All Chapters of Her Heartless Husband : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
47 Chapters
Chapter 11
Samantha was a few minutes late , the queue however was long and she blended into the crowd unnoticed. With five stations for registration, the line moved fast and eventually it was Samantha's turn.They were required to register before they got shortlisted.All her academic qualifications were short having not attended any college, she had however given her best during the auditions, seeing the judges nod approvingly have hope to her. Samantha could only cross her fingers to be among the chosen best.After moments of turmoil waiting for the results, the organisers finally announced that they had selected ten, out of which only five would be contracted for the upcoming film after a further drill by the professionals. She was selected among the ten best and she couldn't be more hopeful. It was now time to announce those who'll proceed with the contract signing. Samantha was restless the entire time, her heart beat irregularly as she fought to catch her breath. They called the first
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chapter 12
The day for burial had at last arrived. Samantha sat next to Camille at the cemetery. She had forced back her tears as she stared at everyone around, especially at her husband. She hadn't forgiven him yet. He had refused to help her before, yet he had wanted to pour all the money he had for the hospital bill plus the funeral expenses .Samantha had refused him forthright, but that didn't stop him, in the end he did everything his way, taking care of everything. All these time he organised everything with her sister Camille while she was pushed aside.Just the previous day Samantha had a fight with Camille since she had refused any help from Eliot,but who was she, the oldest one of course. She went behind her back and excluded her from the funeral arrangements. Samantha just sat there as a log while Camille took over her husband taking care of everything.Her best friend, the only family she could turn to was about to be lowered five feet down. Her uncles and aunts chose to distance
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chapter 13
At Starlight entertainment company, Adrian stood by the window in his office staring out as he puffed out cigarettes. He had an amazing view of the city from one of the tallest buildings in the town, the flickering lights from every corner calming his head as he organised his thoughts.So far he had been able to keep the company afloat. An investor had suddenly appeared and poured in enormous amount of money keeping his company from going under. He however had to work hard and ensure that Eliot won't prevail the next time he tried to mess with his company.It was such a shame he had lost such a huge deal that would have reeked in billions of dollars into his company.He had to come up with new strategies. The one with Reeda didn't work especially since Eliot wasn't affected at all, he even got married on the same day. The news of being left on the altar didn't even make it to the top media houses as expected. It was as though he did nothing but score an own goal being stuck with Re
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chapter 14
" Hi Samantha. Surprised to see me? Well, I called you a dozen times and requested that you help me out, but you just won't listen to me. Remember I told you that our house was being auctioned earlier on today, but you refused to help me out. But your husband here was kind enough to let me stay with you guys before I find myself a place. I must say your mansion is really beautiful," Camille said and gave Samantha a smirk before she turned to Eliot and smiled at him." What are you even talking about Camille? When did you call me?" " Samantha, let's first get inside, you two can talk later," Eliot said." But Eliot, she is lying to you, she didn't call me at all," Samantha said." It doesn't matter Samantha, she is already here. You should at least welcome your sister to our home," Eliot said and walked in. Samantha stared at Camille who walked past her as she concealed her laugh with her fingers." Sam, Carmen said you had a surprise for me?" Eliot asked immediately he sat on the c
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chapter 15
Samantha walked beside her husband elated for the first time. They arrived up the stairs and Eliot swept her off her feet and carried her bridal style. " I'm sorry I hadn't done this sooner," Eliot whispered into her her ears.The warmth of his breath made Samantha shiver slightly." You did it now, it couldn't be more perfect if it's coming from deep down your heart." Eliot pushed opened the door to their room and dropped her to bed." You smell so nice, did you take a shower just recently" Eliot said."Sure I did shower after I finished cooking. I couldn't serve you all sweaty from the heat, but It's you who really smells nice, you know every day I always want to know the cologne you put on, but you've never given me the chance to. It's so intoxicating," " Do you always yearn to be closer to me? Eliot asked as he lay on top of her supporting himself with his elbow.Samantha's cheeks reddened in embarrassment.She had craved for his presence in her life, and right now everything
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chapter 16
Camille quickly showered and put on her work outfit. She walked up the stairs into Samantha's room. She knocked but no one answered. She pushed the door at once and entered. Her mouth hang open unable to believe the beauty and sparkle of everything in the room. Her eyes caught sight of the walk-in closet which she quickly checked out. Several expensive dresses hang beautifully, and the designer handbags, the shoes. Camille couldn't believe her eyes. Was Samantha that rich now. She spotted Eliot's clothes lined beside Samantha's, they were so cool and fresh, almost as though they were worn by a god himself.Camille walked backwards as she stared still in disbelief." Camille..what are you doing in my bedroom?" Samantha's stern voice brought her to the present." I'm sorry Samantha, I knocked but you didn't answer. I can't believe all these belong to you now," " Why wouldn't you believe it Camille? Is it hard for you to accept that, I Samantha who was once a maid could own all these?"
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chapter 17
While Samantha and the entire crew busied themselves with the scripts in preparation for the upcoming filming, Camille had been stuck in a meeting with important investors and shareholders in the company.She was on the receiving end of the heat when clearly thousands of dollars had been mismanaged from the company accounts resulting into their precarious situation.She had been forced to explain, and give them assurance that they would get their money back else they sue the company.Camille literally screamed when the meeting was over and was finally at her office. No matter how hard she tried to convince them of the upcoming deal, no one truly believed her.She was just exhausted with all that, yet one thing she had been unable to solve, getting the necessary shares for Mr. Barclays. Camille scratched her head in frustration. The shareholders at the company weren't willing to let go of their shares. They had promised to sink with the company should that be it's fate. " Such useles
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chapter 18
Samantha arrived home when it was almost dark. She felt exhausted from the torturous experience earlier on. She breathed out loud knowing that the first filming a success, Samantha couldn't help but replay the director's approval in her mind. Actually she shouldn't fear anything. She had acted under more stressful conditions, where she gave her best but was always suppressed, but now that she worked for a professional company, she had better put her acts together.Getting into the house, Samantha could hear voices in the house. She was sure it wasn't Camille since she had spotted her car drive into Sarov hotel earlier,Eliot couldn't be back as well.She entered the living room only to see an old woman, probably in her eighties seated on the couch, she was just closing her eyes when she spotted Samantha." Samantha, is that you?" The woman said happily." Yes grandma, I'm Samantha," " Nice to finally meet you my granddaughter. Please forgive me, I was at the hospital when you had a fu
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chapter 19
Samantha woke up to a call early in the morning. She quickly opened her email to find a copy of the script sent to her. She couldn't believe it, she had been given a new role after all. She quickly went over it, already loving the part she would play. If it came to memorizing content she was a hundred percent perfect.In just two hours, most of the opening chapters were already flowing in her brain like a river.She had a shower before heading over to the location of the days shoot. She had ensured to check out if Grandma Dora was alright. With everything perfect, she drove off happily.Camille on the other hand rose up early to the company. She had received an email stating various changes to the company's management.She was the CEO for goodness sake, such information should have come from her. Camille's heart boiled as she walked to the company.The entrance to the company was empty except for the guards.She was informed to join the others already in the conference room.Camille'
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chapter 20
" I can't believe you could do this to me Adrian, how could you?" Reeda cried as she ran after him. She hit him on the back even as he carried Leez inside the car." I don't have time for this Reeda, will you please stop," Adrian said angrily and shoved her aside as he opened the driver's seat. He couldn't risk loosing his child just for her.Reeda hit the car window trying to stop him but he sped off. Reeda quickly followed after him driving at full speed. Her hair was in a mess, her make up ruined as she wailed painfully inside the car.Reeda couldn't believe it, she had let go of everything, betrayed the man who had nothing but loved her dearly, just so that Adrian could betray her. All this time he was married.Reeda drove fast after Adrian not loosing sight of him.Adrian had taken an abrupt turn making Reeda spin her wheels unplanned following after him, she however lost control of her vehicle as she almost hit an on coming vehicle which resulted into her veering off the road an
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