All Chapters of Bright Future With Him: Chapter 1201 - Chapter 1210
1343 Chapters
Chapter 1201
Travis, monitoring the time, had planned to wait for another ten minutes outside the room, deciding to leave if Chris didn't emerge by then. He had just finished half of his cigarette when he spotted Kathryn hastily entering Jehanna Peninsula from the main entrance.Kathryn's hurried entrance was so swift that Travis sensed her anxiety even from a distance. Travis came into Kathryn's view when she was just a short distance away. The sight initially surprised her, but she quickly greeted him with a friendly "Hi, Travis."Travis felt his heart warm at Kathryn's greeting and nodded. He nodded. "Are you here to find Chris?"Still catching her breath from the run, Kathryn took a deep breath and replied, "Yeah. Is he inside this room?""He is, but don't go inside yet.""Why?" Kathryn asked, puzzled."He's talking to Markus.""Oh, Markus?" Kathryn's tone turned unpleasant at the mention of Markus' name. Recalling the incident with the recording footage and Markus's recent actions c
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Chapter 1202
Kathryn couldn't help but frown at Chris. "So, Byron is aware of the truth that Krista is Jessica's mother?"Chris replied, "Yes, he's in the know."It all got blown out of proportion at the hospital, so Byron must've been aware of what was going on.Chris looked at Kathryn. "You mentioned that Byron's agreement with Jessica might be connected to Krista.""Yes. When they discussed returning to the Skyline Group, Jessica hinted that Krista was still at large, and her bitterness was palpable." As Kathryn delved into the details of Jessica's resentment, her heart constricted with empathy.Now that Byron knew, Kathryn couldn't help but wonder about the current situation. Her mind was a jumble of thoughts, and she wasn't the only one. Chris, too, was equally in turmoil. "Could you please find out from Byron what his agreement is with my sister?" Kathryn inquired. "I'm puzzled about why he'd suggest Jessica return to the Skyline Group, especially given his engagement to Cindy and hi
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Chapter 1203
Upon hearing Kathryn's words over the phone, Arthur felt deflated, rendered speechless. "I'm sorry that I didn't consider your feelings when I did those things before." Arthur now recognized a flaw in his past behavior towards Kathryn. He continued before she could respond, "But, Kat, it's not that I don't love you. It's hard to come to one's senses when something life-changing happens."I've been searching for you all these years. However, when I finally received news about you, I didn't know how to face you. I don't think you understand this feeling, nor do I hope that you could."Kathryn mulled over what Arthur said about understanding his feelings. He said he didn't know how to react and face her when he first found out about her.What about after that? The irony was palpable, considering the considerable time since those events. It felt peculiar for him to bring up such sentiments now.Without waiting for a response, Arthur continued, "But I need to see you today for an impo
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Chapter 1204
However, Arthur was different. He was related to her by blood. How could Chris not worry for her?They arrived at the fruit juice shop half an hour later. "Do you want me to go in with you?" Chris asked.Kathryn declined, saying, "You don't need to. He might just kick the bucket if he sees you."Chris was left speechless, grappling with disbelief over her unexpected words.However, Kathryn's statement held the truth. In Arthur and Krista's past interactions, Arthur had conveyed his hope for Susan to wed Chris, treating him with the consideration typically reserved for a son-in-law.Despite objections from everyone, Chris insisted on marrying Kathryn, a decision no one saw coming.Kathryn wondered how Arthur would react to seeing them together—whether he would accept fate or feel sorrow for Susan.Upon Kathryn's entrance, she promptly observed Arthur seated at the round table next to the window, holding a glass of fruit juice.Arthur noticed Kathryn the moment she walked in.
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Chapter 1205
Arthur never thought Kathryn would be so blunt.Kathryn said, "I need to go and get my baby."She hinted at Arthur to get straight to the point and not beat around the bush. Plus, there was no need to play this emotional card. Whatever had transpired couldn't be undone, and there was no point in pretending otherwise.Arthur noticed the apparent annoyance in Kathryn's tone. He was upset. He wanted to better his relationship with his daughter, but he was running out of time and ideas. "Benjamin came to visit me at the hospital."Kathryn looked at him, not saying a word. Arthur couldn't figure out what was running through her mind. He sighed and continued, "He gave you Harlet, Susan, and your grandmother's shares, right?"Kathryn said coldly, "Yes."Finally, Arthur got to his point, which was a heavy revelation. Meeting Kathryn's cold gaze, Arthur explained, "Your mother left these shares for you, so they should rightfully be returned to you."Cutting straight to the point,
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Chapter 1206
"Give me back what my mother left me, or else…" Before Arthur could finish, Kathryn cut him off, her eyes chillingly cold. Arthur's face drained of color.Without waiting for his response, Kathryn continued, "You know I'm Chris' wife now. I can easily do anything to Susan with a snap of my finger.""You can't hurt Susan. Kat, you…""Enough! I don't want to hear another word from you."Kathryn felt profound disappointment at Arthur's alignment with Susan. She couldn't find words to describe the kind of person he had become.His own wife and children seemed insignificant to him. How shameless was he to request such a thing from her? To ask her to relinquish what her mother had left for Susan?If Susan were merely an adoptive daughter, Kathryn might not have felt this repulsed.It didn't matter if she had Arthur's blood running through her body. Kathryn was genuinely disgusted by him.Arthur's eyes flickered with sadness as Kathryn reprimanded him. "Kat."Kathryn's breathing grew
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Chapter 1207
Kathryn stormed out of the fruit juice shop, her anger palpable. It was as if she had just witnessed a ghost.Thinking Chris had already left, she was surprised to see his car still parked in its original spot as she exited. Kathryn got into the car angrily.Chris, engaged in a phone call, noticed her and quickly concluded, "Okay, let's go ahead with it. Bye." Ending the call, he playfully pinched Kathryn's irate face. "Are you angry?"He didn't need to ask to know that Arthur had brought Susan up. Kathryn always got upset hearing about it."He's on his deathbed, yet he keeps bringing up this issue," Kathryn vented."Did he guilt-trip you?" Chris raised an eyebrow, his expression turning serious.He was aware that Arthur consistently sided with Susan. However, he never expected that nearing the end of his life, he would still prioritize his adoptive daughter over his biological daughter, Kathryn.Chris, not usually attuned to emotions, felt a pang of sympathy for Kathryn.Kathr
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Chapter 1208
Victor asserted, "I'll take care of him on your behalf. As a lady, preserving your image is crucial. Listen to me!"Tally responded, "No, my image doesn't matter to me."Victor flipped open his phone's camera and handed it to her.As Tally gazed at her disheveled reflection, she was stunned by the crazed appearance staring back at her.A stillness enveloped the atmosphere.Victor remarked, "This is what he's turned you into."Tally found herself at a loss for words. Internally, she couldn't believe how she ended up in this situation. What added to her frustration was that it was all because of Markus! Who did he think he was, causing her to lose her cool like this?Victor gently urged, "Listen to me. Go home."Drew, standing nearby, couldn't believe what he was witnessing.He knew who Victor Glenn was. With numerous nightclubs under his ownership, Victor was surrounded by beautiful women who sought refuge from their troubles, eager for a life of luxury.These women were typic
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Chapter 1209
Three minutes later, Markus and Victor found themselves seated across from each other. Despite the outward appearance of calmness, an unsettling tension lingered in the atmosphere.Each of them silently smoked two cigarettes, the air heavy with unspoken words. Henry and Drew felt like they were walking on a tightrope while observing the exchange.As Victor reached for his third cigarette, Markus finally broke the silence. "Tell me. What do you want?"Victor was prepared to exert pressure on Markus. Hearing the question, he chuckled, "What do you mean?"His response was direct and to the point.Markus, not showing any signs of illness, had fabricated his hospitalization to manipulate Tally. She, in her naivety, had fallen for it, contemplating whether Markus was genuinely unstable."What do you want so that she is not forced to hate you?" Markus questioned through gritted teeth, each word laced with intensity.Victor perked his eyebrow. "Why does she need to hate me?"Intrigued
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Chapter 1210
Why would Markus label Victor a womanizer?Victor had never engaged in such behavior. He remained oblivious to the happenings in the nightclubs and took swift action when the responsible party was identified."Drew.""Yes, Mr. Glenn?" Drew went to Victor.Victor asked, "Has the wedding dress been delivered to Serenity Heights?""Yes, it has been altered and delivered."Victor nodded, then glanced at Markus, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders. "Tally personally went to try the wedding dress."This statement served as a clear response to Markus' earlier threat.Markus felt a chill running through his body, his gaze toward Victor turning grim. "So, you're not agreeing to this?""This is not the answer you're hoping for, huh?" Victor sneered. He was never one to yield to threats.Markus had been naive, thinking a threat could sever Victor and Tally. His previous attempt to influence Tally had proven futile, and now he believed Victor would leave her for her sake.Markus had un
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