All Chapters of Alpha Brax. Double Trouble at The Blood Rock Pack: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
143 Chapters
104. Weak
Isaac’s pov “So then, I told the whole fucking room I loved rubbing off on Mila, and they were all so disgusted. It was fucking hilarious. I mean, seriously, I wish you were there, man. Even Grandpa couldn’t handle it. I mean, it was his own fucking fault. He’s too damn serious sometimes.” Argo said over the phone. “Okay, that’s great. But what did you actually discuss?” I asked my cousin. “Nothing really. Just ways to make sure we’re protected, and maybe some counter-propaganda bullshit. I don’t fucking know. O, but do you know what I do know?” “No… I don’t.” Goddess, I loved Argo, but he never got to the point! “They want you to be their fucking beta. Grandma and Grandpa! They’re going to ask you soon. You, the fucking beta of the Winter Bone motherfucking pack.” That were more fucks than usual, so he must be really excited. The Beta… It’s what I want, but Emmy... “Even though you’re fucking silent, I know what you’re thinking. Your thoughts are fucking loud. You’re probably
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105. Heaven
Emmy’s pov ‘So are you ready?’ Meave asked. ‘You’re inside my head, so you already know the answer.’ Meave whimpered, ‘if you’re not ready, who go through with this?’ This morning I had been training with mom and she said that sometimes you had to push through to see how far you could go. Push through the pain or the fear. She meant it in regards to training, but I think I could apply it now as well. How would I ever know if I was ready if I didn’t take a chance? Isaac deserved my trust, besides it wasn’t even about Isaac. My fear had nothing to do with him. Being with him never brought back bad memories and he had been the one to hold off on sex with me. ‘Because you were forcing yourself. You didn’t want to.’ Meave said, clearly worried about me. Just like Isaac. Everyone thinks I’m so weak. If I could handle having sex with someone like Alpha Jace, then I could certainly handle it with my sweet and loving mate. ‘You’re supposed to enjoy it, not handle it.’ Meave said, befor
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106. Question
Isaac’s pov Grandma Lily, Grandpa Os, and Aunt Kyra all stood in front of us, smiling happily. But it were Grandma’s tears that made Emmy worried. It had been an adjustment getting used to her emotions. I knew Emmy was hiding a lot, but I had no idea how much. It wasn’t always easy not to pity my mate, when I could feel what she was going through on a day-to-day basis. But I knew that pity wouldn’t fix anything. Emmy needed to feel her emotions instead of pushing them down. And now I could share those emotions with her. Help guide her through them as best I can. While I was raised in a happy family and had been taught how to handle my feelings in a healthy manner, it didn’t mean I was familiar with everything Emmy was going through. To be honest, I had not experienced the same hardship she had. So to suddenly feel such immense guilt and sadness was something I had to get used to. I had to make sure her emotions wouldn’t overwhelm me. Because when Em was feeling down, I sometimes f
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107. Denial
Argo’s pov “I feel fucking restless.” We just had dinner, but I had no fucking clue what to do with myself. Maybe I should just go for a run to release some fucking steam. “I can help,” Mila suggested, wiggling her eyebrows. “Are you talking about sex?” It was pretty fucking obvious, but I didn't want to assume anything. Plus, I actually wanted to hear her say it. Mila rolled her eyes at my cluelessness. “Of course I am talking about sex, pretty boy.” “If I ever say no to you offering sex, you need to fucking shoot me, Sunshine.” I replied before pulling my mate towards me. “But do you want to talk about it first?” Mila must be fucking joking. I chuckled, “talking or fucking, which do you think I prefer?” Mila winked at me, “I just want all your attention on me. That’s all. And if you're still thinking about everything, then you might get distracted.” Sure. My smart mate knew that fucking would only make me feel better for a while, but that it wouldn’t solve all the shit that
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Hi! I'm busy writing chapter 108, but I'm a bit stuck at the ending and don't want to give you a chapter that's only 1400 words. But... I did rewrite the story I mentioned before and turn it into a billionaire story. That seems to be more popular and could earn me some extra cash during these expensive months. So I was thinking of posting the three chapters I've written, free of course, until I am finished with chapter 108. I haven't applied for anything yet and am unsure if the story will change slightly. The character of Ripley will have some backstory elements that are similar to my own life but exaggerated. And Cas will be an arrogant ass that curses a lot, who will be changed by love and have some secrets that will ruin everything. This is the blurb so far: The arrogant billionaire Cassius Hemming is intrigued by the single mother, Ripley. Not only does she have no interest in him, while most women throw themselves at his feet, she actually shows distaste when talking t
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Ripley’s pov To be clear, it wasn’t my choice to move here. I mean, of course, it’s a nice city. But that’s not why I moved to this city. A city I know nothing about, a city where I get lost all the damn time because every building looks the same to me. Maybe it’s because I’m bad at directions; I get out of a store, and I immediately forget if I came from the left side of the street or the right. Or maybe because I’m from a small town and I’m not used to skyscrapers and shopping malls everywhere. It’s a beautiful city, though, and it’s nice to be somewhere where nobody knows who you are or where you came from. But no, I didn’t come to this great and wonderful city for a specific dream or reason, other than the fact that it’s the farthest away I can legally move from my former parent’s in-law. “Ripley?” The kind lady across from me said. Her black hair was in a top knot, and she looked about forty, but I have always been bad at guessing someone’s age. “So, why did you move here?”
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Ripley’s pov Dropping the girls off at daycare went surprisingly better than suspected. Maybe it was all the toys, or maybe they weren’t fully awake yet. I know, I am not. This job starts early, and I could barely sleep last night. Although this job was good news—a chance at a new start for me and the girls—I was still really nervous. All night, I prepared for every possibility in my head. It was something that I had always done, but it became worse once I had kids. Every scenario and every thing that could possibly go wrong had entered my mind. I had countless conversations with people that didn’t even exist. Conversations about my girls, my late husband, and my life in general. Things that would probably not even come up. Yet, I had practiced every response to every stupid question I could think of. I yawned behind my hand as I walked towards Allison. I had already gotten dressed in the uniform she had laid out for me. It wasn’t a classic black-and-white uniform like in the mov
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Cas’ pov Married? Yeah, right. That woman looked barely older than twenty. And she had been eyeing me all fucking day. No way she was married. She was a handful, though. It had been a while since someone had spoken to me the way she did. Normally, I would have made sure she was fired on the spot, but she intrigued me. There wasn’t really anything special about her. She didn’t have big boobs or a great body. Her ass looked all right when she was picking up the trash, but other than that, the cleaner was pretty basic. Short brown hair, while I preferred long blonds. Brown eyes and little to no make-up on. Her hair was all over the place, like she didn’t give a fuck how she looked. Maybe that’s why she intrigued me. Because she didn’t care. Every woman and man cares who I am. I am Cassius fucking Hemming, the richest man in town. The guy who owns most of the buildings in this damn city. It’s hard to tell who actually wants to get to know me or who wants my money. That’s why I usua
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108. War
Isaac’s pov Life is good. Which is odd considering we’re preparing for war. Even though the threat against my grandfather is real and we’re all terrified of him getting hurt, life is still better than it has ever been. ‘And you feel bad about it?’ Linus asked, already knowing the answer. Yes, I do feel bad. But I have never been happier. I have a job I love, a pack where I can prove myself as my own man instead of my mothers’ son. But most importantly, I have a mate who loves me just as much as I love her. Emmy loves touching me now. We have sex a lot. Perhaps to catch up, or maybe because Emmy finally realized that what was done to her before she met me wasn’t sex. Or maybe she’s trying to distract herself from the pending doom. ‘Or she’s happy too.’ Linus suggested. She did look happy. Every chance I got, I checked in on my mate. Not because I was worried, which I was too, but more because I loved seeing Emmy in her element. When she was training with my mom or doing well wi
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I need to really prepare for battle chapters, so I am trying to make a short version of everything that needs to happen and devide it between each character. which will take me a while. In the meantime I did write another chapter for the new idea. both my kids are playing roblox right now. So i had some time. It's a long one, because I was on a roll lol. chapter 4. Ripley’s pov “Heather will be training you this morning because Mr. Hemming has requested your services today.” Allison told me, first thing when I arrived. She looked so proud, while I felt mortified. It was my second day, and I knew that there was no way in hell that Mr. Hemming had good intentions in asking me to work in his room. That man had only shown arrogance and irritation around me. Besides, I was nobody to him. So what was his deal? Heather rolled her eyes at me and put an obvious fake smile on her face. “I’ll show you how everything is done.” Okay. Does that mean she’s going to purposefully tell me the
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