All Chapters of Before Me:Spin off of Billionaire's heart : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
101 Chapters
Chapter 89
It has been three days since Nik and I visited our daughter's grave and things have become more awkward between us. When we came back, the children didn't want to leave their brother so we made an agreement. Since Franco is on vacation, for the time he has left here ,the children will be with me during week days and on weekends they'll spend it with him.We haven't discussed anything regarding the future. We'll cross the bridge when we get there.Did I tell you I feel different now,like I'm free now. Max and I have become close again and I'm kinda warming up to Chleo but she reminds me of Fernanda and it bothers me alot.I try not to think about it but I sometimes fail.Nik and I have been trying to stop being awkward towards each other, we'll try to be civil now .I don't know where we stand now in our relationship but I'm tired of us going back and forth all the time.I want a stable home for my son and I'm willing to I set everything aside to make things work with Nikolas.That
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Chapter 90
2 Years later I look at my mom's happy face as she puts the veil on my head and prays for me.Today is my wedding after waiting for so long.Nik and decided to wait for my to finish law school before getting married and yesterday was my graduation and today I'm getting married.Today I wish my dad was alive to see me and walk me down the aisle.In our culture, my mom has to do it but I already asked my brother to do it.He is now a player for Real Madrid and I couldn't be more happier .God has really been faithful to this family these past two years.I really loved my gown because it was hand made by Kathy's fashion house and it was the best present.Nik and I have fallen in love stronger than ever. He is so good with the kids and he visits Fernanda everyday after work.He never ceases to amaze me."Mommy you look beautiful" Chleo says bringing me out of my thoughts."Yes aunty you look amazing" Esperanza agrees looking beautiful in her blue flower girl dress." You guys also look
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Christmas to New Year.Max-17Franco -_13Chleo- 12Esperanza -16Iris-10Isla-10."Mom,why do I have to go with them. I told you my friends and I are heading to the time square for the fire works "Max groans rubbing his non existent beard."By friends you mean your girlfriend" Esperanza teases him with a smirk."Shut up Es... Don't make me spill your little secret to mom" now it was his turn to smirk."What secret? Have got nothing to hide" she taunts back adding more milk to her cereal."You want me to tell? okay then don't call me a snitch. Mom Esperanza has been sneaking out every evening to meet her new boyfriend Jayden and umhushg" Max says but the rest was garbage because Esperanza was up from her seat covering his mouth."He is lying aunt. I don't meet anyone" she says immediately.I looked at her suspiciously knowing she was lying because I have been seeing her from my window.I know the Jayden boy,his dad and Nik have done business before. Everyone knows the Jones family. O
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Other books: Azrael's book.
"Remember Azrael,one year of nursing and if you fail you are switching to business. Do you understand?",Mom says for the 12th time as we drove to Yale"Yes mama. Fail then switch"I role my eyes at her."Don't you sass me young lady"she glares at me making dad chuckle earning a glare for himself."What? She is just like you"he shrugs."We have six kids Brandon,she needs to be tough for her siblings to follow"mom rants and continues to talk about her tough childhood.I let out a sigh of relief when the car stopped Infront of my new apartment which I'll be sharing with my best friend since childhood,Ireal Angelis."Come on,we need to look at the room and find you a car"mom says and gets out of the car."Don't worry sweetie,I know you won't fail. You are my daughter,you are not a failure"dad says with a soft smile."Well mom doesn't think so. She is always trying to mold me into this perfect girl which I am not"I tell him."Your mom.... your mom is only looking out for you. Don't take it
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Azrael's book
Yesterday,the dinner was alright but we left early. We need to register our courses and other stuffs.I was doing human anatomy, microbiology,basic Nursing and professional adjust for this semester.I woke up extra early this morning getting ready.By seven I was done and thirty minutes to spare for coffee and breakfast.I left my room and entered the kitchen to see Maya already done dressed and preparing breakfast."Good morning"I greeted her opening our fridge and taking out a bottle of welch juice."Good morning. I made breakfast. I hope you love pancakes"she says sheepishly."Yes. Thank you"I say and pour myself a cup of coffee as she set three plates down.A few seconds later,Ireal walks in looking bright as always."Good morning darlings"she giggles and I shake my head.She was in a short blue off the shoulder dress with black long tights and black boots.We are a total opposite,but like they said, opposite attract.I was in a black loose jeans and grey cropped tank top and a ja
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Royal Affairs
I hear movement in room in my room, I groan. I really hate disturbances, especially in the morning."Wake up your highness,his majesty requests your presence in the throne room immediately"I hear a voice whisper in my ears.I lazily opened my eyes to see my favorite personal help standing beside my bed."Good morning Claudia"I tell her as I sat up on my bed with a sigh."Good morning my princess. You need to hurry, your father wants to see you. Oh before I forget, Happy birthday. You are now 20 years"she giggles and pulls me out of bed."Yes twenty years of being stuck in this place whiles my mates have fun and enjoy their lives"I complain and went to stand by the window staring at the beautiful view of the gardens."Well, since you are now an adult maybe he'll finally let you go out and have fun. I admit Buckingham palace is kind of boring"she chuckles and helps me get out of my night gown."There is no way I'll be out of this place. The only way is if I am married,then I can finall
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Royal Affairs
Kevin and I walked around the bank of the stream for a while before I was ready to go back home.I needed to leave before anyone notices I am gone. I sat back on my horse and rode back home. I sneaked back to my room with the help of Claudia again."Ma'am you need to take your bath,his majesty requests your presence immediately"she says immediately I entered my room."Thank you Claudia"I tell her with a small smile."You still don't look happy"she says putting my hair in a ponytail."Well yeah. Kevin has refused to come my dad. He thinks he'll reject his proposal,I really want to go to Wales with him"I sigh."Can I say something else princess?"she asks"Yes Claudia""Well,I think he doesn't love you enough to take that chance. I think you need to move on"she says and I frown.Maybe she is right.No. Kevin and I love each other. We have known each other since highschool. He loves me,he tells me everyday."I don't think so. Maybe he is just afraid. I'll talk to dad on his behalf"I tell
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Royal Affairs
"This place is very huge your highness,how do you not get lost"Daniel says as we walked on the corridors of the Palace."You'll get used to it when you stay here for long"I tell him."I guess you didn't expect your mom to let us talk alone" he smiles,"Nope,my mother is full of surprises"I tell him."Well she is. Like when told my parents she wants me to come ask for your hands in marriage from the king before you leave to Wales"he says and I immediately stopped in my tracks."What?!"I yell in surprise,I pulled away from him and stopped in my tracks."Yes. My mom is a good friend of yours. Her majesty thinks I am a suitable husband for you Catherine"he says."No. You are not going to do anything of that sort. She may be my mom but she doesn't control my personal life"I tell him."Well,I don't think that is a bad idea tho. I am handsome, good looking, properly trained and I am from a noble family. I would be a great king"he smirks and walks closer to me."Prince, Prince C
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Royal Affairs
"And so it my greatest honor and privilege to accept this gifts and farewells. I would make sure to be the best princess of Wales in history and will be the a great Queen in the future to this faithful nations. Thank you"I smiled at the audience as they all begun to clap for me.I let out a sigh and took the bouquet of flowers from the lady and descended the stage with the help of my brother."You did great princess"he whispers and I smiled.I go and sit by my father who congratulated me with a hug and kiss. My mom on the other hand was busily scolding my sister."Shall we eat and make merry. A Toast to Princess Catherine,the princess of Wales and the future queen"dad says and we all raised our glass."Long live the king"we all say and took a sip of a wine.The rest of the banquet was pretty much boring.We returned home late in the evening and I sent Kevin a text to meet me at our usual place.Immediately I got home I went to my room with the excuse of having a headache.I changed in
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Royal Affairs
Five Years Later"Attention!"the commander yells and everyone obeyed.Everyone was stiff including my siblings and I.Yes you guessed it right,I am back from Wales. I have been for a long time. I came back three years ago but was immediately taken to the military for my three years service.My father's health hasn't been the best lately so everything has been rushed. Today is truping the colors day,the monarch's birthday.But this year we aren't enjoying it and looking pretty with the rest of our family. We are matching. My siblings and I have been in the military for three years now and after today our service have ended.We are leaving as working Royals. It isn't really done,but for the first in history we are having a coronation,a coronation to crown the new Princess of Wales.It isn't really a coronation,it is called an investiture.It is happening tomorrow, right after this place we are going to Buckingham palace to prepare.Our titles have been publicly given to us. But I can
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