All Chapters of Lightning Marriage of Intense Love: Sir Hubby is Very Dedicated: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
612 Chapters
Chapter 481
She had no parents, no social status.She was not ugly, but she knew her own limits, so she was not as beautiful as a fairy.She had nothing to do with her. When the freshness passed, she was really afraid that she would be dumped by William.Therefore, no matter what she said, she could not ask for it.Cecelia’s self-abased self-esteem came out from her words and eyes.In fact, William had always known Cecelia self-abased. Otherwise, he would not have refused to accept that he was a rich m
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Chapter 482
There was no promise, and it was heavier than this.Cecelia’s tears flowed even more fiercely, but the corners of his lips were raised high.Yes, she should trust him and be more confident like William.She shouldn't be worried about those things. She didn't know if something would happen. She should try her best to love him and make him love her more when they were together.Cecelia seemed to have figured it out all of a sudden. He said to Philip, "Special Assistant Philip, sorry to trouble
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Chapter 483
"Well, I also asked what I shouldn't ask!"Looking at Cecelia, who had put his eyes back on the album, he thought for a moment and said in a roundabout way, "In fact, recently our store has a relatively good activity. That is, when you take a wedding photo, I can give you a set of matching clothes for free. If you have a good friend, you can ask her to take a set of photos with her boyfriend or something.""I'm just a good friend. It's a pity that she doesn't have a boyfriend.""..." Cen Xi k
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Chapter 484
At first, the car was driving smoothly on the road, but as it walked, a big truck came straight to their car and drove over without turning a corner.It was obvious that the truck was premeditated. In a hurry, William's car turned and the truck immediately turned."Little brother..."Seeing that the two cars were about to collide, Cecelia's face turned pale.William saw it from the rearview mirror and looked at the truck that was about to hit him. His eyes turned cold and he ordered Cecelia
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Chapter 485
Yes, it's a nightmare. As long as I wake up, everything will be gone."Cecelia said to herself to comfort himself while crying.In order to prove that what she said was true, she closed her eyes hard. When she opened her eyes again and saw that the scene was still there, she could no longer bear it. She closed her eyes and passed out.**"No, no, brother, I don't want anything to happen to you..."Cecelia suddenly woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Natalie and Grace.Seeing tha
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Chapter 486
After leaving the ward, Cecelia did not leave the hospital. Instead, he secretly checked the rooms one by one.She wanted to see if William was in this hospital.She was here. If William was also injured, he should be in the same hospital as her. Even if he was seriously injured, he should not be too far away from her if he didn't want her to know.Cecelia in that way, and as such, he secretly searched one ward after another, especially the ICU.Therefore, such a scene happened at midnight.
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Chapter 487
Natalie realized that she had almost spilled the beans and immediately shut up."What's wrong with him?" Hearing her words just now, Cecelia's heart couldn't help beating faster. "Has he already...""No, no, sister-in-law, don't cry. My brother is fine. He is really fine. But he can't meet you now. When he can meet you, he will definitely meet you." Natalie persuaded patiently."Since you're fine, why can't you meet me?" Cecelia smiled bitterly. "Natalie, don't lie to me anymore, okay? I beg
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Chapter 488
Cecelia sat on the windowsill, facing the empty direction, and muttered to himself, "Little big brother, where have you been these past few days? Have you missed me? I miss you. I miss you so much, but I never thought about it like this."In the past, Cecelia didn't express much love for William, because she was a little shy. But now, she wanted to tell him everything she hadn't said before."Brother, do you know? I actually fell in love with you a long time ago, but I have never had the nerve
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Chapter 489
"I'm going to find my brother..." This was what Cecelia said. She didn't look at Natalie, but kept staring at a certain point downstairs.She was still in an illusion. She saw William constantly descending, and he was about to fall into the abyss."Let go, let go..."Cecelia struggled even harder. Natalie was about to stop her, so she could only shout loudly, "Come on, come on!"Natalie called out several times before someone came.It was the hospital's medical staff.In the end, many peop
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Chapter 490
This was also the main reason why they had been hiding it from Cecelia.It had been a few days since the incident. They had used all their forces to search William, but there was no news at all. Even Long Shitian had put down everything recently. He had been looking William, but there was still no news of him.There was no news about the main plot of that car accident, because it was not only William who had disappeared, but also the driver of the truck.She didn't know who had secretly manip
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