All Chapters of The Lycan King's Unwilling Bride: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
103 Chapters
Chapter 81
Rezso’s POV A grin spread across my face as I stood by the door, a wine bottle in hand, waiting for Dixon to arrive from the banquet hall. The anticipation of his arrival was making me go giddy, like a kid waiting for his mother's return.Dixon had asked for us to meet in his apartment on the night of the banquet, I left the banquet hall earlier to compose myself and perhaps prepare myself while waiting for him. I did not know what he had planned for us, but whatever it was, I trusted Dixon with everything in me, and I was surely ready to do anything with him.“Oh,” I breathed out, rubbing my cold palm against the bottle of wine in my hand. I was surely feeling nervous but the excitement of being with Dixon overpowered the nervousness I was feeling.“I can't wait to see the look on his face when he saw me.” My heart was racing, and I could feel the warmth of the smile spreading across my cheeks. Just then, the sound of a pair of boots, hitting hard against the marble floor, followed
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Chapter 82
Prescott’s POV “She'll be fine, the Queen will be fine.” Wharton groaned, a note of frustration in his voice. “Just stop pacing back and forth and sit down so we can figure things out.” His tone was irked, but I could see the pain etched on his face as he pressed his hand to his wound. It was clear that he was trying to comfort me, but it was difficult for him to maintain his stillness. I felt bad for being the soul behind his wound, but my wife matters most.“Prescott, please… She'll be fine.” Wharton groaned out for the umpteen times as I continued pacing back and forth.My fingers curled into a tight fist upon hearing that. I scoffed, marching towards Wharton who was sitting quietly on the couch in my office with his palm on his chest.I leaned forward, my gaze burning into his eyes. I grabbed the edge of the couch he was sitting on, caging him in between my arms.“She’ll be fine, you say?” I scoffed, my mind was running wild as I stared at the confused look on my Beta’s face.He
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Chapter 83
Prescott’s PovWe all gathered around the large table in my office. I leaned forward, resting my hands on the table, with my fingers intertwined. Taking a deep breath, I began to explain what had happened to the Queen, and the issue with the rogue. I didn't expect them to be upset, but I was surprised by Aunt Velvena's reaction. Her eyes widened in shock upon hearing what had been happening, and she adjusted in her seat, her hand going to her mouth. “You can't be serious,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.“I fear the matter at hand won't permit me to joke around, don't you think?” I heaved a sigh, grabbing my head in both palms.Aunt Velvena's reaction was swift and intense. She shot up from her seat, her palm pressed to her chest as if she could feel her heart pounding against her hand. “You mean to tell me that all of this has been going on, and no one bothered to tell me?” Her voice was sharp, her eyes flashing with anger as she shot me a deadly glare. “I'm practically like
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Chapter 84
Nova's POV A sudden splash of cold water jolted me out of my stupor, and I let out a gasp of surprise. The water dripped down my chin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. I was dazed, my brain struggling to process what had just happened. Where had the water come from? And who had thrown it at me?“Hmph,” I grunted as the icy cold water splashed against my face for the second time. I was confused and disoriented, unsure of where the water had come from.I dragged my eyes open but I couldn't see a thing, it was so dark in the room that I couldn't catch a glimpse of where I was.“Shayna?” I tried calling out to my maid, but I couldn't hear a reply from a soul, other than my voice that echoed through the dark room.“Oh,” I gasped in surprise when I felt my butt sting and I tried getting up from whatever I was sitting on, but I couldn't stand up to my feet because it seemed like I had been tied to the seat.“What is the meaning of this?” I cried out, struggling to break free from t
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Chapter 85
Prescott’s POV“Piece by piece; that's how I'll send her to you,”My eyes went wide and my breath caught in my throat as I read the words on the paper. I could feel my heart racing as I grasped the bottle in my trembling hands. With shaking fingers, I slowly unscrewed the lid and held my breath as I peered inside.I felt a knot of dread forming in my stomach as I saw what was inside the bottle. I held the bottle in my palm, my hands were trembling and I feared the bottle might end up slipping out of my hand as I stared into the bottle with my marring with tears.“What is it? What is there in the bottle?” they all asked, their faces filled with confusion and curiosity. They stood in a huddle, their eyes fixed on me as they waited for an explanation. I opened my mouth to speak, but the words got stuck in my throat. My mind was racing, trying to make sense of what I had found.“Is that not… A toe?” Wharton gasped behind me, I gasped, throwing the bottle on the table, moving back a bit wi
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Chapter 86
Rezso’s POV I was walking in the garden, I had just gotten out of duty and I decided to take a walk in the garden where everything seemed to be at peace.Watching the morning breeze hit gently against the flowers, making petals fall to the grassy floor, causing the garden to be filled with different scents of the flowers.I smiled when a particular scent hit my nostrils, reminding me of her Highness, the Queen. I moved my nose, sniffing in the floral scents that smelled like Her Highness.A smile tugged at my lips, remembering my first time with her, right in the garden. How she smiled brightly even though her mind seemed to be bothered.“She’s such an amazing person, smiling when her world seemed to be crumbling down at her feet.” I chuckled, my cheeks heated up as I smiled at the thought of the Queen in my head.“Why am I even blushing?” I whined, my palms going to my cheeks as I tried to wipe out whatever reddish stuff that must have found its way to my cheeks.It was true that I
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Chapter 87
Rezso’s POV I glared up at Dixon, but his smirk never faltered. He had me pinned to the bed, his hands holding mine in place. He didn't seem the least bit annoyed, in fact, he looked rather pleased. I cursed myself for choosing such a foolish plan, wondering why I didn't think of a better plan.“Say it again,” he ordered, his grin widening like a Cheshire cat's. His eyes bore into mine, challenging me to repeat my words. I swallowed hard, my heart pounding in my chest.“What I said was that you smell like a sweaty gym sock and I might die from asphyxiation from your odor,” I repeated what I said, feigning a smile. Crossing my legs underneath him, but my heart was still racing. I wasn't sure if what I said would stop him from drilling my hole for the second time in less than ten hours.Dixon might have sensed what I did, he pushed his knee to my thighs, forcing my legs open. Spreading them a little wider than before, my cock brushed roughly against his knee and I let out a muffled gro
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Chapter 88
Rezso’s POVMy eyes fluttered open, my lids heavy from sleep. I blinked my lashes a few times, trying to focus on my surroundings. My body felt stiff and achy like I'd been lying in the same position for hours. I slowly sat up, stretching my arms over my head and arching my back. A yawn escaped my mouth as I looked around the room, still half-asleep and disoriented.White walls, walk-in closet, white sheet, hand-carved bed, and… That scents?“Oh, Dixon!” I yawned, moving my face to the bed to check for him, but he wasn't there.“Oh, heavens!” I exclaimed, getting off the bed, and searching every corner of the room for him, but he was nowhere in sight.He must have left! Dixon must have left me alone in his apartment!“What was he thinking, leaving a complete stranger in his apartment?” I exclaimed, my voice rising in disbelief. “That's so irresponsible! What if I'd been a thief or something worse?” I ranted, shaking my head in exasperation.‘Stranger? No one fuck a stranger thrice in
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Chapter 89
Nova’s POV My heart hammered against my chest as I was been dragged out of the room I had been in since I regained my conscious. I didn't know where I had been dragged to, but I just followed blindly, without resisting follow-up. I flapped my eyes open, and blinked my lashes a nth times, hoping I would catch a glimpse of light but all my attempts to see the rays proved abortive.I clutched tight onto the helm of my gown, my heart was racing in my chest, I didn't know what to think or what to hope for as I heard the door to a room open. I felt a hand grab a handful of my hair and push me inside the room before the door closed behind me.I landed roughly on the floor, fell on my arms, my wrist made a crack and I let out an agony cry. “Mmph! Ahh!” I cried out, my wrist hurt as hell, I grabbed my wrist with my free hand, trying as much as I could to stop the pain from spreading.Remembering where I was, and how I shouldn't give two fucks over a broken wrist when my life itself was in tr
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Chapter 90
Prescott’s POVMy heart tightened and my breath hitched as I stepped down from the car. My memories with Nova, right there in the courtyard of her father, came rushing to my head, making my hands trembled as I matched towards the Alpha's building.“Your Majesty, the King!”“Greetings, Your Majesty!”Two palace guards ran up to me, they bowed their heads in respect as I walked passed them without saying a word of reply to their greetings.Czar, one of my warriors, and the two guards increased their paces so they could meet with my pace.“Alpha Randale?” I asked, not sparing them a glance as I climbed up to the corridor to the Alpha’s building.“The Alpha is in his office, Your Majesty,” the guard stammered, his voice quivering with fear. “He's been expecting you.”I nodded, keeping my eyes trained on the building in front of me. I remained silent as I followed the guard down the familiar hallway. Though I'd only been here a few times, it felt like I'd been walking these halls for year
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