All Chapters of Alpha Brax. Double Trouble at The Blood Rock Pack: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
143 Chapters
77. Try
Brax’s pov Goddess, he looked good. I know it’s not the right time or place to look at Airk’s body, but I haven’t seen him naked in months, and he still looks just as amazing as when I fell for him the first time. ‘Or only time,’ Hudson said, wrapping his body around Airk to keep him safe and warm. I knew Airk would need me; he was just too stubborn to ask, so I was ready to go as soon as Argo mindlinked me. While Argo meant well, he could fuck situations up easily. Sometimes Airk needed fewer words and more comfort. So I stayed in my wolf’s form, letting Airk touch my fur and keeping him close, until the drugs wore out. Airk scent was a bit stronger, but I did not feel his wolf like last time. But this was just a trial run; who knew what would happen once Airk tried this under a full moon? - - - - - - I woke up in the woods, having shifted back, with Airk in my arms. Both of us really naked, and my dick very present. It was impossible not to get hard when I was this close to my
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78. Fine Line
Airk’s pov I can’t believe I just did that. I held onto Brax, hugging him tightly, feeling such relief. ‘This is how it’s supposed to be,’ Kael’s voice said. ‘You’re back! Did the ceremony work?’ ‘No.’ Kael replied, and I could sense how weak he still was. “Do I need to try again?’ I asked, unsure of what way I could help my wolf. ‘You need to heal, and so do I. I am not strong enough.’ Was all that Kael answered. Which didn’t give me much. Heal how? ‘I will explain everything one day. But I need to go back.’ Kael added, making even less sense. ‘Back where?’ Kael poured his love through the bond, ‘back to the Goddess. I am with her.’ Did that mean he’s dead? I mean, people only go to the moon goddess once they’re dead. So how can he be talking to me? ‘Kael?’ But he was already gone. I moved back, looking at Brax. He stared at me, and I knew he must have felt Kael’s presence too. “He told me he’s not strong enough yet, but he’s trying to come back. He’s with her….” I said
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79. Dumb
Argo’s pov “So, how is he?” Brax asked me. “Aren’t you supposed to know that?” I replied, raising my eyebrow. “Argo….” Brax growled. “He’s okay. He’s just scared, I guess. I’ll fucking talk to him tonight.” Brax sighed, his hands in his hair, looking like he was so fucking tired. “Tomorrow is the Blood Moon.” “I know; I’ll fucking talk to him, okay?” Airk and Brax seemed fine from the outside. They kissed and held hands, but there was this weird fucking tension, and it wasn’t their usual sexual tension. It was something else. Of course, I had talked to Airk and heard the whole fucking story. Blow jobs in the woods, shower sex. I mean, he didn’t go into details, but he told me enough to paint a picture that I didn’t want to see. ‘You asked!’ Stark growled inside my head, protective of my brother. I did fucking ask. Airk and I had always shared everything, but sex was something private, and it was different. We could talk about it, but going into details was a bit too fucking m
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80. Goddess
Airk’s pov Stupid Argo. Why would he say all these to me the night before the ritual? Maybe I just shouldn’t do it. I mean, it wouldn’t work anyway. Why would the Moon Goddess help me now, since she’s ruined everything for me so far? I sat in our room, waiting for Brax to return. Why would he have told Argo about the biting? He must have really hated it, but he kept saying he didn’t. But why else mention it? Nothing seemed to work to calm me down—not a shower, not a run—and I just waited for Brax to come back. Maybe his being near me would work. The door of our room opened, and I blurted out, “you told Argo.” “Told him what?” Brax said surprised. “That I bit you.” Brax growled, “the bastard acted like he already knew.” “Why would you tell him?” I asked, feeling mortified. Brax sighed, “because you won’t talk about it with me. You were moving ahead, and since that happened, you’ve been closed off and unwilling to talk to me about anything deep.” “That’s not true.” I countere
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81. Together
Brax’s povAfter arguing with Airk, I went to my gym and hit the bag until I felt better. I was hitting the bag for hours when I realized it wasn’t working. Airk and I needed to talk this out, and no amount of boxing would fix this.‘You told him we're mates,’ Hudson said, speaking to me the first time since I left our room. He knew I needed quiet to clear my head.‘Yes, now the ball is in his court.’‘But it might scare him even more,’ Hudson argued.I knew it could. It wasn’t a conscious decision to tell him, but holding in the fact that he was my mate felt like lying. Pretending things were fine was lying too.Things between Airk and me weren’t fine because we were both holding back out of fear. I was scared to hurt him, and he was scared of giving himself fully to me. I understood why, even if it did hurt at times. I would never hurt Airk, but this wasn’t about me, but about him.I crawled into bed next to Airk, putting my arms around him. I have never loved anyone the way I did Ai
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82. Blood Moon
Airk’s pov Why I suddenly felt brave enough to take this next step was a question I had been asking myself all night. I was still scared. Really scared. And it wasn’t because I thought I’d get Kael back, but it felt like something that needed to happen. For me and for Brax. And once I had decided that this was what we were going to do, it was like a button had been pressed inside my head. This was my decision, and it was final. I could do this. I let go of all the fear and anxiety and tried to stay in the moment. It wasn’t until I marked Brax that I suddenly realized what we had done. ‘Perhaps the drugs getting out of your system helped too.’ Kael said. Yeah. I got Kael back! Through our new bond, I could feel Brax. I could feel his love for me and his happiness at being marked by me, and I wished he would be able to feel the same. When Brax offered to hug me when he marked me, it was the perfect solution. It was so intimate, the way he held me as he slowly marked me. Honestly,
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83. Prepare
Mila’s pov Argo was so excited that his feelings woke me up through the bond. I looked around the room to see that he was already gone. Did he let me sleep in? ‘He’s so sweet,’ Leysa said, sounding so in love. I couldn’t blame my wolf; I was feeling the same way. Things between Argo and me were good. Really good, and I wondered if it would always be this easy. The sex was great—no better than great; the work was awesome; and he was a super mate. There are no other words to describe my pretty boy other than perfect. ‘Well, he does fart in his sleep,’ Leysa countered, and I laughed out loud at her words. He did, but somehow it didn’t matter to me. He was still perfect. I stretched my arms before I mindlinked Argo. ‘What has gotten you so excited?’ ‘Fuck, you were supposed to sleep in, sunshine.’ I didn’t mind waking up; I could always go to bed early tonight. Leysa laughed at my words, ‘I doubt Argo will let you sleep tonight.’ ‘I couldn’t sleep when I could feel how excited you
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84. Twins
Argo’s pov Dinner was fucking great, but all I could think of was that little apron. I knew Mila would rock that fucking look, and I was going to rock her fucking world. ‘Stop being so damn horny,’ Mila scolded me using our mindlink. ‘We’re eating!’ I smirked, seeing the faint blush on her cheek. Whatever I was feeling, she was feeling too, and I could already smell her arousal in the air. But not to embarrass my mate further, I decided to focus on my brother, who was seated next to me. “Stark is really fucking excited to see his brother.” I told Airk. “We could leave early and let them run? Just the two of us.” Airk suggested, and I loved that even now that he was marked, he still made time for me. It wasn't like I hadn't made time for him, but things were different now. Airk was just marked and mated and well, basically in the honeymoon phase. All you could think about in that phase was fucking, and, well, fucking. I imagined all Brax and Airk had on their brain was sex. ‘I g
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85. Isaac
Isaac’s pov “I am so fucking happy for Airk.” Argo told me over the phone. “It’s a big fucking step.” “It is.” I replied, happy for my friends. Both of them got the mates they deserved, and especially after everything Airk went through, I was glad things were going well with Alpha Brax. I missed my friends, though. We weren’t just best friends, we were cousins, and we grew up together. It had always been the three of us. Hazel often joined our little group once she was rescued from the School but when Argo and I both started having a crush on her, it complicated things. But now Hazel is gone too. She moved to Eli’s pack, and it was just me that was left. “So, how are things with you? I’m fucking sorry for not calling sooner, but with everything that’s happening around here, it’s just been crazy busy.” Argo said. I didn’t blame him. He was the gamma of the Blood Rock pack, and the soldiers needed a lot more training than ours did. “It’s fine. Does Aunt Leia know?” Argo chuckled,
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86. Serve
Emmy’s pov “Isaac will be joining you.” Lady Kate told me, smiling at me. “Okay,” was all I could answer. Lady Kate and former Beta Sierra had been so nice to me; the entire pack had. Even after what I did, they still treated me with kindness. But I knew where their loyalties lay—with their son and daughter. Liv had been really nice to me as well and had even let me borrow some of her clothes. When I left the Winter Bone pack, I didn't have anything with me but the clothes on my back. While former Alpha Osiris and former Luna Lily had offered to bring me some of the clothing from my old closet, it felt wrong to take them. They were bought by Alpha Jace and weren't my property. “Is it really okay?” Former Beta Sierra asked, trying to get me to talk. But she and I both knew I wasn’t going to tell them the truth. Of course, it wasn’t okay. How could it be? Isaac is my mate, but he doesn’t want me. And why should he want me? I am damaged goods. My virginity is gone, and I am not abl
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