All Chapters of Love Between Us : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
106 Chapters
Chapter 91
I woke up to butterfly kisses on neck and I couldn't help but smile.This how I wake up every morning for the past seven weeks.It starts with small kissing which will turn to a flow blown make out session and we proceed to commit the unholy.Grayson never ceases to show me his love and I am really thankful for that.I giggle when he bit my cheeks softly,"Grayson stop. I am sore from last night. No sex today"I say but it comes out as moan."Your body says otherwise baby. You are so wet for me already and I didn't do anything"he groans in my ears as he rubs his cock over my wet slit.I turn my head slightly over to him and his lips immediately met mine.Before I know he was already inside me thrusting at a slow pace.Guess I was wrong..I got out the bed after catching my breathe from our morning session. "Are you still going to the company today?"Grayson asks as he followed me into the shower."Yes. I am still the CEO and I have been gone for long. My brother can't manage the compa
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Chapter 92
It is finally happening,I am finally going to take a pregnancy. I am really freaking out because maybe it would be a false alarm.Since I came home from the doctor's appointment three weeks ago, Grayson and I have been on it since then.He says he wasn't going to stop until I was pregnant.It is almost Christmas and I really hope it will be positive because it would the perfect gift for Christmas.I am so scared to look at the test,thank God Erica was here with me.She brought my godchildren to me since I missed them so much."Okay time is up. Let me check"she says happily,her heels clicking against the tiled bathroom.I cover my eyes, waiting for her to tell me whether it was positive or negative."What does it say?"I asked nervously,"I am sorry. It is negative"she gives me a sad smile and my heart breaks.Fuck!!I softly tug my hair and let out a sigh,I am really disappointed."Don't worry Jane, everything will be fine. This isn't the end,you can always try again"she says and hugs
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Chapter 93
I am dying!This stomach flu or whatever it is getting worse each passing second.Immediately we got home from the mall I got nauseous and spent the remaining of my afternoon in the bathroom puking.Grayson came back to meet me almost asleep in the bathroom floor because I was too weak to stand up.He helped me up and cleaned me up because I was smelling of puke. He put me into something comfy and took me to bed.I fell asleep shortly after and now I am awake,my eyes is burning and I am sweating.Grayson is in the bathroom looking for the thermometer to take my temperature.I hear his footsteps entering the room and I groan."Come baby,sit for me"he says softly and gently helps me to sit on the bed.He takes a seat beside me,"Now open wide"he says softly and I do so.He inserts the thermometer under my tongue."Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well. I would have come back early. Don't ever do that okay"he says pressing his hand on my forehead.He takes out the thermometer w
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Chapter 94
We are now seated around the table in silence enjoying our meal.Grayson has his hand interlocked with mine under table as he rubs his finger against mine. I am too nervous about their reaction.Grayson clears his throat before speaking,"Girls,Jane and I have some important yet exciting news to tell you"he says softly,"But before that we wanted you to know we love you guys no matter what and nothing would change that"he adds"Well....we wanted you guys to know first before telling anyone else"I added biting my lips.Piper looks at with knowing smile while Anna had this suspiciously look on her face.I gulped and nod at Grayson to continue."Jane and I are having a baby. She is pregnant with my child"he says with bright smile,"Yes!!!I knew it. Ohhhh...I am going to be a big sister"Piper says excitedly, jumping on her seat.I giggle at her goofiness,this girl is a ball of sunshine.One down,one to go,I looked at Anna she had a firm hold on her fork."Anna,are...are you okay? Do you n
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Chapter 95
This morning I woke up extra early to make breakfast.I can only make hot coco and pancakes,so I let one of the maids help me to make the English breakfast for Annalise.By 7 am I was done, she'll be down in a minute from now.She has school and I pray this will calm her down a little.I am not mad at her for any reason,she has the right to behave the way she is behaving. I would have done the same thing if I was in her position.I would have even done something worse, seeing my dad together with the woman he cheated on my mom with.He would have had a bullet to his skull.I heard foot steps coming down and I immediately wait for the person.I am nervous,so nervous that I am sweating.But to my disappointment Grayson comes in rather holding his a large file and already dresses for work."Why are you up so early? Do you know you have to sleep at least 13 hours a day"he says seriously and I roll my eyes."Good morning to you too"I tell him and he wraps his arms around my waist bringing
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Chapter 96
I feel huge."Grayson do I look fat?"I asked my darling boyfriend as we both stood naked in the bathroom."How many time do I have to tell you. You are not fat,you are pregnant with my baby."he say and kisses my cheeks."But I feel like a wheel and ugly. I am only 17 weeks pregnant. This bump is huge"I tell him rubbing my bump.It is true,my bump is bigger than a normal 17weeks bump.The doctor promises it is normal and he said not to worry."Sweetie,you are beautiful. Now will keep quiet and allow me wash you"he whispers and I bit my lips.This man is insatiable. But I can't complain because I am horny too.We got out of the shower and got dressed. Today is our gender reveal party and it happening in my dad's private reserve.Grayson and I are thinking of purchasing a new house. But there is a problem in this matter.He wants to move to England immediately the baby is born.Because by then he would have completed the terminal.But I can't move halfway across the world where I know no
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Chapter 97
I kept looking at her waiting for an answer but she never gave me."Answer me Annalise,where are you coming from at this hour. Drunk must I add"I snap and finally looks at me with a deadly glare."Fuck off my way. You are not my mom so stop acting like one"she hisses and I roll my eyes."I may not be your biological mother but I am in a relationship with your dad and so as long as we live together in the house, you're under my care. So technically I am your mother. So young lady you better tell me where you went"I asked sternly but to my surprise she burst into laughter.Like I said something funny. Which I clearly didn't.What the freak is wrong with this girl?"Okay...okay...okay..this is so hilarious. You,acting like the lady of this house. Most importantly trying to be my mother"she chuckles."You think this is funny,huh. Your dad and I have been worried sick trying to locate you and you come back here late,way past midnight and you are drunk to top it all"I snap at her again."I
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Chapter 98
I don't know why I didn't follow her. I don't know why I am not running after her and desperately begging her to forgive me.I just stare at her , watching her as she drives off.The rate at which she is driving is making my heart beat abnormally. She is pregnant for fuck's sake and with my child too.Why did I bring up Bryanna! That was so low of me.I was just angry she hit Anna. I know she was a hand full but she didn't deserve to be hit.I heard someone clear her throat and I turned to see Piper standing there shaking her head."What?"I asked"That was low, even for you. You purposely wanted to hurt her,that is not right at all. You should listen to both sides. Anna can very be convincing when she wants to be. You know her and you know Jane. I am going to my room"she says shaking her head and then walking out.Fuck! It is true.I should have listen to her side before thinking.I need to find her. Now!.After leaving,I went to the only place I would feel safe. My son's grave
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Chapter 99
Two weeks since I left home and I am back. Well I wished I could stay longer but I can't keep everyone worried.Plus I am pregnant so they'll think the worst happened.Not everyone is worried tho,I told Erica everything that happened and she suggested I needed break from them.I booked the next flight out of the country back to France. I didn't take the jet to arouse suspicion. I booked first class where I could be comfortable.And everything was worth it. I got to relax and think of my future and that of my babies.Doctor Hale said it is better to let go than hold on to something that will only cost you pain.That is why I am back. For the first time I am going to put myself first. Not only for me but for my baby also.I promised not to raise him in a toxic home and I am going to keep that.My baby is my priority now and I need to have a good mental health to raise him.Even if it means leaving everything I love behind and starting from scratch.I am not going to be a second best to
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Chapter 100
Five months later"Don't fucking touch me Grayson! Hurry up and get the bags!"I angrily yell at the stupid man infront of me.Why did I even get pregnant with that fool!"Dad! Please hold me. I am going dying"I groan as my dad gently rubs my back.These baby decided to come today,out of all the days my mom isn't around.These men here are useless. Sorry dad and Jayden.My mom is at business dinner in my place with Esperanza,Piper and Anna.No,we not a family.Let me recap you on everything that happened the past five months.After I left Grayson's that day,I went to my mom's and cried practically the entire night.The following day,I began to look for a COO. I am still going to manage the CEO position from Paris.After two weeks,I decided to stop since no one was good enough for me.Vera my personal assistant came to mind. Although she was young,she is perfect for the job.She took that opportunity but under the supervision of my brother.I bought a beautiful two storey building in
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