All Chapters of Before Me:Spin off of Billionaire's heart : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
101 Chapters
Chapter 78
Mummy is Auntie Kathy and Else going to be here today?"my son asks excitedly,"Yes baby, she will here soon,she just arrived at the airport"I tell him while I button his shirt.I met Kathy in Poland last year during a vacation with my son. She invited me for coffee and we talked about things that happened in the past. She now owns a restaurant in Poland after divorcing her Arabian husband. She is married to a doctor she meet on a dating site in Poland and they a daughter and one on it way. She told me she saw what happened on the news and she was sorry for being greedy. I forgave her and we picked things up from where we left off.Today we are celebrating Franco's 4th birthday and he wants everyone to be there. Invited a few of my employees and friends from my previous firm.My mom, Giovanni and Enzo came in yesterday, Giovanni is in college so he can't stay long, Carlos couldn't make it because he has a match today but he still sends his gift."Mummy will daddy be here"he asks sadl
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Chapter 79
3years ago (a year after Amelia left) It has already been a year since Joanna and I got back together. I'd be lying if I said I am not happy, because I am. My son has warm up to Joanna but what worries me is him not calling her mummy, it is always"ma'am or Joanna " with him,I guess she doesn't mind because she doesn't complain.My parents decided to move to LA for Esperanza's seek, so she can get a fresh start. My son has become really distance from me over the months and sometimes I hear him cry in his room alone. I think I'm going to take him to a therapist, maybe he is overwhelmed by everything that happened.Did I mention Joanna and I have a daughter now, well I didn't expect that but I have a little princess now. Although I'm happy with Joanna and my new family, I still feel this void in my heart. Like something is missing and I have been longing for it. I just hope in time it goes away for the seek of my children. I don't want them experiencing a broken marriage again. I
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Chapter 80
A year ago "Oh innocent Nikolas, you were so blinded by your love for me you couldn't even see it was all a plot to get her out of your life"she says chuckles and it hits me hard, Amelia was innocent I didn't believe her.There is a painful twist in my heart,like some is stabbing me."You are so stupid thinking I'll love you again, oh wait I didn't love you at all in first place, I was just attracted to you. It has been Mark all along even before we got married, I was with him,it him I loved but I couldn't get to him because he was too personal,so I used you Nik and you fell for it like stupid man you are" she continues with a wicked smirk"Why?why would you do all this? If you didn't love me,why did it have to affect Amelia" I spat at her"Well I must admit, I was kind of jealous of her. I didn't want anyone to make you happy apart from me and she was taking my son's attention.You were too blinded by past love ,you didn't notice you were in love with her"she replies without a care i
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Chapter 81
Come on baby, let's go outside your party is about to start" I whisper to my son who has his head on my shoulders"Okay mummy. Are my friends here?"he asks"Yes,all your class mates are here"I say with a smile before kissing his head.Kathy and I stand up holding our kid's hand ready to leave to the back yard when my door bell rings."Are you expecting anybody else"Kathy asks"No.. Not really"I ask and walk to the door.I open only to see Brittany and her kids holding some presents in her hands."Surprise!!!" She shouts with a huge smile and I hug her."Oh Brittany I thought you couldn't make it. And you look huge girl"I say when I pull away from her."Yh....but I'm here now.What can I say these babies keep me all night. Now where is my birthday boy." she says and I hear tiny feet behind me."I'm here Auntie Bree"Franco says with a huge grin on his cute face. His curls are falling off his face, he needs a hair cut."Happy birthday sweety"Brittany says and gives him the gift in her han
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Chapter 82
Hi mummy. I missed you "my son says as he runs to come and hug me. I couldn't pick him up today because I woke up with this splitting headache this morning. I think I drunk too much yesterday with Justin and his fiance. Those people are a bad influence to my drinking habit. "I missed you too my little doctor. How was school?"I ask as he climbs on to my bed and on my lap "It was fun. A man came to speak with us about America, mummy can we go to USA this vacation"he says with an adorable face and I couldn't refuse or tell him the truth "Anything your little heart desires baby"I say and he kisses me before putting his head on my shoulder. "Mummy do I look like daddy, because I think I saw him today"he suddenly says out of the blue and my heart begins to race, I pull him from my shoulders before I gently grab his face and he looks at me. "Why do you say that baby?"I ask "Because the man who came to my school looks exactly like me . He has my eyes and he said I look like his son"h
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Chapter 83
I'm on my way to the hospital, passing all the red light and speed limit,I don't care about the tickets or getting arrested all I care about is my son, nothing else.I just received a call from his nanny,his has been taken to the hospital . She says he got pushed down by a boy at the park, nobody is at home now. Giovanni has gone back to college and mom and gone back to Spain,I can't the nanny with him for long.Finally I arrive at the hospital and immediately run inside. Once I get to the reception I saw Lizzy the nanny sitting there waiting for me. I immediately run to her,"What happened?Is my baby okay?"I ask worriedly and before she could answer the doctor comes outside."Which one of you is his mom?"he asks"It is me doc,how is my son?"I ask"He is fine Mrs Miller. He just fractured his arm but it will be fine. The cast will be removed once the arm has healed"he explains and I sigh in relief.The doctor says he can leave today,so I made all the payments and he was discharged. I
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Chapter 84
It has been 3days since my meeting with Nikolas and I've been worried since. I don't want him to take my son away from me. I have been on alert,I made sure that no one is able to pick him up from school except me. I also made Lizzy aware of the Nikolas and under no circumstances should she allow him meet Franco. Luckily he doesn't know where I stay,or so I thought.Today is a very beautiful day,it is a Saturday and thanks Easter is just a week away. My family will not be joining me this year, unfortunately, but I have my son with me. Since I can't go to Madrid this Easter I'll make it up to them on Thanksgiving and Christmas.Right I'm making some cookies and Oreo strawberry cake for my son,I know weird combination but he loves them."Mummy can at least have a small taste"he says, again but time with a puppy dog eyes which I can't resist."You know I can't resist those eyes"I say taking a bit of the mixture on a spoon,not before kissing all over his face."Mummy stop"he giggling and
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Chapter 85
I have been nervous and anxious this entire week,I can't believe I agreed to the dinner but that is the only way he is going to leave me and my son alone.I'm also nervous about telling my son who his father was. I bit my lips as I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore simple black one strapped dress with a silt at the right thigh.I heaved a big sigh and walked out of the room, I entered my son's room to see him brushing his curls. "Look who's grown up now. Brushing your hair" I say with a smile and he giggled."Ik wil een volwassen mama zjin" he replies in dutch and I groan. I have lived here for four good years and I still haven't picked up some words. (I want to be a grown up mommy)I'm still learning,it is good thing my workers understand English."You know I can't really speak dutch. How would you feel if I replied in Spanish"I say with a teasing smile"I also understand Spanish mommy. You are just slow to pick up" he says with a shrug."No seas un saberlo toda mi vida" I say
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Chapter 86
The dinner went better than I expected, I have never seen Franco this happy before. He looks at his dad like he is a god. Suddenly he doesn't want to be a doctor anymore,he wants to be a business man like his dad and have his own jet.I let out a sigh before pouring the wine in to the glass Infront of me. I wait for Nik to finish with the kids before I can go to bed. I want him to leave.The kids didn't want to go especially Max who didn't want to leave my side for a minute.So Nik contributed to help put them to sleep. Franco's bed is big enough for him Max, and Chleo can sleep in Franco's baby court which I still kept.I'm still sipping my wine when I hear footsteps coming down. I didn't bother to look because I knew who it was.He comes and stand beside me , staring holes into my head."They are all asleep now."he says and I nod,"Thank you for everything you did today. I appreciate it so much" he says and I put my glass before turning to him."I didn't do it for you, Nikolas, I di
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Chapter 87
I woke up to today with a splitting headache, I check around to see I'm in my room.I let out a sigh before I start to reminisce about what happened yesterday. Weirdly I feel great today,I feel a bit little weight and it is like a burden has suddenly been lifted off me. I got up from my bed and went into my bathroom to freshen up and take some Tylenol to my headache go away. I look a myself in the mirror and I look like a zombie.I think I dozed off in Nik's embrace and he brought me to my room. Thinking of that I hope he left yesterday.After taking my bath, I went back into my room and checked the time.What! It was almost mid day,thank God I didn't have work today,well on the other hand I'm the boss so.....I decided to wear some thing casual today,so I went somewhere sweatpants and sweatshirt since the whether is chilly here. I can snow at any time , I wore some comfortable shoes and head out to check up on my son and kids. Once I was out of my room I walk in the hallway way and
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