All Chapters of Lightning Marriage of Intense Love: Sir Hubby is Very Dedicated: Chapter 501 - Chapter 510
612 Chapters
Chapter 501
The little girl's words shocked everyone present.Even Cecelia herself was shocked by the little girl's behavior.She didn't expect that the little girl would say something that she didn't dare to say.The little girl was braver than her.She looked up at William's reaction and found that he was also looking at the little girl like her!Yes, William was in the same mood as Cecelia. He didn't expect that a four-year-old girl would say such things. It should have been the woman who had been holding him back just now.From just now to now, whether it was for herself or his wife, she was like a little warrior, neither humble nor pushy, protecting her mother with her own small body.If William's heart was completely calm just now, then at this moment, he actually felt that this little girl was not bad if she was really his daughter...No matter how angry a four-year-old girl was, she was always very polite, which showed that she had been well educated.Thinking of this, William cou
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Chapter 502
Remembering everything that the woman told him after he woke up five years ago, William subconsciously fell into memories.When he woke up, he was in an unknown small village. The people there were simple and honest, and the woman who saved him was even more innocent.She said that when she went up the mountain to pick herbs, she saw him, who was injured and on the verge of death. At that time, there was nothing on him, but only a name card stained with blood.It was written on the business c
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Chapter 503
In order to make the child have a father and a complete family, the girl chose to marry a fool.After learning all this, William went to find the girl.He asked the girl why she didn't tell him that she was pregnant. The girl looked at him with a complicated look for a long time and asked, "After telling you, do you want me to give birth or to abort?"William was rendered speechless by her question.He had never thought about this problem, but after hearing that she was pregnant, he didn't t
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Chapter 504
This woman's action was something William did not expect. After the initial shock, he frowned and pushed her away. "Baby..."The reason why he called her Baby was not because he loved her so much, but because the woman's name was Baby.Her surname was Yale, and her name was Baby.At that time, when William heard the woman introduce him like this, his first reaction was that this name was very strange.As a result, he couldn't say it out loud even though they had been together for a long time
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Chapter 505
In the past, in order to save him, she had suffered from anemia. Later, when she gave birth to Qin Tian, she had even paid a lot of money. Therefore, all the expenses at home now depended on him.If he left, the mother and son would have nothing to rely on.If the mother and daughter were really his wife and daughter, they would still live a good life without him all these years, unlike the mother and son...If he really had to be sorry to someone, he could only be sorry to the mother and dau
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Chapter 506
Natalie instantly felt like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and she couldn't calm down. "What did you say..."As for the rest of the words, the little girl quickly gestured for them to stop.After the little girl made a pause gesture, she quickly made a quiet gesture.Only then did Natalie restrain herself.However, although she looked calm on the surface, her heart was as turbulent as the sea.She knew that when she thought of what the little girl had just told her, she could not cal
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Chapter 507
Pursing her lips, Natalie said slowly, "Grandma, what I'm going to say next may be a great blow to you, but no matter what, you have to hold on.""What's wrong? What happened to your brother?" The old lady could not help but get nervous."No, no, my brother is very good, just...""What?" Her intuition told the old lady that William might not be in a good condition. Otherwise, Natalie would not be so hesitant. The impatient old lady said unhappily, "Tell me quickly.""My brother, he..." Natal
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Chapter 508
Cecelia thought that the little girl was obedient and didn't tell Natalie and the old lady anything. Therefore, no matter how uncomfortable she felt, she still pretended to be innocent and nothing happened.She went to work normally.The place Cecelia went to work was not somewhere else, it was still 2S. However, she was no longer the same as before. She only took her salary and ate free meals.She was now the CEO of the 2S.Back then, William had transferred the company to her name, so she
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Chapter 509
It was a project in the new city area. It was indeed very important, but it was not in a hurry.The abnormality from last night, coupled with the fact that she had secretly wiped her tears...Grace felt that it was necessary for her to ask Natalie or the little girl what had happened. How could Cecelia, who had been in the company for nearly five years, suddenly be so abnormal?Grace hid her true emotions, and then put the documents on Cecelia's desk. "These are all the documents you asked me
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Chapter 510
Grace was so anxious that Cecelia had arrived at his destination.**It wasn't that she couldn't get over it, but that someone had asked her out.It was none other than baby Yan who had asked her out.When he received the phone call from Baby, Cecelia had just driven the car out of the underground parking lot.She didn't expect that Baby would call her. No, to be exact, she would call her in such a short time.After all, as the president of the 2S Group, she could not get her phone number
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