All Chapters of Alpha Brax. Double Trouble at The Blood Rock Pack: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
143 Chapters
69. Sixty-Nine
Mila’s pov I always knew sex would be awesome. My brother always told me about all his conquests in way too much detail. But I never suspected that once I had sex, I would want it all the damn time. I couldn’t keep my hands from Argo, and while I loved seeing everyone, I kept thinking about last night and this morning. ‘Keep that up, Sunshine, and I’m fucking you right now in the middle of this fucking dance floor.’ Argo said, feeling my arousal through the bond. ‘If I can fucking smell you, so can the rest.’ He growled huskily. ‘Want to sneak into a bathroom, and I’ll give you a quickie to get your mind back on this damn party?’ I so desperately wanted to say yes, but at that moment, Eve and Charlotte came back into the room. ‘So what’s the deal with those two talking to Airk?’ I asked, still mind-linking my mate. Everyone here could hear anything, and I had no clue if this was something private. ‘They both had fucking horrible mates. Charlotte killed hers. First, she rejected
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70. Steps
Airk’s pov It’s been a few weeks since the day I joined the pack and accepted the title of Luna. In my mind, it’s still temporary. While Brax tries to show me he loves me every day and lets me know I am no less without Kael, it doesn’t feel like that to me. Throughout my life, I have met and grown up with so many strong Lunas. They stand beside their alpha with confidence and often fight beside him too. Mom had fought along with Dad, although he usually went out alone. But in my case, there is no choice but to stay behind. I might still be stronger than your average human, and I still have the Omari genes, making me a better fighter than most. But I am not going to be useful in a war. But it’s not just that I don’t have a wolf. If that was it, I’d probably accept the title, knowing my brother and sister would be there to protect the pack instead of me. It’s me. I’m not enough. Brax seems to be fine with holding my hand and falling asleep while holding me, but it’s been weeks and w
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71. Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder.
Argo’s pov "Can I talk to you?" Airk asked me, looking nervous. I had planned on watching one episode of our favorite show and then fucking Mila until we both couldn’t walk anymore and had told Mila as such, but she gave me a kind smile, letting me know it was fine. "Sure," I replied, and Mila stood up from the couch. Brax had given me this room from the moment I started as their gamma, and it wasn’t like the other guest rooms. Our room is divided into two areas. One is where our bed is, and the other is a small sofa with a TV and desk. We have a walk-in closet, a big fucking bathroom, and a small fridge for snacks and drinks, so I don’t have to go down to the kitchen when my lovely mate is feeling pekkish. "Mindlink me when you’re done; I’ll go down and watch something in the living room." Mila said, before waving at Airk. "I’m sorry; I mean, I don’t want to get in the way of your plans." Airk started, and I put up my hand. "Mila knows we’re a combo-deal. Besides, absence makes
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72. Angry.
Brax’s pov Things were weird after Kael was there for a moment, and I needed to talk to Airk about it. Maybe if he knew what happened when I sensed Kael, he would see it as a sign that things would be okay. I walked towards Argo’s room, smelling Airk’s scent there, and opened the door slightly before hearing Airk say that he didn’t want another mate. He sounded so angry, and I quickly closed the door, hoping they hadn’t heard me. ‘Maybe he will still be happy,’ Hudson said. ‘Maybe it will give him some trust back in the Moon Goddess.’ ‘Or maybe it will make him more distant? Maybe it will make Airk scared of our relationship. We had just taken a step forward; what if telling him the truth would make him take three steps back? What if he doesn’t want me at all?’ I asked my wolf. ‘He’s our mate!’ Hudson growled. He is. Airk is my second chance mate. There was no doubt in my mind. I had felt these sparks between us before. But they were so brief that I wasn't sure what they meant. B
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Hi. I had a crappy day. Everything went wrong. I locked myself out of the house, thankfully my sister lives nearby. I forgot everything today and was so clumsy. So instead of writing for the stories that I am actually under contract for, I decided to do something else. I have this idea for a new story and there's no pressure to be good, since it's just for fun at this point. So I decided to write the first chapter of a new story, hoping it would get me out of the bad mood I was in. And I thought maybe you would to read it. It's free of course. :) I even made some pictures, if you'd like to see what they look like. Yes, I know, bad use of my time, but honestly I am in a much better use now, so I see it as a win. ;) I will try to write for Alpha Brax later. Let me know what you think. :) I was thinking to call it: Mommy Is Mated to the Alpha King. - - - - - - Ripley’s pov Coming home used to feel cozy and warm, like an autumn day where you’d crawl under a blanket in front of t
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73. Back Home
Airk’s pov "Mom, we’re home." Argo yelled the minute we stepped into the packhouse. But it didn’t feel like home anymore, which was so strange. All my life, this was our home, and a few months in the Blood Rock pack had changed that. Or maybe it was because my home was now wherever Brax was. Mom came running down the stairs, and I was worried she’d fall down. That woman isn’t really graceful most of the time. She jumped the last few chairs and tried to hug us both at the same time, not realizing her arms were too short. In her mind, we were still two little boys, but in reality, we had outgrown her a long time ago. "My boys." Mom said with tears in her eyes. "You don’t even know how fucking often I have begged Ash to ask you to come back here." "Mom…." "I know, Argo. I know you’re a big shot now, and you’re not coming back. Airk is a Luna, but I don’t fucking care. I wish you could stay here forever." "We love you too, mom." I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You look be
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I told myself that I was only allowed to write for the new story if I wrote a chapter for either this one or the Luna Prophecy first. So, since I uploaded a chapter for both today and yesterday and some of you asked for more.... here is another chapter for Mommy is mated to the Alpha King. working title ;) I wanted another grumpy alpha, so meet Cas. Of course he has a sad backstory that I still have to figure out and he's clearly not perfect, but I think he'll grow on us, just like Osiris did. ***** Cassius’ pov "So you want me to book the same hotel as last time, Cas?" My beta asked me. He and my sister were the only ones that were allowed to call me Cas, and only in private. I had known my beta Zaid since we met at school when we were four years old. ‘So twenty-five years ago,’ my wolf Aziel added. ‘And ten years of that friendship, you’ve been looking for our mate and failing.’ I growled at my wolf, my aura leaking out of me, making Zaid bow his head, showing his submission
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74. Singular Event
Argo’s pov “We’re not seriously going to sit around a fucking campfire." Grandpa Os laughed, “it’s just a barbeque, Argo, and you know Cyrus loves some roasted marshmallow.” “So we’re not going to do that whole thing where we all sit and talk around the fucking fire?” Dad chuckled, “well, we are. But count your blessings; this time we’re not here to discuss you.” Dad stood up and joined Grandpa Os behind the big barbecue. Mom, Airk, and both my grandmas were in the kitchen making salad and other shit to eat. It did feel fucking good knowing that for once nobody was disappointed in me. ‘For once? That’s exaggerating just a bit, isn’t it?’ Stark said. ‘They have only tried to help you.’ I know. I knew my parents loved me, but that didn’t mean I often felt like I was a failure. I often felt like I was the lesser brother. Not to say, Airk was now the lesser brother. Ah, fuck this; you know what I mean. It’s nice not to be the subject of the fucking family meeting. Storm sat down b
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75. Dinosaur
Airk’s pov “Do you want to actually go there or just do a video call, because either is fine with me.” Dad asked. “How long would it take?” “Not long, but if Johan is anything like his father or grandfather, he’ll have a lot to say and a lot of research to read through.” I sighed, “So call first and see if it’s needed." I really didn’t want to be away from Brax any longer than I needed to. Pushing Brax away was something I had done to protect myself, but also him. Why would he want someone as damaged as me? But the more time we spent together, the more I realized that Brax didn’t care how damaged I was. He just wanted to be around me, and being away from him was hurting him more than sticking around. But I never realized what Brax was doing for my mental health. Of course, I realized that I slept better when I was around Brax, but now that I was actually a few hours away, it was clear that it was so much more than that. Being around him was enough to calm me and make me feel bett
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76. Starfish
Argo’s pov “Are you ready to go back, because I fucking am.” I asked my brother. Airk nodded but seemed unsure. “What is it, spill?" “I didn’t see Isaac. I wanted to, but I was scared.” Airk admitted. “Scared of what? It’s Isaac; that silly motherfucker is harmless.” “It’s Emmeline. You saw how I reacted to Storm; what if I had a worse reaction to her? It wouldn’t be her fault, but it could do damage. I don’t know how she’s doing.” “Because you’re too scared to ask? You're not responsible for her. It wasn’t your fucking fault that man has a side piece.” I said, and I knew right away that wasn’t the right thing to say. Airk growled, “she was going to be his Luna. She is just as much a victim; she was just better at acting than I was. She pretended to like everything he did to her, knowing no one would come for her. The only reason I felt safe enough to speak up was because I was taught to. And because I had people in my corner.” “But she has Isaac now, well, sort of." I said. “
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