All Chapters of Bright Future With Him: Chapter 1191 - Chapter 1200
1343 Chapters
Chapter 1191
Jessica once only wanted to live a calm and peaceful life with Kelly. That was why she had been working hard and trying her best to care for Kelly after her divorce.Yet, her peace was eventually shattered when it was discovered that Kelly wasn't Matthew's daughter. It had led to a series of problems.Kelly was driven into depression because of the prejudice of the society. She had even gotten into a vegetative state, and here she was, lying unconscious before them. Jessica's once simple wishes had transformed into deep-seated hatred."What desires do you have, then? Tell me. I'll help you…""Kathryn!" Jessica fiercely interrupted Kathryn before she could finish what she intended to say.Kathryn was stunned.Jessica stared right back at Kathryn. Kathryn saw the fierceness in her eyes when their gazes met.The formerly gentle and weary gaze in Jessica's eyes unexpectedly revealed a touch of untamed spirit.The sudden shift in Jessica's behavior left Kathryn feeling stifled.
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Chapter 1192
Jessica displayed unprecedented stubbornness, leaving Kathryn perplexed about what Byron might have done to instill such determination in her.Krista had been waiting outside all the time. Immediately after leaving Sunshine Bay, Kathryn entered the car. Krista wasted no time inquiring, "How did it go? Why did she want to work? Did you give her the money?"Krista seemed somewhat naïve about the situation, assuming that Jessica's desire to work was solely driven by financial need. She thought that by providing the money, Jessica could dedicate her focus to healing without the added urgency of returning to work. Kathryn furrowed her brows as she glanced at Krista. "She's going back to work at Skyline Group.""What?"Krista felt a sudden suffocation upon hearing Kathryn's words. She knew that Jessica had worked at Skyline Group.However, Jessica was unaware of Byron's identity as Kelly's father.With a perplexed look, Krista turned to Kathryn. "Is it necessary for her to go to wo
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Chapter 1193
The mistakes Krista made led to repercussions she couldn't escape. In the past, she engaged in various nefarious activities without a care in the world. Unopposed by anyone, she never contemplated the possibility of facing consequences. It was surprising to witness a woman of her strength now open to accepting any judgment that might come her way."Did you say that Byron knows that Kelly is his daughter?"Kathryn nodded. "Yes."Krista's eyes regained focus with a newfound clarity, yet a merciless glint remained. Byron's audacity in getting engaged to another woman despite knowing Kelly was his daughter left her incredulous.Fury surged within Krista upon learning of Byron's deal with Jessica, securing her continued presence at his side. What was he trying to do?It became unmistakably clear that Byron's intentions were anything but pure.Krista took a deep breath. "Alright, I've got it. I'll deal with it."Krista didn't delve into the specifics of her plan, but now she underst
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Chapter 1194
Tally lapsed into silence, realizing the seriousness of the matter had left her own mind in disarray. She suddenly grasped why Kathryn was on the brink of tears in her panic.Acknowledging the complexity of the situation, Tally admitted that she, too, might feel an urge to cry. The sheer absurdity of the entire ordeal left her utterly astounded."What about Byron, then? Does he know Krista is Jessica's mother?""I have no idea."Tally lapsed into silence once more. Given the complicated and unclear nature of the situation, Tally thought it was understandable that Kathryn might not be fully informed. In such a tangled web, determining Byron's true intentions in making a deal with Jessica seemed challenging.However, with Byron attempting to bring Jessica back into his fold after getting engaged to Cindy, Tally was convinced that Byron's intentions were far from simple, especially considering Jessica's prior employment at Skyline Group.Tally contemplated briefly before suggestin
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Chapter 1195
After discussing the issue with Tally, Kathryn gained clarity on what to do and felt a sense of calm. Her anxiety had dissipated.Simultaneously, just as Tally had managed to calm Kathryn, her landline rang with Markus on the line. Amidst still processing her emotions, Tally promptly answered the call, prompted by the absence of a caller ID. "Hello.""You've got two days."Upon hearing Markus' words, Tally was instantly infuriated. "What?""Apologize to Yvonne."Tally was left speechless, unable to fathom Markus's audacity. He seemed unwilling to move past the issue. She might have engaged in an argument in the past, but her current rage led her to end the call.Irina saw Tally with a long face when she entered her office. "Did something happen with Mrs. Albert?"Irina sensed a unique turmoil within Tally, which only Kathryn could evoke.Kathryn had the knack for leaving Tally speechless with fury. If anyone else had provoked her, Tally would most likely have exploded. "No,"
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Chapter 1196
Tally's chest heaved with intensity, the surge of anger momentarily robbing her of words."Answer me. Is it true?" Markus' tone held a growing threat.Had they been face to face, Tally couldn't help but think he might have strangled her right then and there."What does it even matter?""Tally Johnson!""Victor is my fiancé. Who are you to interfere? Shouldn't you be worrying about your cousin instead? I've clearly underestimated your family. You're all psychopaths. Not a single decent person among you. Your family is rotten to the core!" Tally cursed vehemently.Irina's lips twitched in surprise, observing Tally's complete loss of composure and her careless choice of words.Tally was utterly disappointed. "Apologize, you say? Well, who should be apologizing here? My father is still in the hospital, and your cousin came to me and physically attacked me. Are you suggesting I should apologize? Is this how the Hunts are raised? Are you all dumbasses?"Irina found herself in shock.
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Chapter 1197
Overwhelmed by fury, Tally violently slammed the landline handset and marched out of her office.Irina, quick to notice Tally's temper, hurriedly grabbed her by the arm. "Where are you going?""I'm going to kill him!" Tally couldn't contain her frustration any longer. Markus' behavior had pushed her to the limit, and she felt an overwhelming urge to confront him head-on."Considering you're not exactly a heavyweight in the muscle department, are you sure you want to take him on?"Tally fell silent, her anger intensifying at Irina's remark. Despite the frustration, she found herself at a loss, unsure of how to proceed.Irina observed Tally's lost demeanor, saying, "I think you should inform Mr. Glenn about this."Tally pondered whether involving Victor would be a good idea. Having seen Victor's approach to problem-solving before, she knew he'd opt for the most ruthless methods, settling everything swiftly and mercilessly, often leaving her with little room to react. She was conv
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Chapter 1198
Tally had completely pushed aside her initial worries when Irina proposed letting Victor handle her disagreement with Markus. The issue no longer weighed heavily on her mind. She even entertained the idea that not giving Markus a hard time might make her frustration unbearable.Meanwhile, Chris, Markus, Travis, and Marco were all at Jehanna Peninsula. It had been quite some time since they had all gathered like this.That night, Victor wasn't asked to join. Instead, Markus attended, and the plan was to have a conversation about his recent difficulties, as there was growing concern about his mental health possibly taking a toll.They were currently engrossed in a card game. Just as Marco was about to play a card, Markus unexpectedly laid all his cards on the table. "I've won," he declared.Chris furrowed his brow and shot Markus a questioning look. "Was it Tally who called you just now?"Markus had stepped out of the room a while ago to take a phone call and had just come back. C
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Chapter 1199
Chris found it hard to believe what Markus was saying. Chris was puzzled by Markus's statement that Yvonne shouldn't have hit Tally. His mind went blank instantly. "No, tell me, what's going on?"Always clear-headed, Chris found himself struggling to understand Markus, someone who had worked alongside him for years. Chris felt like he didn't know Markus at all.Annoyance crept in as he realized Markus's concern was centered on Tally hitting Yvonne. It became evident that Markus had yet to grasp the full picture despite the ongoing conflict with Tally.Ignoring Chris' question, Markus abruptly demanded, "Give me a cigarette."Chris tossed the entire box of cigarettes to him, frustration mounting. Markus seemed equally lost on how to address the situation.Markus was livid at Tally's lack of wit. If she had just reached out to him for help, he wouldn't have allowed her to face that ordeal involving Chris. However, she chose a different route, seeking help from all of Chris' friends
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Chapter 1200
Markus found himself alone in a quiet room, the silence amplifying his growing unease. He took out his phone and dialed Tally's number. Unsurprisingly, his phone number had been blocked. He then called Irina instead.Meanwhile, Irina had just calmed Tally down when her phone began vibrating. Upon hearing the vibration, Tally lost her composure once again.Anticipating another outburst, Irina swiftly grabbed Tally's wrist. "Calm down. I'll block his number right now.""Answer it. Let's see what else that bastard has to say," Tally said through gritted teeth. The corner of Irina's mouth twitched. "I don't think that's a good idea."Irina believed that Markus wouldn't be saying anything nice."Answer it!" Tally demanded.Irina was left speechless, surprised by Tally's lack of concern for the potential hurt in Markus' words. Left with no choice, Irina could only answer the call. She glanced at Tally and greeted, "Hello."Markus asked, "Is Tally beside you?" "No." As Irina resp
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