All Chapters of The Alpha's Surprise Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
132 Chapters
Rooftop Shenanigans
Azalea Cora explained that we may get wierd looks now because usually they each stayed to their own floor and I just shrugged. "I don't really care. They're all staring at me anyways," I said as I pushed the door open to the dorms. Luckily the stairs were only a few doors down from my room and I could see the boxes waiting outside my room. We grabbed them and took them inside. We chatted away while I opened boxes and began puting things away. Cora loved my new shoe collection and we agreed to swap some books as we finished them. Then I offered to take Cora to my secret place. I gathered up the remaining boxes and had Cora grab some drinks from the fridge before we quietly made our way up to the roof. "Are you allowed up here?" Cora asked, stepping out gingerly. "Well it was unlocked and nobody has said anything all week about it. I don't like enclosed spaces a lot and up here is open and beautiful," I replied. I quickly put everything together and set out the 2 chairs
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Azalea I turned and jogged over to the cafeteria, noticing that it was now packed, the volume raising way about a comfortable level. I spotted Cora and waved, heading over to her. "Let's eat outside at the picnic tables. It's too loud in here," Cora said. I nodded in agreement and we broke off to get our lunches. Malorie was right - I was starving. I loaded up my tray with 2 sandwiches, a salad loaded with my favorites, a rare steak, a fruit salad and a large piece of Chocolate cake. Then I grabbed 3 juices and a water before walking out of the cafeteria, looking around for Cora at the picnic tables. I spotted Cora's pink hair and headed over, finally placing down my heavy tray on the table. "Missed breakfast, huh?" Cora asked laughing at the amount of food on my tray. I laughed too. "Sorta. Plus food wasn't this consistent and definately not this good. And now with all these classes and stuff I just need the extra fuel." I ate, happily listening to Cora prattle on abou
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High Council Meeting
John I sat just outside the main chambers waiting for them to call us in. Dr. Malone, and Greg, the Dean for the prep academy sat with me. We had to report what we had found with my daughter and her abilities now that we had caught her and tested her. I was a little nervous - I loved the girl even though she did her best to frustrate me at every turn. I couldn't necessarily blame her for that. She was unusual and predictable, which in our world was not usually good thing. But she was also smart, headstrong and determined and I suspected a true leader. "The High Council will see you now," the page said, opening the doors and ushering us in. We stood and together walked in. The High Council members sat in seats arranged in a semi circle around the room allowingthem a full view of the center. The High Council was made up of members from all of the different supes and were selected from the Elders of different packs and covens sent to represent their race. I had only been before
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Training and Fun
Azalea I woke at dawn again and went to meet my 2 teachers, once again walking through the same exercises as yesterday, getting through them quickly without me throwing things across the room. "Now we're going to switch it up today. I want you to think about your power and feel it connecting to the air around you," Clarissa said. "Good. Now feel how nice and warm it is. Ok. So cold air is just air moving at a slower speed right? So think about slowing the air around you down." I focused on her words, my eyes closed tight. I was thinking so hard and nothing was happening. They kept pushing me for what felt like hours and nothing was happening. Finally my frustration hit a breaking point and I yelled "Enough!" When my eyes popped open I could see the air literally frozen with both ladies looking at me thoughtfully. "Shit, sorry," I said and released the breath I was holding. When I did the air was released as well and began to return to normal quickly. "You have to lea
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Wonderful Waterfall
Azalea It took us awhile since they were on 2 feet instead of the 4 feet I had been on, but the time passes quickly as we chatted about everything from boys to clothes and music. Finally I could hear the sound of fast running water and smell the dampness and we began to pick up our pace. "Finally," Cassie said, looking up to the top of the waterfall. "It's so pretty here! I can't believe it didn't even know it was here." We set up our picnic area around the pool at the bottom of the falls where a small patch of sunlight broke through the trees. We sat there munching down and laughing at Cassie's stories of times at her pack house with all of brothers. Cora and Celia each only had one sibling and I was raised like an only child so it was great getting to hear the crazy things they did. I told them all about the cities I'd been to and they asked a ton about what it was like around regular humans. "Alright. I am going for a swim now. That water is calling my name," I said,
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Party Prep
Azalea I woke the next day, excited and a little nervous. This was going to be my first dance. I shook my head, feeling a little silly for being nervous. This was going to be the first time I was going to get to check out the boys at this school and at the Alpha Academy. My bet was that most of them would be too young for my taste, but it would be fun to flirt. And it might piss my sister off more too, which was always a good thing. The girls had told me yesterday about a few of the boys to avoid because they'd get handsy. I ran down and got breakfast, seeing few shifters than I expected down there. I ate breakfast on the roof, once again looking over the songs in fae. Since the bathroom was empty when I headed back down, I took a nice long shower, taking extra care with adding lotion and brushing my hair out. I had agreed on having an upswept hairstyle for me to show off my dress so after I brushed it I placed it in a bun for later. Cassie was finally awake and we chatt
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Dirty Dancing
Azalea The doors were already opened and we stepped inside, still laughing about my joke. The music was definately loud and you could see people everywhere dancing and joking and talking. But as we moved into the room and through the crowd, all eyes were on us. It made me a little nervous but Cassie strolled through like it was nothing. We were half way through the room on the way to the tables set at the back when I heard my brother behind us. "Dad is going to have a stoke." I turned and smiled at him. "No shit Sherlock. And where is princess Barbie tonight?" I asked him. "She's over there with her friends. I can't wait for her to see you. She's going to shit a brick. I didn't know you had tatoos. Where is the rest of your dress?" Taylor asked me, stepping closer so he didn't need to yell over the music. I laughed and said "Breathe brother. Damn. It is really that big of a deal? I thought the girls were just exaggerating. And this is all of my dress. Don't you lik
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School Begins
AzaleaWhen I got back from meeting with the dean, the girls were all up in our room and we spent the day hanging out and playing video games. It was fun and I ended the night with a call to my mom, telling her about the school and the dance and my new friends. She said I sounded happy and I guess for the first time in a long time I was. Monday was the first day of school and so I was up early. I wanted to get a run in before training so I ate a granola bar while getting dressed and headed out at dawn for the forest. I let my wolf run for about an hour before making my way to the cafeteria. Cassie was sitting with some other girls I didn't know, but who were obviously wolf shifters. I grabbed some real breakfast and sat down beside her to eat while I listened to them talk. Cassie introduced us - they were a few girls she was sorta friendly with from her classes the last few years. They talked about the party and the guys and how a few people had found their mate that night."
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Azalea We settled into a good routine and before I knew it a few months had passes. I would go running in the mornings before class. I loved that alone time, just me and the forrest, it was so freeing and something I hadn't been able to do before coming here. Then classes all day before homework and dinner with the girls. Weekends were relaxing after my short class with Clarissa and Malorie. We spent a few more weekend days at the waterfall before autumn set in and the water became too cold. After the first month I had fully integrated my powers into myself and no longer had to visualize them to use it. I could move anything, big or small, and even people safely. I learned how to make a small whirlwind and how to change the air temperature slightly, about 15 degrees either way. This month they had me shift into my wolf form and then try the same things - moving things, making whirlwinds and changing the air temperature. It was slower progress, my power feeling split be
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New Attraction
Logan I was to meet my father at the Enforcers Academy today and I was early, like always. My plane had caught good tail winds so I arrived about 30 minutes early so I headed up to his office. Hopefully this wouldn't take long as I wanted to be back on pack lands tonight. I entered his office and saw he was still conversing with Frankie, who was one of the pack members watching over my sister and brothers while they were at school. I poured myself a drink and wandered over to the desk to see what trouble they had gotten into that had them so engrossed in conversation. "They appear to be very close, sir. There wasn't much abnormal to report before today. They've got to the waterfall a few times, but spend most of their time in their room with the other two girls. They did go to the dance, as you can see by the pictures. But Cassie actually seems to be behaving for the most part - no pranks or fights so far. So it looks like she's a good influence. The other girl though is
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