All Chapters of Her Heartless Husband : Chapter 41 - Chapter 47
47 Chapters
chapter 41
At what was previously known as Starlight entertainment company, Leez made her grand entry through the main entrance as she glanced around, her head held high, her sophisticated look catching the staff with awe. The company employees stared at her in recognition and immediately began whispering amongst themselves behind their desks.The company's real owner and CEO's long awaited return finally arrived.She was beautiful, her hair combed nicely to the back, a silver clutch bag in her hand that matched her black body hugging dress. One couldn't easily tell that she recently had a baby.As she walked past them , everyone bowed their heads to their desks, apparently busy with work.With Leez in the elevator, Marion, the company's biggest gossip jumped from her desk to her friend Jacky who immediately smiled at her knowing the hot gossip her friend just prepared. The whole room suddenly burst into noise from the whispers." Jacky....didn't I warn you, that the day would finally arrived,
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chapter 42
One month later.Samantha was before the renowned journalist P White as he interviewed her. P White show was watched by audiences all over the world, and Samantha's image was trending all over the internet with show being streaming by millions of viewers, those who had no idea about who she really was asking several questions.Samantha had taken the entertainment industry by storm, everyone excited by her unique skills, but her real identity hidden from the public. Eliot had done more to wipe off every trace of negative publicity about his wife online, but there were people who already had the information and couldn't help but find information to bring her down or probably shame her just to see her reaction." Miss Samantha, I can't help but want to ask more about your private life. Our viewers too would like to get to know the real you, thousands of commentators asking about who you really are." " That is okay White. I think I should clarify everything before my fans get the wrong
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chapter 43
At the hospital, Samantha slowly regained consciousness and registered at once that she was at the hospital. She quickly held her tummy afraid that she had lost her baby after what happened.Just then Eliot's worried face appeared before her line of sight . She dreaded the thought that it wasn't him that had rescued her from Karl . Just how did he get to her that fast. Samantha just remembered she had received a text from Eliot earlier on just before the interview but figured she'd read it after getting done with the show." How are you feeling?" Eliot said amidst his gritted teeth. He was angry but tried to hold back. Samantha closed her eyes when she saw his hand held into a fist.Samantha turned her eyes to face the wall." Damn you Samantha, how could you?" Eliot burst out hitting hard the metallic bed.Samantha was shaken not wanting to look at him in the eye." How could you let a man into your room , alone at night? Didn't I warn you against him Samantha. What were you really
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chapter 44
The sky was slowly opening up when Samantha woke up from her peaceful sleep. She stared around her to realize that she was still in the jet , but the warm bed, she hadn't noticed last night when they boarded or when she went to sleep.She walked into the bathroom to wash her face. Everything was quiet. She decided to get out to find Eliot. She was immediately captured by the beautiful rays of the rising sun, more so the breathtaking scenery of the clear waters, the white sand, the green trees on the other side, everything about the little island beautiful as they sea stretched out endlessly.She still hadn't spotted Eliot in the vast space.Samantha glanced up to see a grand mansion up a small hill and couldn't help but want to go check it out. Just then she spotted Eliot walking by the shores as he headed for her.Samantha smiled widely meeting him half way." I'm happy that you got impressed by everything, seeing the obvious light in your eyes," " I must admit dear, this place is
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chapter 45
Three days after officially taking over operations at Starlight Company, Leez decided that it was best to have the company help her celebrate her birthday. Her issues with Adrian were almost getting resolved after they had successfully filled for a divorce. The only thing that remained was sharing their property which would take time. Leez felt a new kind of peace and comfort that she had lacked for over a year now and no better words could describe her feelings.She had a new kind of glow that everyone that she interacted with in the business circle couldn't help but marvel at her beauty.Getting back into the corporate world wasn't easy, but her associates and friends from before were ready to support her, almost as though they had been waiting for her return. No that she was back, the world better be ready.The company hall was decorated extravagantly with expensive cocktails and wines being served. Every kind of snacks you could think of was served.Several dignitaries had been
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chapter 46
The next morning, the entire nation was woken up by the sudden news about the murder of the renowned businessman Nosh Barclays who was found in his car having a bullet logged in his forehead. The detectives described it as a well planned crime since the suspects didn't miss it's target. Only one bullet had been used that killed him instantly. His driver was in a critical condition after losing control of the vehicle and hitting a tree.Samantha who walked down the stairs to get herself a glass of water was met by the disturbing news about Nosh's death. Just last night she had shared with Eliot the fact that Nosh was behind the accident that killed her father. He was visibly pissed about it all, but he managed to hide his feelings as they headed home last night. No one would want Nosh dead apart from her and Eliot, and of course Camille who was still in jail.Karl wouldn't do it especially after what had transpired between them back then, or what it his way of seeking her apology b
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chapter 47
Samantha rolled her eyes as she walked to the window. If he only knew what she had done, obviously all hell would break loose." You should eat , come, I'll accompany you" Eliot offered. The two walked downstairs where the maids had laid up the table. Eliot hadn't removed his clothes." You plan to leave again," " Yes, I'm actually waiting for something," Eliot responded. Samantha could see just how impatient he was." Is it about my sister?"" That shouldn't concern you Samantha. But hey, has she contacted you?" Samantha shook her head in denial and drank the glass of juice almost emptying it. She couldn't afford to say those lies to him." What do you plan to do with her, should you find her?" " Didn't I tell you not to bother about what I intend to do with her. But I you insist, I'll have to find her, take her right back in jail and make sure she would never see the light of the day. No one ever crossed me and escaped twice." Eliot tried on the food and dropped his fork. The ra
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