All Chapters of Sinful Desires: My Uncle Is Mine: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
125 Chapters
Chapter 101
JUNEA beeping sound prompted me to open my eyes. I slowly peered at the ceiling, surprised to notice that I was indoors, not in the park. Hell, I was even expecting to find myself in hell because I know that's where I'm going.No deity will permit me to step into their Paradise. I was ready for it. Prepared to spend my years in hell.However, this place doesn't look like hell at all. There is no way in this green Earth that hell will turn out to have white ceilings and the unpleasant smell of disinfectant.What happened?How did I get to be here?I tried to sit up on the bed, but the pain that went through me caused me to lie back.Fucking hell. Not again. Is this how it's going to be?Each time I lose consciousness, I end up in the hospital with my body feeling like shit.“Oh, my! She's awake!” I heard a woman yell before the sounds of footsteps reached my ears.A young black woman came into focus, smiling kindly at me. Her golden brown skin and beautiful brown eyes made her look l
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Chapter 102
KRISTEN"No, I didn't tell her that!" I whispered fiercely like my voice was filtering through an amplifier. "I would never tell her to work!""I'm not saying you did." Edith was so calm about it. I don't think I have ever seen her worked up over something. She is so reserved and calculated, that sometimes it's almost scary. "What I am trying to say is... maybe you bleakly suggested or stated that your finance—""Edith, nooo," I suppressed the need to sigh. "I would never make June feel that I can't support us financially. I wouldn't think of doing that, even if I have just a dime left.""I'm just trying to cover all grounds." She seemed to be very deep in thought. "I don't know what to say right now."I didn't know what to say either. One minute it feels like everything would be okay, the other minute, my thoughts and feelings are mercilessly scattered.Only one thing makes me appreciate the condition I am in.I can clearly see who had been pretending to love or care for me. All the
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Chapter 103
JUNEI blinked at them, confused and desperately trying to grasp what they were talking about. Like, I just told them my mother's name and boom, they were speaking of another. “What are you talking about? Who the hell is Mary?” “Oh, give me a minute,” the man said before he started searching his pocket once more only to bring his wallet out. Hah, this must be a joke or something like that. Why….“Phew, I thought I'd lost it,” he mumbled as he brought a picture out of his wallet and gazed at it. “You still have her picture in your wallet?!” Favour shrieked. “Gosh, I can't believe you, Henry.” “Jealous of a dead woman, are you?” He leaned down to peck her on her left cheek. “She was my past, Favour. And you are my present, and future. You don't have to think that way." “Then, why is she still in your wallet? My picture is supposed to be there!” Favour folded her arms, scowling darkly. “I was guilty, okay? Seems it's time to let go of the past,” he confessed and pecked her once mor
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Chapter 104
JUNEDespite everything I was told, I wasn't ready to believe them until Favour suggested we have a DNA test, which Henry and I readily agreed to. According to the doctor, getting a result would take about twenty-four hours. So, I exchanged my number with them. They offered to drive me home, but I refused. Instead, I took a cab home, with my mind still on what I just learned. Should what Henry said turn out to be the truth, it could only mean that.....Kristen and I aren't related! What great news this will be. Now, we won't have to worry about the public and what they have to say about our relationship. I paid the cab driver with the only money I had left, grateful those damned thugs didn't touch it. Kristen wasn't in the house when I returned, so I hurriedly plugged my phone into the wall socket to power it up. I forgot to charge it last night, so it went off around mid-afternoon when I was still at the hospital. The moment I switched the phone on, I was bombarded with notifica
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Chapter 105
KRISTENWhat the fuck?!!"Why didn't you say something?!" I scoffed, my eyes wide in... surprise? shock? I don't know."I'm fine," she said quietly. There was a certain tiredness swirling around her like a mist. It's been so long since she looked this fed-up. "I guess it's just..." She suddenly stopped and looked up, frowning. "Kristen...""Yes, doll?" I shifted closer to her, now feeling slightly uncomfortable from what she was going to ask."The men who beat me at the park... " She knitted her brows and I moved closer until I could see the mole on her left cheek. "... they asked if I was ready to leave the country."She looked at me, locking my eyes in place. Our eyes widened at the same time."That sounds suspicious," June continued. As sudden as she said it, she waved it off, "Never mind.""No, doll. Talk to me." She made to get up but I pulled her back to the chair. "If there is anything you need to tell me, please say it.""I... I was thinking of something, but I just realized t
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Chapter 106
JUNEKristen left early because of a meeting he had with some of his employees. I remained in bed for close to an hour before I lazily rolled out, realizing I had to get ready for work. I can't afford to have my salary ducked on the first day. I had a hurried bath and got dressed in blue leggings, pairing it off with a tank top. I didn't bother with my hair, just combed through it to get rid of the tangles, and I was good to go. I applied a chapstick on my lip and used an eyeliner for my brows.Breakfast was the next thing. I gobbled down the macaroni and meatballs Kristen made, ignoring the crepes he left for me. The moment I put the plates on the sink, my phone started buzzing. “That must be Mark.” Yawning, I traipsed over to the dinner table, took my phone, and answered the call without checking the caller's ID. “Good morning,” I grumbled and started for the stairs. “June?” Mark's perplexed voice filtered in from the other end. “Hmm?”“Are you the one?” he asked once more, soun
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Chapter 107
JUNEAnd that was how I found myself having dinner with them. I had to send a text to Kristen to tell him I was okay and would be back later than expected. Though he tried to know my reasons, I found a lie through it, opting to keep my father a secret until I saw him. Something like this should be told to the face, not through the phone. It was a pleasant dinner that had me smiling and laughing more than I have ever done since the time our photos were leaked to the public. Favour was eager to meet my uncle, but I refused. I need to tell Kristen about it and know his stance before I arrange for a meeting between them. They drove me home and watched me walk up to the front door before they drove off. I can tell Favour doesn't wish to part with me because I got a message the moment I stepped foot into the house. 'I had a nice day with you, darling. Expectation for more!' A grin tugged on the sides of my lips as I read the message. Favour is such a free spirit, she makes it difficult
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Chapter 108
KRISTENYears ago, everything had happened like a dream, and now, all the events only seemed like yesterday. The journey from high school's heartbreak to my career, to my sister's death and taking custody of June. All the events came back to me with a confusing type of pain. "You don't even know if that man is lying to be your father," I said, not satisfied that June would blindly believe everything a stranger said. "With everything happening, anybody could—""We did a DNA..."My heart stilled. I parted my lips but no words came out. Confusion became numbness which slowly turned into shock."You did a DNA with him?!" I almost shrieked. She shrugged. "That was the only way to know if he was telling the truth... and it came out positive. He said if I wasn't satisfied, I could take him to any hospital of my choice for another DNA. Henry is my father, and you... You are not related to me, Kristen." *. *. *. *.*It happened a long time ago, but I can remember vividly the scene that cau
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Chapter 109
JUNEIt was amusing how society altered their judgments after the truth was disclosed, accompanied by the test I had with Henry, mind you. Kristen had to employ unconventional mediums to get the message across, generating an uproar in the netizens' world.It was a lively week, with us trying to escape the paparazzi who camped outside our building. Mark discovered an approach to help me out of the house. But it only took a day for those restless leeches to find out.Now, I'm locked inside the building with no means to leave if I treasure my life. It has been this way for close to two weeks. Kristen believes it won't be long until we lose the gimmick. But I doubt it's happening anytime soon.The way those gossip-hungry individuals besieged the neighbourhood made it more popular than it had ever been. It was as if we were hosting an event. Kristen has successfully gotten a fraction of his assets back. Most of those who withdrew their dividends when things were hot have been seeking to c
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Chapter 110
JUNEI played the record to Kristen, who handed it over to the police after listening to the threats. He tried to comfort me about it, but my thoughts kept on returning to the last words the caller uttered.My baby…Could it be that my premonition was correct? The one who is doing all this is the same?“We can't conclude anything without tangible evidence,” Mark stated as he sat next to me on the chair.Kristen left with the police officer and asked Mark to come over to keep me company. From my observation, the paparazzi outside have dwindled in number. Most of them have gotten bored of waiting outside to see me.It's absurd how they expected they could get any comment from me after dragging my name in the mud for something as frivolous as falling in love.“But it's too much of a coincidence, Mark. I feel like something bad is going to happen. And this time.....” I trailed off, shuddering a bit at the thoughts that went through my mind.“Nothing will happen.” He shifted closer to me an
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