weather was cold, yet Vivian’s palms were slick with sweat. She leaned towards the s
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Chapter 160
Immediately after she hung up on the call, she punched in Wade’s phone number. Then, before he could utter anything, she ordered, “Give Edward the phone.” Wade was stunned for a little while. However, he soon came around to his senses and answered, “Mr. Levin is sleeping, so…” “Give him the phone!” she interrupted forcefully. “I’m sorry, Miss Carraway,” Wade replied once more, his voice apathetic and cold, “Mr. Levin has given me the orders. Nobody is to disturb him when he’s sleeping, not
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