All Chapters of Lightning Marriage of Intense Love: Sir Hubby is Very Dedicated: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
612 Chapters
Chapter 491
No matter how painful his heart was, no matter how much he missed him, Cecelia would never do anything stupid again.She remembered Grace's words in her mind.No matter where William was, he would never forget her, so she had to live well and wait for him to come back.Cecelia didn't expect that this wait would last for five years.Fortunately, when she was in despair, God sent her an angel to wait with her.**Five years later.Today was the little fellow's birthday. At five o'clock in t
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Chapter 492
Moreover, it was the first time for the little girl to have a baby.When the little girl was in her belly, she was quite lazy. Who knew that she would be a devil incarnate after she was born?Cecelia, who thought he was sick, hesitated for a while and went to the hospital to have a check-up.It was for nothing but William.She had to live well and wait for him to come back. If she was really sick, she had to take the time to treat him.The results of the examination made Cecelia shocked and
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Chapter 493
At eight o'clock in the morning, Cecelia took the little girl to greet the old lady.The Old Madam doted on this great-granddaughter of hers.As soon as she entered the door, the little girl was about to sit on the old lady's lap. Cecelia hurriedly stopped her. "You are already four years old, and you are a big girl. You can't let others hold you, understand?"Cecelia was afraid that she didn't get hurt easily.Seeing this, the old lady smiled and said, "It's okay, Cecelia, I'm not as delica
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Chapter 494
The little girl scratched her fingers, and her little face was a little red.Cecelia had never seen her like this before.Was she shy?What was going on? Or who made her so thick-skinned that she felt shy?Cecelia thought that she was quite curious.Not only Cecelia curious, but it was also the first time for Natalie, her aunt, to see her. So she was also curious, but the little girl didn't say anything.By the side, Long Ying was the best at playing with the little girl. She was the one w
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Chapter 495
After driving for nearly three hours, they finally arrived in City L, and it was already noon when they arrived.The little girl was in a hurry to see Qin Tian, so she clamored to go to his house immediately. However, Cecelia felt that she had better eat something first before going to his house.Cecelia patiently told the little girl, "Little bean, aunt, elder brother and elder sister have been in the car with you for so long, and they are tired and hungry. Aren't you distressed?""Well, let
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Chapter 496
An hour had passed, and two hours had passed...Cecelia couldn't wait any longer and pretended to be pitiful. "I'm so tired."As she spoke, he began to massage his legs and waist.Seeing this, the little girl bit her lips and said reluctantly, "Well, let's go first and come back later."Oh my god, the little girl still has her place in her heart. If she continues to wait, she should cry.A mother couldn't compare to a brat who had only been with her for a week.Just as Cecelia carried the
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Chapter 497
Cecelia’s body went rigid because of these words."What, what did you say?" She couldn't believe her ears, and she couldn't believe her eyes.William looked at her with a strange expression, like a sharp knife stabbing into her heart.She had thought of countless scenes after they reunited, but she had never thought that it would be like this.He actually had a strange look on his face towards her.This scene was a little familiar. Five years ago, when Grace's head was injured, she was very
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Chapter 498
Every day, she dreamed of him returning to her side.After thinking for a while, Cecelia finally thought of something. He would be afraid.She feigned fierceness and glared at him. "If you still say you don't know me, I won't call you little brother anymore. Now I'll start counting the time. One, one, one, one, two..."The little girl looked at this type of sloppy Cecelia, indicating that this was the first time she had seen him before. In the little girl's eyes, even though his body was smal
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Chapter 499
Whom the little boycalled was not others, just William.Hearing this voice, Cecelia was shocked and looked at the little boy in shock. "You, what do you call him?"William had been gone for five years, and this little boy looked about the same age as Zakia.If this child really had something to do with him, that was to say, when he had just left back then, he had already had this child with another woman?When he thought of this, Cecelia’s footsteps seemed to have become unstable.No, it wa
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Chapter 500
The family of three stopped at the same time because of the sudden voice of the little girl. The little girl glanced at Cecelia first and then said, "Auntie, I want to ask you a question!"The woman pointed to her nose. "Ask me?""Yes!" The little girl's face froze. "You may not know who I am, and you think I am very bold. But I want to ask you, how do you know this man called husband?""How did we get to know each other?" The woman laughed and said, "Just because of fate, we know each other.
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