Semua Bab The Lycan King's Unwilling Bride: Bab 101 - Bab 103
103 Bab
Bonus chapter 1
NOVA’S POVA month has already passed since the incident with the rogue leader who unfortunately turned out to be Elder Bighana. I haven't gotten over the incident and Prescott did little to nothing to make me get over the incident.Every action he took, every word he uttered and his sudden possessive act reminded me of that horrible incident that happened to me a month ago. Even though not everyone in the Villa knew about the incident, he wouldn't stop to draw the line between me and every soul who reside in the Villa.‘How dare you let the Queen leave the Villa on her own?’‘Where were you when the Queen entered the kitchen?’‘Have the meal tested for poison before you set the table for the Queen.’ his words to the royal guards echoed through my mind and I shook my head, not thinking I would ever understand the way he thinks.Don't do this, don't go there alone, don't get involved in any activities. I'd already got tired but can I complain when he was doing all that to keep me safe?
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Bonus chapter 2
Ulrica’s POV“Don't tell me you're still sulking over the fact that your crush chose some cock over you?” I asked, my lips parting in disbelief as I watched Shayna continue to give everyone the cold shoulder. I couldn't help but burst out laughing - the whole situation was just too ridiculous. How could she be so upset over something so trivial? I mean, sure, getting rejected by your crush is never easy, but it's not like it's the end of the world. There are plenty of other fish in the sea! Everest groaned from where she sat, patting Shayna on the back. “Oh, please. That's rich coming from you.” she scoffed.“Don’t act all innocent. You chased after my cousin for years and didn't eventually get him. You shouldn't be acting all mighty, you know?”I had always known Everest to be a grumpy, no-nonsense type of lady - if you could even call her a “lady” with the way she acted. But I never expected her to be so fiercely protective of Shayna. I mean, when did they become best friends? The
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Bonus chapter 3
Nova’s POV“Has she been given a name?” I asked, gazing down at my niece's tiny hand, her tiny fingers wrapped around my pinky. She was the most precious thing I had ever seen, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of love for her.Tamsyn shook her head, her eyes never leaving her daughter's face. “No, we haven't given her a name yet,” she said, her voice soft and full of wonder. “I was so sure it would be a boy, and I'd been planning to name him after his father. But now...I'm at a loss. I don't know what to name her.” She paused, her gaze shifting to meet mine. “I want her name to be perfect, to capture everything she is.”“What about Dahlia?” Prescott spoke up for the first time since we got to the pack and I had to turn around to stare at my husband from where he was standing at the far end of the room.“Dahlia?” I asked, not believing Prescott would want to take up the task of naming my niece. “Why Dahlia?” Tamsyn asked from where she was lying down on the hospital bed.Prescott
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