All Chapters of Bright Future With Him: Chapter 1181 - Chapter 1190
1343 Chapters
Chapter 1181
Kathryn was anxious as she looked at Tally. She wanted to touch Tally's wounds but was afraid to do so. She was worried that it would make her hurt even more.Tally knew what Kathryn was thinking. She grabbed her hand and put it on her face. "Look, it's not painful at all."Kathryn instinctively wanted to withdraw her hand. Yet, she was afraid that it would hurt Tally. "Let go of me. Come on.""I'm trying to tell you I'm not feeling pain at all."Tally reassured Kathryn that she didn't feel any physical pain, but she sensed an abrupt chill in the air around her. She turned her gaze toward Kathryn's back and noticed Chris, who was glaring at her malevolently as if he had the intention to tear her apart.Tally was stunned. She instinctively let go of her hand.She was resentful that Chris was jealous of everyone. She was a woman. Was Chris going to be jealous of everyone, regardless of gender?"Is it true that it doesn't hurt?" Kathryn asked."Of course. It doesn't hurt at all."
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Chapter 1182
The manager approached Chris. "Hello, Mr. Albert. What can I help you with today?""I'd like to get something that the elderly likes," Chris replied.The shopping mall they visited was enormous, making them hesitant to stroll through its vast expanse. Since the manager was familiar with the mall's layout, he could bring them anywhere immediately.The manager immediately nodded after listening to what Chris had said. "Alright. This way, please."Chris and Kathryn followed the manager as he led them toward the direction he had pointed out.Kathryn thought she caught sight of someone familiar as she walked past a men's tailoring shop. She paused her footsteps and looked toward the display case of the shop.Noticing that Kathryn wasn't walking anymore, Chris halted as well. "What happened?"Chris followed Kathryn's gaze when he noticed her looking in a particular direction.It was Byron, currently trying on a suit. Accompanying him was a lovely woman with long, curly hair, standing
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Chapter 1183
Chris had gone to his study to make a phone call after returning to Sunshine Bay. It wasn't until ten minutes later that he emerged from his study room. Kathryn discerned the outcome from his sullen expressions. However, unwilling to give up, she asked, "Is it true?""Yeah. The engagement ceremony will be next week."Kathryn fell silent. Her expression completely soured the moment Chris responded. "What about Jessica, then?"Kathryn was certain that Jessica would eventually uncover the truth. They had been keeping it from her due to her health issues. Despite Jessica's reluctance to inquire about Kelly's father, she would swiftly act whenever Kelly expressed even a hint of curiosity. This certainty led Kathryn to believe that it was only a matter of time before Jessica discovered that Byron was Kelly's father."As we've just learned about his involvement with Cindy, I have no idea how he's going to handle your sister's situation either."Infuriated by Chris's response, Kathryn
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Chapter 1184
It was true that Kathyrn didn't want any connection with the Winchesters, as she held a strong dislike for them.She had never met her mother either, making it impossible for her to have developed deep feelings for her. Yet, as Benjamin spoke about a mother's love for her child, Kathryn's heart genuinely ached.Tears streamed down her cheeks as she envisioned how Charlotte had wanted to shower her with love back then. She had never met her, yet she felt upset when she heard what Benjamin said.Charlotte had loved her deeply even before her own demise. Kathryn couldn't fathom the anguish a mother might feel knowing that her child harbored no profound emotions simply because they had never met.Kathryn's heart ached even more. Benjamin quickly comforted Kathryn when he noticed her crying again. "Gosh, I didn't say it to upset you. I-I just…"Was he attempting to convey to Kathryn that Charlotte loved her children even before her passing? Or was he trying to communicate that Charlo
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Chapter 1185
Initially indifferent to it, Kathryn's perspective shifted as she remembered how the Winchesters had mistreated a woman—her mother. She felt determined not to allow them to continue holding onto what Charlotte had left for her.Benjamin, initially in a sour mood that day, suddenly found delight in Kathryn's words. He nodded. "Don't worry. I'll get it back soon."However, Benjamin wasn't solely interested in recovering the shares. He harbored a desire to hold accountable everyone who had mistreated Charlotte.Unable to wait any longer, he rushed to the hospital after Kathryn made a request.Arthur's condition was critical, and he had already been admitted to the hospital. His face soured when Benjamin suddenly appeared at his ward.While Benjamin felt a twinge of sympathy witnessing Arthur's current state, he quickly got to the point, recalling the mistreatment of Charlotte's belongings by the Winchesters."I'll be direct. Return Kathryn everything Mom left for her immediately."
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Chapter 1186
"Alright. That's all." Susan nodded after concluding her conversation on the phone. She then hung up, but her hand continued to tremble uncontrollably with rage even though everything had been settled.She wanted Kathryn dead.Susan had initially believed that by handing over her share to Benjamin, she could appease him. She was under the assumption that what rightfully belonged to Emma would eventually be hers.However, Susan didn't anticipate that Benjamin would forsake everything for Kathryn, relinquishing any connection with the Winchesters. He refused to let go of even the shares that originally belonged to Emma.With Emma's shares also taken away, Susan found herself with nothing left. All the shares now belonged to Kathryn, including those that once belonged to Harlet and Emma.Infuriated and on the brink of losing her mind, Susan wished for Kathryn to suffer the same fate as hers. The profound changes in her life left Susan with a sense of despair, contemplating giving up
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Chapter 1187
The Winchester family remained in chaos. Benjamin was determined to reclaim everything Charlotte left for Kathryn after discovering the truth.Meanwhile, Jessica was discharged from the hospital. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she witnessed Kelly lying on the bed upon her arrival at Sunshine Bay.Kathryn approached her. "Jessica, I'm sorry."Kathryn harbored a constant sense of guilt about Kelly's situation. Jessica had entrusted her with taking care of Kelly. Yet something like this had to happen. Kathryn was equally upset. Jessica's voice sounded choked as she asked, "What did the doctor say?""He mentioned that once a person reaches this stage, we have to rely on miracles. He advised us to make an effort to talk to her every day."Despite Kathryn spending time conversing with Kelly daily, there was still no response from her, no matter how hard she tried.Silence lingered as Jessica wept.Kathryn recollected that Byron was getting engaged with Cindy when she saw how dep
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Chapter 1188
Kathryn hesitated to disclose to Jessica the truth about Kelly's father being Byron and that he was aware of it. She also refrained from revealing that Byron was getting engaged despite knowing about the situation.Kelly was in a vegetative state, but he didn't care about her at all. He hadn't even given them an explanation yet."You've just finished your surgery. You have to stay calm, okay?" Kathryn said in a soft voice.Jessica closed her eyes. Tears streamed down her cheeks as memories of Kelly's sensible nature flooded her mind. Kelly was such a sensible child. Jessica couldn't understand why she had to suffer all of this. Kelly had done nothing wrong at all.Her breath caught at the thought."Find him for me…" Jessica softly mumbled, appearing almost possessed. The desire to locate the man and exact revenge consumed her.Kathryn's heart ached as she held Jessica in her arms.…Jessica hated both Krista and the man.Meanwhile, Krista had lost contact with Jessica since
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Chapter 1189
Krista, however, had a request at the moment. "Please don't mention it to her now, okay? Give me some time." There was a sense of pleading in her tone as she spoke.Despite not having revealed the truth to Jessica yet, Krista found solace in caring for her.Jessica had been so small when she left her. She had never taken care of Jessica and had never let her experience the love of a mother.Krista had investigated Jessica's childhood. She knew that Wendy had treated Jessica badly. Jessica was like a slave to the family from a young age. Her life was even worse than Kathryn's.Krista believed that, unlike Jessica, Kathryn had Noel to lean on. Despite the hardships, Kathryn wouldn't suffer as much with Noel's love.Krista was distressed by what Jessica had been through. Jessica had been living under Wendy's constant oppression for years.Kathryn nodded as she met Krista's pleading eyes. "I won't tell her."Knowing Jessica's recent successful surgery, Kathryn hesitated to burden he
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Chapter 1190
Krista pondered and took out a card from her bag. She then handed it to Kathryn."What's this?" Kathryn asked."There's one million dollars here. Please give this to Jessica for me." Krista thought she had been thoughtless about it, after all. Jessica hadn't had a good life ever since she had gotten married to Matthew. She didn't really have a job either after she got divorced. Jessica even had to take care of Kelly. Krista was convinced that she lacked sufficient funds.Kathryn frowned.Krista thrust the card into her hand. "You're a smart woman. I know you'll figure out how to give this to her."Kathryn looked at the card in her hand and eventually nodded. "Alright."She thought it wouldn't be a big deal to take Krista's money as she had to make amends with Jessica, after all.Krista was slightly relieved when Kathryn accepted her card.Nobody knew how she managed to get through recently. She had been hoping that she was the one lying on the hospital bed instead whenever
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