All Chapters of Alpha Brax. Double Trouble at The Blood Rock Pack: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
143 Chapters
96. Iron Scent
Emmy’s pov ‘You have to tell them.’ Meave commanded me inside my head. ‘But they will hate me.’ ‘You heard former Alpha Osiris. That man helped you, and his family needs peace. You need to help him now, Emmeline.’ “Alpha Jace killed him, and I buried him in the garden,” I whispered, hoping they wouldn’t hear me, but knowing what everyone’s advanced hearing means, that could never happen. Isaac let go of my hand. Of course he did. Who would want to hold hands with someone like me? But then he surprised me and gave me a hug instead. “Is this the man you were talking about with Airk?” I nodded against his chest. “Do you think you can show us where you buried him?” Former Alpha Osiris asked, sounding a lot less scary than before. “Yes, former Alpha Osiris. I know exactly where he is buried.” How could I have forgotten? I dug the shallow crave myself. I had chosen an area where you could see the moon, hoping the Moon Goddess would protect him. “Emmy, can you tell us what happened?
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97. Brownies
Isaac’s pov The moment Emmy started to gag, I instinctively grabbed her hair. Thankfully, I was behind her and not in front like I had been a moment ago. Instead, my grandpa had his shoes ruined. “I’m so sorry!” Emmy said, wiping her mouth clean with her sleeve. “Okay, that’s enough for today.” Grandpa Os said, staring at his shoes. “Let’s both get cleaned up, and we’ll talk about everything else later.” Emmy nodded as she bowed her head in submission. “I apologize, Former Alpha Osiris.” “Now, just because you’ve puked on my shoes doesn’t mean you can’t still call my grandpa. If anything, it probably made us even closer.” Grandpa joked as he gave me a wink. I took Emmy out of their office, taking her back to our room. Emmy still had her head down, and I walked us to the bathroom. “You should take a shower.” “Okay.” “Do you want me to help you?” I offered, and Emmy nodded her head. First, I removed her clothing, and then I walked her to the bathroom, holding my mate’s hand.
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98. Shaking
Emmy’s pov My hand started shaking. And my right leg wouldn't stop shaking. It was like I couldn’t stand still, but I knew I had to do this. So why did everything inside of me want to run away? The moment Isaac squeezed my hand, I felt a bit better. At least that hand wasn’t shaking anymore. I put out my other hand, watching my fingers tremble with fear. ‘You can do it,’ Isaac’s voice said inside my head. It wasn’t the question of whether I could or couldn’t tell Lena. The question was if I could handle her response. “Hi Emmeline and Isaac, You wanted to see me. I’m so sorry for last time; I truly didn’t mean to offend you. I was just so happy to have a larger room, and I always thought about what I would say to you once I got the chance, and well, I ruined it.” “It wasn’t your fault.” I clarified. “It’s not why I asked you to come here.” Goddess, I had practiced this conversation in my mind countless times now, but it was like every thought had left my mind. Grandpa Os and Gra
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hi,I've been having a tough week and needed a break. but I will try to write this weekend or Monday at the latest.I'm okay, just dealing with some stuff that makes it hard to concentrate. Kids are good, boyfriend too. So, nothing too serious. Maybe in time, I'll share more of what's been happening. (Once everything is settled) But for now, just know I'll do my best to go back to normal starting next Monday. I also applied for a contract for that new story 2 weeks ago, but I am still waiting for goodnovel's approval. (For those wondering what happened to that idea)Thank you for your concern and patience.Ik hou van jullie. (Love you)Naomi. p.s. too lazy to throw this through spell check program, so sorry in advance for any mistakes.
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99. Everything and Nothing
Emmy’s pov How is it possible to feel so much at once and yet feel numb? It’s like I’m overwhelmed with everything I tried to press down, and now there is just too much pouring out. All I want to do is sleep and forget, but my thoughts won’t allow me to forget. Facing one fear has opened up other memories I didn’t want to think about. Being here is making me rethink everything, and it was easier before. Before things made sense. I had to serve my alpha. It didn’t matter if I had a choice or not, because it was my duty. It never mattered what I wanted, and it was easier that way. But now that I did have a choice, it made me question everything. If everyone here was right about how people should treat their mates, then what I went through was abuse. Then I was a victim. I didn’t know if I wanted to be a victim. ‘So you’d rather feel guilty all the time?’ Meave asked me. The funny thing was that even if I accepted that I had been treated wrong, it didn’t take away the guilt I felt
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Hi,so, the reason I've been feeling so off lately is that I was pregnant. It was unplanned and truthfully, unwanted. We were discussing our options, but the doctor looked at the ultrasound today and said I would most likely miscarriage. I am seven weeks late and the embryo was far too small and weak. I got some pills to speed up the process. These last two weeks have been hard. This was my seventh pregnancy. I've had miscarriages, an ectopic pregnancy, and a blighted ovum. thankfully, also two healthy kids. Most of my previous pregnancies had been planned and seeing a postive test would always bring me joy. But I had a negative reaction to this positive test, and I felt so guilty and stupid for being so careless. There are so many women that want a baby, and Milano and I were not being careful. It was the reason why I couldn’t write last week, because I felt really bad about myself and my choices. I'm 36 and I should know better. Milano made an appointment for sterilization. He was
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100. Steps
Isaac’s pov Emmy’s moans were music to my ears. She moved in sync with my hand, rubbing herself against my finger. “Almost,” she said, sounding like she had been holding her breath. I loved that I could make her feel so good that she forgot to do something as basic as breathe. My instinct was to speed up, but I knew once I had the right pace down, I needed to stick to this rhythm for her to cum. Goddess, she looked good, the way her mouth opened and her eyes closed. the way her nipples perked as I softly pulled on one and then the other. And then, out of nowhere, I felt something soft against my dick. I stopped touching her, surprised at the foreign feeling. “No, Isaac. Please, don’t stop.” Emmy said, and she stuck her hand inside my pants until she found my erect cock. Honestly, I wanted nothing more than for Emmy to touch me. But only if she wanted to. If there was one thing that was a boner killer to me, it was the idea of Emmy doing something sexually against her will. ‘Yo
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101. Training
Emmy’s pov“Ready to start?” Isaac asked me very early in the morning. I didn’t want to wake up yet. The bed was warm and nice, and I could feel how cold it was outside because my nose was freezing.I pushed my nose against Isaac’s back, snuggling closer.“I know what you’re doing, but you said you wanted to train.” Isaac turned around and looked at me with his amazing smile. His smile was always genuine. It wasn’t perfect, and that was precisely why it was perfect.Nobody had told him that he could smile fully, or people would see his gums, like they did with me. Nobody told him that if he smiled too much, his eyes would squint, and that wasn’t a good look. Nobody told Isaac that if he smiled, people might notice his teeth weren’t all the same color and make him wear whitening strips every night.‘Your parents were horrible,’ Meave said, and while my first instinct was to defend them, there was nothing to defend. If I ever had a pup with Isaac, I would shower him or her with love. I
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102. Jackass
Argo’s pov Grandpa Os and Grandma Lily were walking towards the packhouse. Taking advantage of this moment, I ran towards them, jumping straight into my grandpa’s arms. He growled, yet he put his arms around my back to make sure I didn’t fall down. “I see having a mate didn’t make you any less weird.” He growled before slowly putting down. “If anything, Mila has only made me more weird. That girl loves me for who I am, grandpa. You should fucking try it.” I teased. “I do love you, -“ grandpa Os started, but Grandma grabbed his arm softly to stop him. “Argo is kidding, Os. He was teasing you.” “I know I’m your favorite.” I said with a wink before walking them to the packhouse. “You’re not, actually,” Grandpa countered. “Elora is. She’s the only one that hasn’t gotten into any trouble.” “Yeah, she did. She got kidnapped once, didn't she? Twice, if you count when she was taken to the fucking school. Isaac is the one who never gets into trouble.” I replied, missing the fucker. He w
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103. Control
Brax’s pov While I hated that Argo talked about having sex with my sister, I was glad the idiot was here. Not just for comic relief. He also had a great mind when it came to planning battles. Not that I would tell him that in a room full of his family. I don’t want his head to get too big. The guy is already arrogant as it is. I knew if it were up to Argo, we would charge right up there and take care of Emmy’s parents and that bastard Beta Jackson. ‘I prefer Jackass, like Argo said,’ my wolf Hudson said. The guy should have died a long time ago. There wasn’t a good bone in his body, as far as I was concerned. Not only had Beta Jackson been sleeping with his Luna while still mated. He had tried to kill Aeryn and Storm. Then trained Jace to be the bastard he became. Of course, there were other circumstances that made Jace the man he was, but I still blamed Beta Jackson. If Jace could do these things to Airk and Emmy, then what was his teacher capable of? “We should talk to Emmelin
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