All Chapters of The Lycan King's Unwilling Bride: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
103 Chapters
Chapter 91
Prescott's POVThe door opened, and the guards stepped aside, allowing me to enter. As I crossed the threshold, my gaze fell on the final captive, who was staring at me with eyes wide with fear.The captive's eyes were like saucers, his pupils dilated in fear. His body was tense as if he were ready to flee at the slightest provocation. It was clear that he was petrified, and I knew I had to tread carefully if I wanted to get anything from him.I walked a little deeper into the room and turned around to face the pack’s guards who had escorted me to the interrogation room. “Did he say anything regarding who Eruba is?” my eyes were on the two guards as I stopped by the window.The two hesitated for a while, staring at one another for a while before they decided to speak.“No. Not at all, Your Majesty!” they chanted in unison.My teeth gritted in a fit of obvious anger as I grabbed the curtains. “Ahh, I see,” I growled, swiftly turned my back on them pushed the curtains aside before shutt
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Chapter 92
Rezso’s POV‘If you ever see someone with the blue wolf tattoo, you report your location or get out of there immediately. That's the mark of the infamous rogue and his minions, and being anywhere near them is asking for trouble.’The Royal Beta's warning reverberated in my mind, echoing like a gong as I walked down the hall. My heart pounded in my chest, and my breathing was shallow and ragged. I could feel my palms sweating, and my legs felt weak beneath me. I was terrified, and I couldn't seem to think straight.‘Please, don't mention this to anyone.’ I can still remember his warning to me after I mentioned his tattoo. There seemed to be a connection between the two dots and I didn't want to believe what I already knew to be true.Why would Dixon, a model figure to all the warriors have something like that on him? Why would a man I have cherished all my life have something like that, when it was a signature of the rogues? Was it just a coincidence or was there more to it?My legs w
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Chapter 93
Rezso’s POVThe hand gripped my arm tightly, and I felt a surge of panic as I was yanked into the building. I could barely catch my breath as I was pushed against a wall, my back hitting the cold stone with a thud. A strangled cry escaped my lips.“Dixon, it's me!” I cried out, my hand wrapped around his fingers on my neck, struggling to break his grip from my neck.Upon hearing my voice, his grip on my neck loosened and I could feel his hot breath on my face.“Rezso? It's you?” Dixon whispered, his eyes widened in shock as he completely let go of my neck, gently pulling away from me.“Ahh,” I gasped for air, my fingers were gently pressed to my beck, caressing the part that was hurting me. “You?” Dixon hissed, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to his body, placing my head on his hard chest, “What are you doing here?” he groaned, his hand going up to my neck, softly rubbing on my neck.“I came because I saw you coming here,” I moaned into his chest, his pheromones were
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Chapter 94
Dixon's POV I slammed the door behind me, the sound echoing through the room, the impact rattling the walls. My hand balled into a fist, and I exhaled, my breath ragged and uneven. My shoulders slumped in defeat, and I felt like I could barely move. “Why did I do it?” I yelled, my voice hoarse and trembling. I stumbled over to the window, bracing myself against the ledge. “Why did I tell him?” I slammed my fist against the wall, the pain shooting through my hand as I cursed myself.Remembering what happened to those who knew about me, how they all met their demise just because they got to know about me made my heart tighten in fear. I gripped my shirt, staring down at my chest to see that my body had come back to normal.“I’m fucked up!” I threw my head back, my eyes shut down on their own and I could hear cries of those who had met their demise because of me, their agony cries filled my head, hunting my head.“Should I ask him to leave the villa? What if… What if the messenger saw
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Chapter 95
Prescott's POV‘The captive, I think he has something to say to you, your Majesty.’I held my breath as I walked into the office building, my fist clenching and unclenching as I tried to control my outrage. Czar followed close behind, his presence like a shadow hanging over me. Alpha Randale’s words rang in my ears like a bell, the memory of them sharp and insistent.‘The captive said he didn't know the culprit's identity, but he was sure they were a royal warrior. He said they were dressed in an armour that has the nation's signature on it when they threatened him not to talk during the interrogation.’With each step I took, I felt my anxiety growing, until it felt like a lead weight in my stomach. I grumbled, my head was spinning as I walked down the hallway.‘Your Majesty, there's more. The captive said that the culprit was a rogue like himself. And he said he could sense Eruba's handmade tonic in their blood. One of the royal warriors is a rogue, your Majesty!’It was like my bra
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Chapter 96
Prescott's POV“Everything is ready, your Majesty!” Czar uttered a sly smile laced on his face as he stepped away from the door, giving me access to enter the dungeon to interrogate Dixon.I didn't say anything, I sighed, and my gaze moved to the guy who was standing beside Czar, his face was down in sorrow. Checking the look on his face, he was regretting selling Dixon off to me, but there was something about him that seemed like he was doing it for me to show mercy on Dixon instead.“Open the door,” I grumbled, my gaze shifted to the door, watching Czar drag the door open with a smile on his face.As I stepped into the dungeon, my eyes fell on Dixon. He was shackled to an iron chair, his body bare except for a pair of shorts. Blood streaked his torso, and I could see claw marks on his chest. He was broken, his eyes glazed over in defeat. I felt a surge of anger, but I forced myself to remain calm. I needed answers, and I would not let my rage get the better of me.I turned my gaze t
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Chapter 97
Nova’s POV Tears streamed down my face as I ran my fingers over my toes, my touch landing on a space where my smallest toe should have been. The emptiness was a harsh reminder of what I'd lost, and I could feel the grief rising inside me.‘Oh, I've got something even better. Let's go with this.’My hand moved to my chest, grasping for the familiar weight of the necklace my aunt had given me. But it was gone, the shithead Eruba took it.“That bastard took it from me,” I mumbled, my heart pounding in my chest. I held my breath as I heard footsteps approaching, panic rising in my throat. I slid into the shadows, desperate to avoid the man who had caused so much pain. He was a monster, and I couldn't face him again.The door opened, and I gripped my chest as I heard the footsteps moving towards me.“There you are, my sweet queen.” The voice was sickeningly familiar, but I couldn't place it. My mind raced, trying to remember where I'd heard it before. But I couldn't think straight, the pa
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Chapter 98
Nova’s POVI stood up to my feet, I held the tiny bottle in both hands, rubbing my thumb on the lid.“He’s going to kill me tomorrow. Tomorrow will be my last day.” tears streamed down my cheeks as I gripped the lid and opened the bottle. “Tomorrow I'm going to die without seeing Prescott or my family for the last time.” I sobbed, tears streamed down my face and I didn't bother to wipe my face.I moved the bottle to my nose, I sniffed the content but it was odourless. I gulped down nervously before moving the bottle to my mouth.“He said he would get rid of me tomorrow, it can't be possible that he gave me poison to drink, right?” I breathed out, the fear of drinking poison weighed me down, but if he was to poison me he would have done it by himself.I parted my lips and poured the whole content into my mouth, I didn't feel anything at first, so I gulped it down my throat.My throat hurt like hell, it was as if the content was tearing my throat apart. I held my neck, hitching the fle
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Chapter 99
Dixon’s POV‘Make sure you're both safe before I get there. Don't do anything foolish, and wait for me.’I could still remember his Majesty's warning as I slowly turned around to see the cowardly bastard, standing before me with his arms crossed.“Where do you think you're taking her, Dixon?” Elder Bighana smirked, his ugly face was filled with a sly smile as he slowly approached us.I let go of the Queen's hand, and gently pushed her to my back as I stood still, waiting for the bastard to get to my front.“Where do I think I'm taking her? I'm taking her back to where she belongs.” I smirked, closing the little distance between me and him.Elder Bighana slightly raised one brow, his smile deepened as he lowered his head, smirking down at me.“And where did she belong? The Villa, or her father's pack?” he howled, his breath on my face making my stomach churn.“Anywhere you could think of. I'm tired of taking orders from you like a coward, I'm done cleaning your shit so fuck yourself an
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Chapter 100
Nova’s POVPrescott cleared the table, after he had done feeding me the meals that were brought by Anika, he grabbed the tray and took it to Anika who was waiting behind the door. Walking back to the bed with his eyes on me, I didn't say anything as he swept me off the bed, holding me tightly to his chest as he strolled towards the bathroom. Every things happen for a reason as they said. But I didn't know what to feel about my encounter with Eruba. I didn't know what to think about the things I saw and I heard from there. It was as if I had gone dumb as I held tightly onto Prescott as he held me in his arms.I could hear my heart thumping hard in my chest as he entered the bathroom, and carefully placed me down in the bathtub. The warm water felt like heaven, the thought of being back to the Villa, back to my home brought tears to my eyes.Elder Bighana had said I was going to die the next day, and the thought of him, being the one that would face his demise, right in the hands of hi
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