All Chapters of Alpha Brax. Double Trouble at The Blood Rock Pack: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
143 Chapters
okay, I went a bit overboard, but that usually happens once I start a new story or I'm really into a story chapter 5....I've also applied for a contract. hopefully they'll give me one. ------Cas’ pov Fuck! Shit! What a fucking mess! The whole point of asking Ripley to come here was to annoy her. And now I was the one who was annoyed. Not just annoyed. Frustrated. No, fucking pissed off! How dare she reject me? How dare she get into my head? The way she says my name. Fucking hell. I didn’t even think; I just told her to call me Cas. Nobody calls me Cas. One of my favorite nannies used to call me that, but other than that, everyone calls me Cassius or Mr. Hemming. She didn't even realize the significance of my allowing her to call me that. It was like I had no effect on her at all. But she had a fucking effect on me, that's for sure. Even if I didn't want to admit it, Ripley was getting to me. Crawling on all fours, bending over the bed like that. Smelling so damn goo
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Ripley’s pov I sat on a bench in the sun. It wasn’t as warm out anymore, but when the sun was shining, it was pretty nice. It was needed, this break. To clear my head, to rest. It wouldn’t work if I was down in the basement with the rest of the cleaners. All that I needed was to watch a video of my girls and feel the sun on my face, and I would be able to handle the rest of the day. It wasn’t like I needed to go back to Cas’ penthouse suite. He told me I was done, so the few hours I had left could be spent cleaning the rooms of the guest who had left today. I giggled as I watched Rose and River act silly. God, how I loved it when they acted silly. My in-laws wanted my girls to always behave, but that’s not how three-year-olds act. They dance, they make silly faces, they have tantrums, and sometimes they go into a fit of laughter for no real reason. They’re brutally honest yet loyal. I love this age, even if it comes with tantrums at times. They’re three. I mean. They’re not allowe
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hi! I had time for another one, because my boyfriend was watching soccer.I'm also working on my other stories. just need to figure out the best way to write it.-----Cas’ pov What the fuck was I doing? I asked myself as I stepped into the cold shower. Was I actually turned on by how angry Ripley got? Looking at the size of my dick right now, I would say yes. I scoffed. Small dick…. When she finally said yes, she’d see that this was more than she was used to. Maybe her dead husband had a third leg, though; who knows? She didn’t seem too upset about his death, though. But who the fuck cares about that? She lied and then yelled at me! Nobody lies to me. If there’s one thing I truly hate, it’s a liar. Ripley’s insulting me was the first time in a long time anyone had the nerve to say anything bad to me. It was kind of exciting, if it wasn’t infuriating at the same time. I could see she liked me. She kept checking me out. And yes, I might be cocky, but I’ve been around enough women
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Ripley's povAfter Cas told me to dress nice, I headed to Allison for help. I didn’t tell her who I was meeting but that I needed to wear something fancy for an unexpected meeting during lunch.Which earned me more questions than I wanted to answer. But I wasn’t sure I could tell her the truth.In the end, I told Allison it had to do with my late husband’s estate. As soon as I mentioned my dead husband, people stopped asking questions.Maybe they were scared I would cry in public, and nobody wants a public scene. Or they felt bad for me.Either way, Allison stopped asking questions and was a great help in finding something to wear.Long story short, Allison took me to the lost and found, where we found the dress I was currently wearing. As long as I returned it, Allison didn’t see it as a problem that I took a long lunch break.“You’ve been here three days, and you’ve already won over our most important guest.” She had said.“And the grumpiest,” I joked.Once I read the contract Cas ha
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109. A Real Alpha.
Brax’s pov “They’re here. They’re fucking here.” Argo said, rushing into my office. He could have just mindlinked me, but he was too dramatic for that. “It’s what we expected, isn’t it?” I replied. We had planned for this. We knew they’d probably strike at both our packs at the same time, making sure we wouldn’t be able to help the Winter Bone pack. The attack on our pack would be a small attack, just to keep us busy long enough so we wouldn’t be at the Winter Bone pack in time. It’s what all of us would have to do. “You don’t fucking get it, Brax. They’re here. All of them. I just got a mindlink that there are hundreds of wolves heading our way.” Argo said, shaking his head in disbelief. Argo had been looking forward to fighting. It had been obvious, while Airk was nervous. I wasn’t so excited or nervous; I always knew it would come with the job. Being an Alpha means protecting your pack. It was inevitable that one day someone would try to attack or take this pack. But Argo did
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Hi, sorry if you thought this would be an update. unfortunately, my kids took turn in getting sick, and I had to prepare Christmas dinner/lunch for their school. plus, my oldest had to hand out treats for his birthday tomorrow, and family came over to celebrate today.anyway, I heard back from my editor regarding the billionaire's story.she thought it needed more twists, like Cas being the twins' dad without knowing. but I actually like that their not his and can already imagine the troubles it will bring being a potential step dad. also, I have read too many stories where someone got pregnant from a one night stand.and thirdly, he's almost 10 years older. which would make him kind of a pedo if he got a seventeen year old pregnant as a 26 year old.but I'd love to hear your opinion.I'll try to write tonight or tomorrow. next chapter will be Isaac's, and then I'll write one from Asher. it's been a while since I've written from his pov. thank you in advance for your response. once
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110. Scared
Isaac’s pov “They hit the Blood Rock pack first.” Grandpa stated. Sounding a lot more calm than I felt. “What does that mean for us?” I asked before realizing how selfish that sounded. We were fine, but my cousins were fighting for their lives. “Do they need help?” I quirky added. “While we expected them to come here first, it doesn’t change our plans. If we leave now, it will leave our pack vulnerable. They can handle this.” Grandpa Os tried to reassure me. While I knew Argo, Airk, and Elora were excellent fighters, I was still worried. Brax was a great alpha, but what if things went wrong? What if one of them died? What if, - “Isaac,” Emmy said, rushing towards me. ‘Are you okay?’ She mindlinked me. Emmy must have felt my nerves through the bond. ‘I will be, once this is over.’ ‘The Moon Goddess wouldn’t let them die, not after everything she did to save Airk.’ Emmy said, reading my mind. Emmy’s words surprised me. If anyone else had said this, I would have argued that the Mo
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and as an added bonus. chapter 9 and 10 from Mommy is dating a Billionaire. I've split them up in the story, but I wrote them as one really long chapter. - - - - Cas’ pov “Sorry. Sorry. I mean, you kissed me, and that was wrong. But it’s really bad hitting you. Shit. Sorry. Really!” Ripley said, surprising me. She stared at her hand and then my face, as if she had done it without thinking. Her fingers reached out, and I wondered if she wanted to see if I was okay, but Ripley quickly pulled back. “It’s been a while since someone got a slap or punch in,” I countered, rubbing my cheek. Making sure to make it look like it hurt. But her little slap was nothing compared to some of the violence I endured. I had made myself strong and made sure nobody was able to hurt me. Every day I trained, not just to look good but to make sure I would be able to defend myself against anything. The feeling of helplessness I had felt as a kid was something I never wanted to feel again. “I’m sure I
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111. Iron Alpha
Asher’s pov “Why the fuck does it have to be you?” “Princess,” I said, pulling Leia close. “I volunteered.” “So unvolunteer. I don’t give a fuck who does it, as long as it's not you.” My beautiful wife said, looking up at me through her tears. “I know you’re worried, princess. But I’ll be fine.” “And if you’re not? It’s too big of a risk. I don’t fucking like it.” Leia explained, sighing, before burying her face in my chest. “Are you worried I’ll turn back into the Iron Alpha?” I asked my mate. “I know who you are, Ash. I know it better than anyone, and you’re not that fucking person anymore. I am not going to continue to judge you based on the worst time of your life. And you shouldn’t judge yourself either. Is this some fucked-up way to pay back for your sins? Because you don’t need to. They all got what was coming.” I kissed the top of Leia’s purple hair. “Leia…. They didn’t all deserve it. Most of those people I killed were soldiers, just doing their jobs. I don’t even reme
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Hi! I'm trying to write chapter 112 of Alpha Brax, but need to put everything together. So instead I'll post the two chapters I wrote over the last week for Mommy I'm dating a Billionaire. After that email where my editor suggested some changes, I haven't heard back. I think she's not feeling well, she was sick the last time we spoke. But if Goodnovel doesn't want the story, I might try to publish it elswhere. I like it as is. anyway... here's chapter 10. and 11 I'll post after. - - - - - Ripley’s pov “This wasn’t so bad,” I said as Cas walked me to a cab. Driving wasn’t an option, not after the many drinks we had. I knew alcohol was the only way I would survive tonight’s date, although it had gone much better than I thought it would. He was actually kind of nice… Nope. Don’t go there. It was the amazing restaurant, the dress, and the gifts. It wasn’t Cas that made tonight tolerable. Right? And even if it was, it was probably fake. He was being nice to get me into bed. Yet
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