All Chapters of Sinful Desires: My Uncle Is Mine: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
125 Chapters
Chapter 111
KRISTEN"No, there won't be any need for that. I'm going to your place anyway."And just like that, Edith turned down my offer to drop her off, stating that she wanted to follow me home.Asking her what business she had at my place would have made me sound awkward, so I shrugged and slid behind the wheel, while she settled in the passenger.There wasn't anything of interest to talk about, so we dwelled in comfortable silence.The dinner with Henry had been postponed—because that was all we could do at that time when it seemed journalists and paparazzi were in charge of my entire property. If I had known it would turn out that way, I would have waited until the following day, after dinner with Henry, to post the news about me and June not having any blood relationship. Well, all we could was wait for a suitable time, and that time has been agreed on now that the media had found something else to busy themselves with."You are yet to see him, right?" Edith asked when we got close to th
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Chapter 112
KRISTEN"Are you still mad at me?""Leave me alone," she murmured. Her back was turned to me, the scent of her soap filling my nostrils and travelling into my head. "I need to sleep.""What can I do to appease you?" I grinned, stylishly scooting over to touch her."Go to Edith.""Will that appease you?" I teased."Kristen, are you serious right now?" she asked, feigned surprise creeping into her voice.I began to laugh. As much as she tried, she couldn't hold it. Seconds later, she started laughing too.I settled behind her like a wall, using her as my cute little spoon. Her body felt warm, more mature. She was growing, and not only mentally and emotionally. From what I could feel, her arse was getting more round and supple."I'm sorry okay? I never meant for you to see that. But I promise, it will be the last." I leaned down to kiss her exposed neck. "Kristen?""Hmm?" I murmured behind her ear. "What's wrong?""You are hard," she abruptly stated, completely off-topic, sending me int
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Chapter 113
JUNEIt has been a month since the first dinner with my father. That night was awkward. Had it not been for Favour, we would have sat there all night, gawking at each other. It wasn't until after I spoke with Henry that he voiced out how odd it was meeting Kristen. Not only was he my Guardian, but also my partner.But that was a month ago. After getting to know each other, they surprisingly became friends. Now, Favour spends most of her time with me.They were supposed to return to Oklahoma, but because of our contact, Henry asked for a transfer to Seattle. It was a hectic month for them, but things have quieted down.After my confrontation with Kristen, he hasn't brought Edith home. And she hasn't contacted me. Though she's still working in the company, Kristen promoted her. She's now a manager, while a recent employee replaced her as his secretary. All this he did was to placate me, knowing how much I loathed their intimacy.I can't let someone like her get close to my partner. As s
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Chapter 114
JUNE“June?” He sounded uncertain as he watched me.“Is this even a question, Kristen? Of course, I will marry you.” I drew my right hand out, and he slipped the ring on. It was as pretty as the first one he proposed with those nights ago, the only difference being the size. This one is smaller, but much more sophisticated.“Yes!” Favour squealed as Henry popped a bottle of champagne.“Thank you!” Kristen got up and hugged me, almost crushing my small frame with his large one. “You don't know how delighted I am about this, June. Thanks for always choosing me.” He placed both hands on the side of my face, and peered into my eyes, revealing so much with those green orbs of his.“Kiss, kiss! Kristen, kiss your fiancée. Come on, man!” Favour cheered. And like always, the others followed. But I didn't pay attention to them because my entire focus was on the man in front of me.He leaned down to kiss me, but I stopped him by placing my index on his lips.The chants ceased, and they all focu
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Chapter 115
KRISTENEvery day after the proposal was like a dream.I'd wake up with a feeling of ecstasy swarming every fibre of my being and an undeniable happiness that made me restless throughout the day. It was an acceptable kind of restlessness. One that made me itch to rush back home from work and cuddle with June. Just the thought of her made me eager, hard and fucking excited. For once in my life, I felt... complete. Henry and I were steadily warming to each other—Rephrase that: I was steadily embracing him and his love and acceptance of me and June.It felt like I was surrounded by immense love. Well, wasn't I?The issue of the settling scandal taught me a lot:One, you can only know your true friends and supporters when you have problems that need attention. Two, no matter the good you do, a little mistake could turn you into a monster before those who claim they love you. And lastly, loyalty should never be bought with kindness, it should grow naturally.Seeing June jovial and actual
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Chapter 116
JUNEFucking hell.How many times would I have to wake up with a pounding headache? Doesn't this get old? Like, I'm seriously tired of it and—My eyes snapped open when I recalled the incident of a few… whatever. I don't even know how long I have been out. Mark! Damn that guy. I opened my eyes and scanned around the place, knitting my eyebrows, puzzled when I saw where I was. I guessed I might either find myself at home or the hospital — like always — but I was dismayed to find myself in a vacant room. There was no furniture in sight aside from an armchair next to the door, and the only window in the room seemed farther than an ordinary window. The limited light coming from it was just sufficient to shed light on the apartment. Where the freaking hell am I?I tried to rise from the armchair I was sitting on, only to notice that they had shackled me to the said chair. What the hell??Did Mark tie me up here? Why? Is this a joke? Or a surprise? But that's not right. He drugged my
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Chapter 117
JUNEMy left cheek stung from the slap I just got. I wanted so badly to rub on it, but it was impossible. Secured to the armchair, I couldn't even move my hands. “You don't seem to have learned your lessons, June. Well… that's wonderful. I will gladly do everything over again until I get what I want!”“Which is?”“How did it feel losing your baby?” She smirked, mouth curling up at the sides like a clown. “Do you perhaps wish to go through it once more?” “What? My baby?” I choked. “You were… You did… But…”“I was the one that found you, right?” She laughed, walking back to the chair. She sat on it and faced me once more. “It was fun playing with you and Kristen. Acting like a good Samaritan was worth it. If you assume you will have my man and live contentedly, you've got something coming for you!”“My baby….” I mumbled as tears freely ran down my cheeks. “You… You were the one who sent her?” I raised my face to look at the woman in front of me. “And not only that. I was the one who
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Chapter 118
KRISTEN"June has been kidnapped."I stood still, frozen to the spot, scared and confused at the same time. My heartbeat doubled. For a split second, I could almost picture Mark opening his mouth again to speak and telling me that June—God forbid, because I'd hang myself in the living room—was found dead somewhere."Don't worry, she is okay," he added. Seemed he noticed the dead look in my eyes. I exhaled in relief, my breath coming out in gasps. Surprisingly, Mark was no longer frantic and running around in alarm. I didn't pay much attention to it. "What the hell do you mean by that? Her safety isn't something to joke about! Where is June?" I asked, rushing to my table and grabbing my keys. Mark was still not moving."Kristen, listen to me. Listen carefully." He blocked the door. "I made all that drama to clear the way so I could see you on time."Keys in hand, an erratically beating heart, and my mind flying in all directions, I stopped at the door and accessed Mark with squinted
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Chapter 119
KRISTENEverything happened suddenly.I saw Edith jerk back in shock, gasping as she saw us storm in. The room seemed oddly neat. It was unlike what I had in mind. I was happy for one thing: the men were not kidding. They took their jobs seriously. I could almost see the tension hanging over their heads like a cloud.I ran straight to June, with Mark heavy on my heels."Baby!" I knelt in front of her while the officers advanced close to Edith, cornering her to a wall. "June!"She was trying to struggle out of her restraint, and she looked very fatigued.Mark moved behind her and unlocked the chains, then lifted her to her feet. I planned to pull her into a reassuring hug to calm her down, but... but the next surprising thing happened. June jutted her palm forward, stopping me from initiating the hug any further. She focused on Mark, throwing eye daggers at the young man beside me."What took you so long?!" She demanded from her, her eyes narrowed in... anger? But she didn't look angr
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Chapter 120
JUNEWith the phone in hand, I strode towards a still shell-shocked Edith. I smirked, loving the way her ugly face writhed in anger. “You know, it was fun playing with you, Edith.” I raised the phone, waving it in her face. “You are just a bitter woman who deserves to be shackled for life.”“You played me all along? I assumed you were naïve!”“Naive?” I scoffed, raising the phone. “Well, I just learned something today. Before Mark told me of his encounter with you, I assumed you were only involved in sending the thugs to me. Who would have predicted that you are a bloody killer!”Before the detective could stop me, I slapped her. The resounding slap reverberated in the silent room, startling everyone around me. “June!” Kristen rushed towards me, but I raised my hand to stop him, smiling apologetically at the detectives. “I just wish to speak to her about something. I hope I'm allowed to do that?” I charmingly smiled at them, making adorable faces. “As long as you don't get physical
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