All Chapters of The Alpha's Surprise Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
132 Chapters
Azalea I woke to someone poking me and the sounds of chatter. "Are you okay?" "What are you doing up here?" "You never came to the room last night or answered your damn phone." I opened my eyes and could see the girls around me, looking down with worried faces. I sat up slowly, my body hurting and even so my heart. "Oh my god what happened to you?" Cassie asked, squating down to look closer at my busted cheek crusted over with dried blood and my puffy eyes, one of which felt swollen. "I'm fine. It looks worse than it is," I replied, rolling my neck to release some tension. "I just needed some space yesterday." "You know you can talk to us right?" Celia asked gently, handing me a juice for which I was very thankful for. I downed the drink fast and nodded. "I know I just .... can't yet. I will soon though I promise," I replied. Cassie handed me a note and said, "This was slipped under the door for you this morning." "Ugh," I grunted, lightly slapping my forehead.
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Azalea As soon as dusk began we headed down with everyone else. The nights were getting colder and I wished I had werewolf warmth but I had picked out a costume with long sleeves and had on pantyhose to help keep my legs warm. We cut loose and had a blast - we visited and joked with several other people whom I recognized from both my history class and my business class, taking a ton of pictures in crazy poses. My brother Taylor and Cassie's brothers had joined our little group at some point, teasing and tagging along. Today I was thankful for their distraction and even gave my brother a hug. We all sat together and ate dinner at some point and I laughed until my sides hurt at their antics. We played some of the games - my brother winning me a little blue stuffed wolf and then we decided to do the haunted trail. They did a really good job on the trail, having everything from zombies with chainsaws and killer clowns - think IT- to some crazy deformed creatures. We screamed and
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Show Me What You've Got
Azalea I headed over to the mats to do some stretches while I waited. It wasn't long before Mr. Knight joined me, having changed into a tank top and loose shorts. He looked rock solid, which was a little surprising to me for a man of his age. He actually joined me in stretching and my surprise must have shown on my face. "You should always begin a work out with a stretch. Now I saw a video from the other day and I was surprised at your moves. I know Georgio doesn't teach that so where'd you learn those moves?" He asked as we stretched. "When I was 16 I dated this guy who was an underground MMA fighter so I started practicing with him and his friends at the gym. They taught me some tricks since I was smaller but faster and I actually had a winning streak going before we had to move again. I kept practicing though any chance I got," I replied, standing up on the mats. "Makes sense. I know you are fast and strong. Let's see what you've got and then we'll go from there.
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Story Time
Azalea As so it began. I would do an hour of endurance training, which was usually cardio both in the gym or in the forest, then a quick break to eat a snack before meeting up with Clarissa and Malorie for power training. Next I would dash off to history. Then I'd be in the library or outside reading if the weather was nice. I was reading about hybrid genetics and supe genetics in general seeing as how they didn't have any books on tribrids as I was the first known. Lunch with Cassie and her friends was next and then on to our business and math class before heading back to the gym for form work. Then a nice hot shower to help relax my muscles and dinner with the girls before homework and another snack. Even though I was eating what felt like double I still ended up slimming down. The baby fat I still had when I came her was gone, melting away to muscle. I was still thicker than the other wolves and my curves didn't change much but you could see the firmness in my body now.
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Azalea I had my back pack packed and my alarm set so I could be up way before dawn. My father had sent me a message that I ignored that said he'd be there after breakfast to pick the three of us up. So I had bought a bus ticket online from the nearest town that had a station which was only about an hour away. I was going to run to the town that we sent our mail to then take a taxi or an Uber to the other town to catch my bus. I woke before the alarm, anxious to see my mom after all these months. I went ahead and got dressed and quickly snuck out. I went out to the forest and changed quickly shifting and grabbing my back pack. It was still dark and I was small so it made it easier to sneak around those patrolling. By now I knew their routines from all the early morning runs and every so often I would pull the air to me searching for fresh scents or movement. I made good time and found an area close to a hotel to change back. I went inside the hotel and asked the clerk if
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New Training
Azalea I went up to my room and unpacked before grabbing a shower. When I was done we went down and had lunch with the girls. We spent the afternoon together like always and once we went back to our room we played video games and I let them know that the council had approved them knowing. Monday started the new training for me and I met Mr. Knight on the field in my sweats. The air was really chilly now and since I was not blessed enough to have werewolf body heat, I was cold. I knew it wouldn't last too long though once we got moving I'd warm up quick. "Since we are doing endurance still in the morning, I figured we'd go for that run you were doing in the woods. If you want to go shift and meet me right back here," he said. I smiled and jogged a little into the woods to the tree I always used and stuffed my clothes in the trunk before shifting. Thankfully in my wolf form the cold didn't even touch me. I walked over to the edge of the field were we had been before and saw
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Christmas is Coming
Azalea The Saturday before Christmas the school actually had a bus trip to the mall in the big city for anyone who wanted to go. So of course the girls and I loaded up to go. Cora had a headband that hid the pointy parts of her ears, but people were in such a rush I'm not sure they would have noticed anyways. We actually blended in pretty well - some of the human teens there were dressed simply outrageously. We had a great time shopping - and even ate lunch at the food court with Cassie's brothers and mine. I don't know if they actually did any shopping or if they were just there to check out the human girls and play at the arcade. We hit a few more stores after lunch before heading back to the bus loaded down with our purchases. I was glad I had ordered wrapping paper earlier in the week as we had a wrapping party on Sunday to wrap all the things we had bought on our trip. We made a day of it, watching Christmas movies like the Santa Clause while wrapping the gifts we bough
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Christmas Break
Azalea We woke early the next morning, well early for Cassie, and grabbed our bags. We had less than 2 weeks away from school and I was basically taking a real vacation for the first time ever. Cassie's pack was actually based in Colorado so we had to catch a plane there. We loaded into the SIV with her dad then stopped to get her brothers from the Alpha Academy. I popped out real quick to exchange gifts with my brother and promised not to open them until Christmas. I know he was bummed I wouldn't be going home with him but he understood. We hugged and then I was off to the airport with Cassie and her family. On the way there I asked about how long the flight was and how they dealt with the small seats on the plane. they boys laughed and explained that they had a private jet at the pack's disposal and that it had dropped their brother, the alpha off in New York last night for business and was ready at the airport for us. I was surprised and then the more I thought about
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Family Fun
Azalea It was a beautiful room with a huge picture window and window seat. I couldn't wait to sit there and read later, looking out into the gardens. The bed was a giant 4 poster bed with matching dresser that had a flat screen TV on it. Next to the bed was a night stand and the TV remote. I hung my things quickly in the closet and went to grab a shower. The bathroom had a huge glass shower with multiple heads that felt like warm rain. I almost didn't want to get out. I threw on some nice dark wash jeans and a purple turtle neck sweater to help keep me warm. I hadn't really thought much about my hair lately, but noticed that it had gotten long, reaching all the way to my butt at this point. The natural color was showing now, a dark rich chocolate brown - the same as my father's and brothers. I shot a quick email to a friend asking for more dye as well as the recipe and told her where to send it. I asked for her Cash app id so I could send her money for it, since I now had
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Around Town
Azalea Cassie was actually ready at almost the same time so she linked arms with me and off we went. It was a nice day, still cold with snow covering the ground, but the sun was shining brightly. As we walked around town Cassie pointed to all the buildings and explained what they were. She also filled me in on all the gossip about each person we saw, which was quite hilarious. they all greeted her with a smile and a nod that was almost a bow, which made me tease her even more about being a princess. Most of the people walked around town not because they didn't have vehicles, but because it was more convenient. I did learn that there was a hospital here that was fully equipped and that animals and weres used the same hospital, just different entrances. it made since when she explained it as the pack doctors needed to be equipped to handle them in either form. Luckily with their fast healing it was more about preventative care, prenatal care and that type of thing. There was
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