All Chapters of Her Heartless Husband : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
47 Chapters
chapter 31
Samantha was glued to the television as she tried out several channels, but she didn't feel exited at all, just angrily changing through the channels. Her mobile blinked beside her and couldn't help but feel a little elated since someone might have remembered her." How's my little girl?" Came Karl's text." Your girl! Since when Karl?" " had no idea? Now I'm telling you, you are mine," tu text read.Samantha dropped the phone to the couch beside her and stared around the empty room.The mansion that should really be her hom youe now seemed really strange, it was so big and empty, no love nor warmth at all.Samantha found herself thinking about her parents. Things could have been different had they been around." Please call me should you need me," Karl wrote.Sam just glanced at his text and dropped back her phone. She suddenly felt so lost and alone. Was everything truly worth it, living a life devoid of that love you needed so much. Was it worth it living in such a big m
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chapter 32
It was way past midnight. Samantha sat uncomfortably next to Eliot. That was the last bottle of whiskey on the table. Samantha couldn't help but wonder how long he would hold his liquor. He didn't seem that drank.Mandy on the other side couldn't help but get on her nerves every time. She sought for Eliot's attention every now and then, drank, or she was probably pretending to be drank.Samantha couldn't take it anymore. It was supposed to b her party, but she had been sidelined, watching as they enjoyed themselves. She couldn't take it when she had become invisible for the past one hour." Eliot dear, I'm heading home , you guys can enjoy yourselves," Samantha said and got up at once.Eliot held her hand and pulled her back to sit beside him. Just one more dear, I'll take you home," Eliot said, drank." Don't you get it,I'm exhausted, I need to get home," Eliot stayed silent as he glanced around. Mandy was barely holding up, and himself, his vision was already blurred. Maybe it was t
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chapter 33
Samantha was taken aback but quickly moved to stand in between the two, hopeful to prevent them from engaging in a fight.Eliot however moved swiftly past her and followed after Adrian and landed yet another blow to him.All hell broke loose as Adrian punched him hard on the face. Several ladies squealed from below as two guards rushed forward to separate the two.Eliot and Adrian stood their ground, both adjusting their expensive suits and wiping off the stains of blood in their lips as they stared into each others eyes dangerously. When did the two respectable and well known gentlemen reduce themselves to such lowly acts. It had to be love, only a woman could make a man's ego be grazed and would want to protect it no matter what." Eliot please, let's just get out of here, " Samantha said trying to hold Eliot's hand but he shoved her aside that she bumped into a figure that just arrived at the scene, it was the same woman who loudly cursed as Samantha stepped on her feet slightly."
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chapter 34
It was way past midnight. Samantha sat uncomfortably next to Eliot. That was the last bottle of whiskey on the table. Samantha couldn't help but wonder how long he would hold his liquor. He didn't seem that drank.Mandy on the other side couldn't help but get on her nerves every time. She sought for Eliot's attention every now and then, drank, or she was probably pretending to be drank.Samantha couldn't take it anymore. It was supposed to b her party, but she had been sidelined, watching as they enjoyed themselves. She couldn't take it when she had become invisible for the past one hour." Eliot dear, I'm heading home , you guys can enjoy yourselves," Samantha said and got up at once.Eliot held her hand and pulled her back to sit beside him. Just one more dear, I'll take you home," Eliot said, drank." Don't you get it,I'm exhausted, I need to get home," Eliot stayed silent as he glanced around. Mandy was barely holding up, and himself, his vision was already blurred. Maybe it was
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chapter 35
Samantha woke up when the rays of sunlight seeped through the curtains. She glanced beside her to find Eliot still lying on the bed, staring into the ceiling. Everything that happened the last night came flooding back to her. He was fierce, like a beast, taking her in ways she never imagined. Till now she felt sore and exhausted, the sleep never enough.She might just decide to sleep the entire day since it was on a weekend.Samantha lay in the same position not knowing what to say to him. When he didn't look at her, Samantha decided to get up, maybe he said everything while drank, he must have forgotten his words from last night.Samantha felt her heart contrict painfully. Why would she love him that much when he never really cared for her feelings. When will she ever receive that special and soft treatment from him.Her heart yearned for love and adoration, but her husband, he got a heart of stone, never really letting her express all her feelings, Samantha could only wish for someo
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chapter 36
It was on a Sunday evening that Eliot decided to fly out of the country. For the first time Samantha accompanied him to the airport." I hope you'll miss me dear Samantha," Eliot said as he embraced her lovingly, his strong arms circling her thin waist.Samantha remained quiet. She knew she would miss him. It was not like she didn't love him much." Be good. I'll be back before the week ends," Eliot said and took his small suitcase. " Be safe.." That's all Samantha could say as he made his way to his private jet.It was her first time seeing his jet. Samantha suddenly felt as though she had no idea who Eliot truly was. Not even the companies he ran except for Elite Entertainment.Samantha let go of her thoughts and got into the car. She drove off just as the plane took off.Samantha thought what to do for the rest of the evening now that it would be her only free day.She decided to drop by the mall for some shopping especially after receiving huge sums for allowance. Samantha knew
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chapter 37
It had been three days. Samantha couldn't help but feel worn out. She had tried to reach Eliot the previous night, but his line couldn't go through. Her schedule was loosening up with the endless commercials she had to shoot coming to an end.She needed to discuss her next agenda with Eliot, an offer to work abroad with one of the most prestigious entertainment companies. It had been her biggest dream to work in Hollywood,but Eliot was just out of reach.Samantha decided to make a call to Karl, he had been awfully quiet since the last time he had congratulated her on her award.As usual, his voice was filled with enthusiasm when he talked with her. Samantha couldn't help but want to meet him over a cup of coffee, there was just this thing about his voice that made her feel as though everything wasn't alright with Karl. So far he had been her greatest help, seeking her out till she felt as though he was too much. But now, more than a week later,he hadn't talked to her.With their date
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chapter 38
Samantha woke up and glanced around the strange room. An aroma suddenly filled the entire room that she became nauseous and ran into the closet door she found which thankfully led her to the bathroom.She poured out bitter tasting substance and felt her entire energy getting drained after she was done. She found herself slumbering to the floor as she held her head that was splitting in pain. She had another round throwing up before she felt better. Her entire body ached and she needed something cold to wake her up.Last night's images danced through her eyes and she wished she could just bury herself. She had offended Eliot by getting drank, then she wouldn't let go of him for almost the entire night as he gave her a world filled with pure bliss. Just thinking of everything made her cunt throb in desire. She quickly opened the shower to calm her body that was already misbehaving.This had to be one of Eliot's mansions, and probably he was up making some food since she had sported hi
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chapter 39
" What do you want from me? What have I done against you Nosh to treat me like an animal?" Camille shouted once the tape was removed from her mouth." What would I want from you? Of course it's to pay with your life. You killed my father. I had you imprisoned,but you managed to escape after your brother in law rescued you. But now that you killed his grandmother, who shall be the one to rescue you this time," Nosh said as his eyes turned dangerously red. He just wanted to squeeze the life out of her and kill her already. But the satisfaction he felt seeing her in so much pain.The heartbreak and betrayal Camille felt made him feel a little satisfied.Camille glanced up at him not believing that he of all people could be so heartless. He seduced her, took away her company, he even turned her mad,but that didn't seem to be enough." That bastard was your father? No one you are just like him, a bastard and useless man who only finds pleasure in harming women," A heavy kick landed on Ca
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chapter 40
Two days later, inside a cold room, Camille groaned as she turned to lie on her left side, her body burned up in pain. She had woken up from her nightmare to find herself imprisoned yet again. All she knew was that she was out of Nosh's clutch, but who had rescued her only to imprison her yet again , he could only be one person, Eliot.She spotted an iron plate that had dried rice on it. She slowly extended her arm to pick it only for the door to the room to open up suddenly with the lights blinding her eyes." You haven't eaten, it seems we've been too good to you Camille, taking our hospitality for granted," one of the men said." How pathetic, to see you this week and vulnerable, when all you do is kill innocent people," Arnold said staring down at her with disgusting. She was smelly all over, having not taken a bath for god knows how long.Camille didn't bother to respond and picked up the food and scooped it with her dirty bare hands, her throat was dry but she managed to swallo
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